Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Andro- The Prefix Thats All Man
Andro- The Prefix Thats All Man Andro- The Prefix Thats All Man Andro- The Prefix Thats All Man By Sharon Andro- derives from the Greek andros (man) and denotes anything thats male or masculine (and you thought that was testosterone 🙂 ) Its given us several words, many of them scientific or biological: andranatomy the dissection or structure of the male body androcentric regarding men as being primary or central androcephalic having a mans head upon an animals body androcracy political rule by men androcyte a male sex cell androgen a steroid/hormone that promotes the development male sexual organs and characteristics androgynous having both male and female characteristics; also applies in botany. Dont confuse this with androgenous, a biological term which means producing male offspring only android a robot that looks like a human andrology the study of diseases that affect men (sometimes called andriatry or andriatics) andromorphous having a mans shape androsterone a steroid hormone produced by men Find many more examples here. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:4 Types of Gerunds and Gerund Phrases16 Misquoted QuotationsHyphenation in Compound Nouns
Saturday, November 23, 2019
When To Keep That
When To Keep That When To Keep â€Å"That†When To Keep â€Å"That†By Maeve Maddox Since the 9th century, the word that has been one of the most frequently used words in the English language. It functions as pronoun, adjective, adverb, and conjunction. A browser search for â€Å"that†brings up 14,490,000,000 hits. Small wonder so many copy editors do their best to stamp out that whenever possible. One editor tells his authors to search their manuscript for all uses of the word that and then â€Å"Evaluate each and delete 95% with no loss of meaning.†I’d say that 95% is a bit high, but writers can reduce the number in a great many instances without loss of meaning. On the other hand, that should not be purged blindly in a misguided effort to save words. The following statement by a police spokesman quoted in a newspaper account illustrates the natural use of that in spoken English: We have to make sure that there is nobody inside any house; theres always the potential that our suspects have fled into a house that was occupied, which is why its highly important to us to make sure thats not the case. Four thats occur in this sentence: 1. conjunction introducing a noun clause that is the direct object of â€Å"to make sure.†2. conjunction introducing a fuller explanation of the noun potential. 3. relative pronoun standing for house and introducing the adjective clause â€Å"that was occupied†4. demonstrative pronoun, subject of is (â€Å"that is not the case†). Two thats can be dropped without loss of meaning: We have to make sure there is nobody inside any house; theres always the potential our suspects have fled into a house that was occupied, which is why its highly important to us to make sure thats not the case. A third that can be eliminated with a slight rewording: We have to make sure there is nobody inside any house; theres always the potential our suspects have fled into an occupied house, which is why its highly important to us to make sure thats not the case. How does one decide whether to keep or omit that? Clarity is the main consideration. Will the reader understand the sentence without it? Some readers may stumble over a missing that. A writer’s preferred style is another determining factor. My own style tends to be rather heavy on the use of that. For example, I would probably keep that after potential in the original quotation. A writer may feel that a sentence flows more smoothly with that than without it. That can usually be omitted after the verb say: Dickens said that he wrote A Christmas Carol as a â€Å"pot-boiler.†Dickens said he wrote A Christmas Carol as a â€Å"pot-boiler.†But even with the verb say, if an adverbial element intervenes between the verb and the clause, that is needed: Dickens said in an interview that he wrote A Christmas Carol as a â€Å"pot-boiler.†Dickens said years later that he wrote A Christmas Carol as a â€Å"pot-boiler.†When in doubt, keep the that. As it says in The AP Stylebook, â€Å"Omission can hurt. Inclusion never does.†Use that to introduce a clause that follows any of the following verbs: advocate assert contend declare estimate make clear point out propose state Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:36 Adjectives Describing LightProved vs. ProvenProverb vs. Adage
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Compare and contrast two different management styles and assess how Essay
Compare and contrast two different management styles and assess how they can affect employee motivation - Essay Example As identified by Prucell (1987), cited in Blyton and Tumbull (1992; 256), ‘management style is an extra dimension linked to wider business policy, and at the least, related to guiding principles which infuse management behaviour in dealing with employees.’ Management style is also decided by the organizational culture, local culture, customs, and social dynamics. Based on different traits and behavioural aspects possessed by the business owners, four distinct management styles have been identified by Dr. Rensis Likert: autocratic, paternalistic, democratic and laissez-faire management style (Calvert, Coles & Bailey, 1995). Autocratic management style is considered as one of the oldest styles, with business owners or managers keeping most of the authority to themselves. Their decision making does not involve their staff. These managers are habitual of giving orders and take charge of work and get it done with authority. They are extremely quick in decision making whenever required. Paternalistic management style, usually seen in organizations promoting the familial control and management, share many of the size and ownership characteristics of autocratic type, but they tend to have much more positive attitude towards their employees. Employee consultation is a high priority, and more preference is given to staff retention and reward systems (Gennard & Judge 2005). Democratic management style adopts the employee-participation aspect in most of the management decisions. Though employees are encouraged to actively participate in decision making, the final right to approval still rests with the business owner. This style is best suited in organizations or teams with highly skilled workers that require minimal supervision. The positive aspects of this management style are feelings of belonging, pride, and high commitment. This approach can spew out employees’ ideas,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Government and Business (ECONOMICS) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Government and Business (ECONOMICS) - Case Study Example In order to fully understand and explore the question of whether Microsoft has the monopoly over the personal computer operating system or not, one must understand the dynamics behind the market structure of monopoly besides understanding what anti-competitive practices have been employed by Microsoft to capture the market and gain the leading position in operating systems market in the world. Further, it is also critical to understand that the question of Microsoft monopoly shall also be viewed in a broader perspective of antitrust laws and regulations and the perceived role of government in creating legislative environment which discourages such practices. This paper will attempt to understand and explore the question of whether the Microsoft has the monopoly power in the PC operating systems market in the world. And if yes, did Microsoft maintain this through using anticompetitive practices. "Microsoft Corporation develops, manufactures, licenses and supports a range of software products for computing devices." (NY TIMES). This description of Microsoft virtually covers everything for which the firm is famous for. Technically, Microsoft is a software developer which develops different software such as operating systems to run the personal computer machines, Office suites including helping to accomplish different tasks such as word processing, spreadsheet analyses, presentations etc. It is however, critical to mention that Microsoft has successfully developed itself as a firm with diversified portfolio of software as well as hardware products. It not only has huge presence in software market but also manufactures and develops Xbox- a gaming portal and Zune- a new MP3 player. Established in 1975 as Microsoft by Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen, the new company was initially established in order to provide DOS based operating system to IBM's newly developed personal computer. Microsoft developed its first Windows bases operating system during 1983. This new operating system was potentially aimed at removing the deficiencies of the old MS- DOS and provide a more flexible and robust operating system which can cater to the needs of different users according to their own requirements. It is critical to note that at the time of introduction of this new Windows based operating system which worked on the Graphical User Interface (GUI) basis, Apple Computers was already in the market and was developing its own operating system to be sold with its own brand of personal computers. As the market for personal computers market soared, the demand for the Microsoft's operating system increased because of its relative ease and platform free nature which allowed Microsoft Windows to run on any personal computer machine. The era of 1990's saw an unprecedented growth in personal computers market and with the introduction of Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft virtually started its journey towards dominating the operating systems market in the world. The rapid increase in the demand for personal computers and relative ease and inexpensive nature of MS Windows software made a very explosive combination for users to get a comprehensive package. What is however, crit
Sunday, November 17, 2019
History of Public Health Systems Essay Example for Free
History of Public Health Systems Essay Public Health is about helping everyone to stay healthy rather than focusing specifically on the individual, with the aim to promote health, protecting individuals from threats to their health and preventing ill-health. Public health policies have made a significant impact in increasing a persons overall life expectancy and improving health. (Public Health) Public Health Strategies: Public health strategies are devised in order to prevent the spread of diseases, prolong life and promote health. This can be done through the use of monitoring, identifying, developing programmes etc. Monitoring the health status of the community – Is a key aspect of health strategies that are in place within the UK. This health strategy helps to monitor any changes that occur in the health of the population, along with alerting individuals to any potential problems. Health throughout the UK is monitored by quality of life, infant mortality rates and life expectancy (Baker L, 2008, BTEC National Health and Social Care Book 2, page 2) The monitoring of health throughout the country allows for advanced planning of local services within the community that may be at risk of certain health problems. The monitoring of health at a local level allows for information to be recorded before being compared to the health of other communities across the country. Local information on health is an important aspect as it is collected on a geographical basis throughout the UK, for example vaccination rates, hospital admissions etc. This is one way on health can be monitored, as in the cases of other communities they may have higher incidence rates of certain diseases whereas others may have low incidences of diseases. Communities that have a higher rate of disease are monitored further and health promotion campaigns will be developed before being put into effect in order to reduce the risk of disease spreading within the community. The health status of a community can vary throughout the nation and depend on a variety of factors, of which can include: Age Gender Socio-economic conditions Genetics Environmental factors Through the use of monitoring health changes any problems that may arise in the future within communities can be identified in advance in order for it to be prevented. For example the rise of sexually transmitted diseases within local communities would monitored in order to predict any potential problems that may occur in the future and stop them from taking place. Identifying the health needs of the population – The health of the nation is measured by using mortality and morbidity rates of which have indicated how people are now living longer than that of their predecessors. Identifying the health needs of the population is another important aspect of public health strategies within the UK; this takes place when trends and patterns in local communities across the nation are established. By identifying the health needs of individuals located in a particular community means that the need for services can therefore be identified. Patterns can be detected throughout the country through the use of national statistics. National statistics are used in order to determine how health can be improved and how areas of concern can be highlighted, along with the effects of ill health may be reduced and prevented. Patterns of illness and disease can possibly be the result of certain factors, of which include; genetics, environment, lifestyle, education etc. However some parts of the country may be more susceptible to certain illnesses and diseases than others due to the patterns that are outlined by the National Statistics and social trends information. Developing programmes to reduce risk and screen for early disease – Screening is the process of identifying apparently healthy people who may be at increased risk of a disease or condition. They can then be offered information, further tests and appropriate treatment to reduce their risk and/or any complications arising from the disease or condition. As defined by the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC). Health programmes are developed based on the information gathered by epidemiologists. An epidemiologist is a person who studies patterns of diseases or health risks in population groups, societies, and cultures. The Department of Health produces a green paper that proposes what the targets of health should be; and is based on these decisions as to how the government implement the findings. From this a white paper is produced, of which goes into detail as to how and what course of action is taken. An example of recent white papers can include ‘Our Healthy Nation’ and ‘Our Healthier Nation ‘ (1999). The aim of the white paper is to inform and protect members of the public by influencing social changes in regards to the health of the nation. (L, 2008, BTEC National Health and Social Care Book 2, page 4). Examples of current public health programmes include: Five a day campaign, MMR immunisation programme and the Local NHS Smoking Service. Controlling communicable disease – Controlling communicable diseases is an important aspect of public health strategies in the UK, of which ‘involves planning to include screening and early detection, isolation and treatment, containment, prevention and cure eradication where possible’. (Baker L, 2008, BTEC National Health and Social Care Book 2, page 7) The early detection of a disease can prove useful, as it can provide insight on the cause and the spread of the disease along with being able to highlight any potential risks that the disease may cause to an individual or group of people; especially in vulnerable people such as young children, and the elderly. Young children and the elderly are more susceptible to disease due to their immune system being much weaker than the average individual; therefore it is important in the early detection of an infection in order to stop this from occurring. Isolating individuals with communicable diseases enables to remain controlled, in order to reduce and prevent the risk of spreading the disease. A resident residing in a care home that was diagnosed with tuberculosis for example, would be moved to a room on their own, in order to ensure that the disease is not then passed to another service user within the home is one example. Containing a disease can occur at a national and local level; this can occur once the source of the infection has been identified and plan has been developed and put in place in order to reduce the risk of the disease reoccurring. The measures that are taken in which to contain the disease can vary from short, medium, to long term measures. (Baker L, 2008, BTEC National Health and Social Care Book 2, page 7) Short term measures – limited visiting, unnecessary travel, treatment and isolation Medium/long term measures – immunisation programme, appropriate medical treatment, educating individuals about the risks, eradicating incidence of disease where it proves possible to do so Eradicating disease is now becoming possible due to advances in research and technology. Advances in technology means that more is known about the causes of illness and disease along with how the disease is spread. This advance has been made possible through the use of early detection and surveillance, monitoring, screening, treatment and immunisation programmes, health education and promotion. (Baker L, 2008, BTEC National Health and Social Care Book 2, page 8) Promote the health of the population – Health promoters are tasked with the promoting the health of the population on a local and national scale. Health promoters are based in a variety of settings, such as, GP surgeries, drop-in centres, radio, magazines and schools. They are prioritised on local need and the availability of funding for the necessary resources. These priorities can be identified through the number of reported illnesses and diseases through local statistics. Any illnesses or diseases taken from the statistics prove to be either life threatening or cause an individual to spend a substantial amount of time in hospital would then be given top priority in the promoting of health. Individuals who may be overweight can potentially be at risk of coronary heart disease later on in life. The health promoter would thereby ensure that diets and exercise are promoted through the use of proper channel on both a local and national level. Planning and evaluating the national provision of health and social care – The National provision of Health and Social care within the UK is planned and evaluated by the National Health Service and Social Services. This is based on the information provided by health and social care professionals on a local, regional and national scale across the UK. The government have produced guidelines and information to state how they will tackle the problems controlling and preventing infectious disease spread. (Baker L, 2008, BTEC National Health and Social Care Book 2, page 8) The strategies outlined in the guidelines by the government are a series of proposed actions in order to create a system in which to prevent, investigate and control the threat of infectious diseases and to address health protection on a wider scale. M1 Describe the origins of public health policy in the UK from the 19th century to the present day. In this essay I will compare two different health measures in the 19th century and how they have made an impact on society today. I am also going to compare and explain the living conditions of towns and cities in the 19th, 20th and 21st century. Public health has developed considerably over the years and the changes that have occurred overtime reflect on the health concerns of the nation during each time period. These changes are what have produced the Public Health system that is currently in place today. Over the year’s vast amounts of medical knowledge of today’s health professionals have increased in response as to how diseases are spread, along with the advances in medicine that have aided in helping to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases. During the 19th century the living conditions were exceedingly poor and there were various health issues of which include overcrowding in housing and overcrowding in general, thereby resulting in the spread of disease. The Poor Law Act (1834) was established in 1834. The Poor Law was designed in order to reduce the cost of looking after the poor and impose a system which would be the same all across the country. The industrial revolution led to the development of towns and cities across the UK. The population of the nation had increased rapidly once the Poor Law Act was implemented. The country’s poverty relief system had not been amended since 1601, before finally coming into play as a result of Edwin Chadwick, John Snow. The Public Health Act was first implemented in 1848 in order to ensure that sanitary conditions were provided for in populated areas across the UK. In response to the Public Health Act 1848 The General Board of Health was developed so as to ensure that all public health policies that were administered were carried out as effectively as possible. Edwin Chadwick was the first commissioner of the board. The implementation of the act allowed for authorities working with civil engineers and medics to improve sanitation. (Baker L, 2008, BTEC National Health and Social Care Book 2, page 14) Edwin Chadwick (1800-1890) was accredited for his work on the reformation of the Poor Law. Edwin Chadwick was appointed by the government to carry out investigations and research into current sanitation. Chadwick wrote a report outlining his findings known as ‘The Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring Population’ published in 1842. In his report Chadwick argued that disease had a direct link to living conditions. After the report was produced new measures were taken in order to help promote the safe disposal of human waste and rubbish. Chadwick believed that poor sanitary conditions caused disease. John Snow (1813-1858) was a British physician commended for his work in relation to the cholera outbreak in 1854. Snow was an anaesthetist and epidemiologist interested in the practices of cleanliness and hygiene put in place to help prevent disease. Snow formed the link between the cholera outbreak to the contaminated water residing in the water pump in Broad Street. In 1854, Snow identified that a water pump in Broad Street located near one of the cess pits was what was contaminating the water; thereby linking the Broad Street pump as the outbreak site of the disease. Higher mortality rates were linked to the Broad Street pump. He had the handle of the pump removed, and cases of cholera immediately began to diminish. Throughout the 20th century more Acts and Reforms were put in place in order to reduce the risk of spreading infection that led to illness and disease among the UK population. This included; Beveridge Report (1942), NHS (1946), Black Report (1980), Acheson Report (1998), Our Health Nation (1997), Saving Lives: Our Healthier Nation (1999). William Beveridge (1879-1963) produced ‘The Beveridge Report’ in 1942, which went on to become the basis of a series of reforms after the Second World War, by looking into way on reducing inequalities in the health care provision. This report has been used as the foundation for most social legislation. The Beveridge Report was a major influence in the introduction of The Welfare State along with The National Health Service founded in 1949. The Beveridge report focused on sanitation and ways to improve and change the educational standards of areas which were highly affected by poverty. The report suggested that the working class gave a share of their wages in order to aid those who did not work, those of which who were either sick, unemployed, retired or widowed were then given these contributions. The government tasked Beveridge with the developing a report that was based on the ways that Britain should be rebuilt once the Second World War ended. The report was published in 1942 and provided recommendations to the government in order to find ways of tackling the five ‘Giant Evils’ known as ‘Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness.’ Edwin Chadwick 1842, William Beveridge 1942 and the White Paper Report: making healthier choices easier attempted to improve overall public health. Whereas Chadwick focused on poverty, Beveridge focused on sanitation and the White Paper was specific to health. Beveridge and the White Paper Report: making healthier choices easier focused on poverty and how it affected a persons overall health. Whereas in the Beveridge report he chose to write about The Welfare State, whilst the White Paper talked about reducing inequalities to health. John Snow and the White Paper Report both used statistics in order to provide evidence in order to give insight into the condition of public health and what need attention before giving suggestions on how to improve it. Works Cited Public Health. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.gov.uk/government/topics/public-health. Wright, J., Williams, R., Wilkinson, J. (1998, April 28 ). BMJ Health needs assessment. British Medical Journal, 1310-1313. Anon, (2014). [online] Available at: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/lesson08.htm) [Accessed 3 Oct. 2014]. Bbc.co.uk, (2014). BBC History Historic Figures: John Snow (1813 1858). [online] Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/snow_john.shtml [Accessed 3 Oct. 2014]. Bbc.co.uk, (2014). BBC History William Beveridge. [online] Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/beveridge_william.shtml [Accessed 3 Oct. 2014]. Spartacus Educational, (2014). Edwin Chadwick. [online] Available at: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PHchadwick.htm [Accessed 3 Oct. 2014]. wiseGEEK, (2014). What is an Epidemiologist? (with pictures). [online] Available at: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-an-epidemiologist.htm [Accessed 4 Oct. 2014].
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Slaughterhouse Five Essay -- essays research papers
Novel Summary Billy Pilgrim is unstuck in time, and so is Slaughterhouse Five. Novel follows Billy's "unhinged" life. If I write every hop, skip, and jump, the summary would be as complicated as the book. These are the basic facts of Pilgrim's life; they are shown in chronological order (but are definitely not in the book): Billy Pilgrim is born in 1922 and grows up in Ilium, New York. He is a funny-looking youth, he does reasonably well in high school, enrolls in night classes at the Ilium School of Optometry, and is soon drafted into the army and the Second World War. He serves as a chaplain's assistant, then is thrown into the Battle of the Bulge, and almost immediately gets taken prisoner behind German lines. Just before being captured, though, he becomes unstuck in time for the first time. He sees all of his life in one sweep. Billy is transported with other privates to the city of Dresden. There, the prisoners are made to work for their stay. They are kept in a forme r slaughterhouse. Allied forces bomb the city, then drop gasoline to create a firestorm that sucks most of the oxygen into the blaze, suffocating or burning 130,000 people. Billy and his fellow POWs survive in an airtight meat locker. They emerge to find, "a moonscape of destruction". Several days later, Russian forces capture the city and Billy's help in the war is over. He returns to Ilium and finishes optometry school. He gets engaged to the daughter of the founder of the school. Afte...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
History of Accounting Indicates That Accounting Process Has Evolved
The American Accounting Association defined accounting as:†the process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit informed judgments and decisions by the users of the information†(Aryasri, 2008). The history of accounting indicates that accounting process has evolved throughout the history. Although, identification, measurement and communication still remain as core activities of accounting process, the methods of doing them have significantly changed. What was once considered to be acceptable in the past may not be suitable for today as its environment has changed. However, the demand for changes usually comes from the environment rather than accounting profession itself. History has shown that unless there is a severe demand for changing, the natural tendency of accounting profession is to follow the convention. This has been proven by the era of stagnation. During this period, despite the invention of double entry accounting process and its advantages, businesses were redundant to adopt. However, when the industrial revolution took place, there was a great increase in the number of corporation which demanded further developments in accounting process. Many companies which are unable to adopt the accounting changes have failed badly. Nevertheless, through these failures, the problems in accounting process have been recognized and addressed promptly. For example, the problem of not distinguishing between capital and revenue and the allocation of asset depreciation to expenses were identified by the collapses of many railway companies. Accountants were then required to distinguish between capital and revenue items, measure the value of fixed assets, and determine depreciation rates (Hooper, Davey, Liyanarachchi & Prescott, 2008).. In the same sense, in today’s ever changing business environment, accounting process will face a great deal of challenges and demands, it is certain that accounting process will continue to evolve in order to adapt the changing environment. The implications of paragraph 12 of the New Zealand Framework can be summarized into answers to three interrelated questions below:What are financial statements to be prepared? 2. Who are they prepared for? 3. What is the purpose of the financial statements? First, there three types of information the preparers should be able to prepare according to the framework: 1. information which reflects the financial position of an entity, the balance sheet presents this kind of information; 2. information which indicates an entity’s financial perf ormance, which normally refers to as an income statement; 3. nformation that reflects changes in financial position, cash flow statement provides this kind of information (Deegan, 2009). Secondly, it is also important for preparers to consider who the users are and identify the potential users. Because different users require different information as they may make different decisions. However, â€Å"A wide range of users†the framework here stated, it is defined by framework that include: investors, employees, lenders, suppliers and trade creditors, customers, governments and their agencies, and public (Drever, Stanton & McGowan, 2007).Thirdly, it is important to make sure the financial statements have served their primary objective which is the information need of the users. In line with the decision-usefulness approach adopted by the current New Zealand Framework, when the preparers preparing financial statements they should always bear in mind that the financial statements they prepared should provide information that is useful to end-users in making economic decision. This includes providing information to help users to predict what may happen in the future and providing feedback on previous decision. Base the financial statements prepared by preparer, the users should be able to decide whether past decisions, and the information used to make them, were correct, and this can help they to make better decision in the future (Deegan, 2009). .
Saturday, November 9, 2019
FMC Green River Essay
FMC Green River, one of the plants of FMC Corporation presently experiences dilemma regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire plant with respect to other plants of FMC Corporation specifically FMC Aberdeen. Despite of the many year of FMC Green River in operation, it has been overtaken by a much younger company-FMC Aberdeen in terms of profitability and operating cost reduction rate. FMC Green River and FMC Aberdeen have different management orientations and plant operations. But despite of these differences, FMC Green River still faces the problem of having inefficient plant operations relative to FMC Aberdeen. In this regard, Ken Daily, FMC Green River manager, decided to study the possibility of using some of the management principles that FMC Aberdeen has been using for the past years of its operations. Organizational and Behavioral Analysis After a critical analysis of the case, Bob Lancaster and his â€Å"unorthodox†way of managing people would be the primary reason why FMC Aberdeen has been experiencing high productivity and efficiency since its establishment. The extensive recruitment process of FMC Aberdeen secured the said plant with dedicated yet skilled workers and has passion over taking initiatives in making the entire plant more productive. On the other hand, FMC Green River has a very opposite orientation than of FMC Aberdeen. There is no sense of group effort and teamwork on the floors of FMC Green River plus having more workers on a job area even if a few numbers of workers can finish the same job at the same quality level. Furthermore, wages of FMC Green River is relatively higher relative to other FMC Corporation’s plants all over the United States. Combining this fact with the information that job areas in FMC Green River can be performed by less number of people seems to be the reason behind they are performing inefficiently. They said plant pays workers that are really not contributing to the entire company. Worker-management and worker-worker relationship is also of low level since working stations of every worker are located far from one another thereby causing a less interaction between every employee. Ken Daily, though he encourages interaction between the management and the employees, still, given the fact that the working stations of every worker are located far from one another would only make his management style of being interactive and open fail. It has been identified that the structure of the plants of FMC Green River is already old and must be renovated and structured in such a way that every workers can interact with each in order for the management style of Daily and FMC Aberdeen to work in FMC Green River. The lax recruitment process of FMC Green River also contributed for the low productivity of their production floors since not all of the workers of FMC Green River are skilled enough to assume responsibilities in the said plant. Alternatives One of the possible alternatives that Daily must implement would be to renovate the structure of FMC Green River’s plants in such a way that the workers will have enough chances of interacting with one another thereby creating an avenue towards the development of sense of teamwork and group effort to attain higher quality output for the company (Binkley, 2007). Another possible alternative that FMC Green River could implement would be to review the performances of every employee and provide sanctions to those that have negative performances. Even though these employees are being protected by the labor union, still, with the basis of not conforming to the standards of FMC Green River, the management can right away fire those employees with low performance and productivity. On the other hand, FMC Green River management must provide incentives to those employees that able to surpass the expectations of the management. This will motivate every employees of the said plant to perform productively. FMC Green River must provide a new set of schedules for the entire work force of the plant in such a way that there will be no worker that will be laid off and only the optimal number of workers will only report on a specific day depending on the urgency of the production line. Daily must reach out to his workers and employees to organizing company outings, picnics per department in order to establish a good working relation with the workers and at the same time earning their trust (Weber, 2007). A manager that approaches an ordinary worker will be appreciated by the latter and will boost the morale of every employees of the plant. The last but not the least alternative would be the provision of trainings and seminars for FMC Green River’s workers that would enhance not only their skills but also their outlook on performing their responsibilities in the company. With this, Ken Daily will be able to increase the productivity as well as the flexibility of his workers in performing their responsibilities to the company. Recommendation Among the above identified alternatives above, the most effective alternative would be the restructuring of FMC Green River’s plants in such a way that every workers will have a chance to interact with each other creating enough room for the development of teamwork and cooperation on every workers of FMC Green River. This will increase the productivity of the workers and at the same time the productivity of the plants. If this will become successful, it would be now easy for Daily to approach his workers and make bond as well as to earn their trust and this solution will also boost the morale of every workers of FMC Green River (Levit, 2002). Implementation and Contingency Plan The renovation of various plants will take one at a time in order not to affect the operation of the entire company. After this, Daily is expected to launch some activities, as a â€Å"mood starter†, of the interactions of every worker on their new working stations after the renovation process. A few months after this, Daily can now launch activities that would enhance the interaction of employees from various departments and then from various plant to widen the range of interaction in FMC Green River. If this solution will not work, then the restructuring of workers schedule in such a way that all of the workers will still remain in the company yet the optimal number of workers are the ones that will report on a given day in order to minimize their operational cost and increase the productivity of the entire company.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Advantages and disadvantages of MSN Messenger The WritePass Journal
Advantages and disadvantages of MSN Messenger Advantages and disadvantages of MSN Messenger Introduction ConclusionRelated Introduction All over the world many people use the internet. One of the main reasons for using internet is communication. People communicate with each other in many different ways such as: emails, chat rooms and of course instant messaging programs. Have you ever used MSN? Personally Ive been using it for years now and I know many friends and people from my family use MSN. MSN is a one of the most popular instant messaging service in the world and in my opinion the best I have ever used. It has millions of users around the world. It has a lot of amazing and different feature in addition to its basic work as an instant messaging software. However, like most things there are advantages and disadvantages related to this program. and this is what Im going to write about in my report. MSN program was created by Microsoft on July 22, 1992. It was formally named MSN Messenger but it has been renamed as windows live messenger on December 13, 2005. It has many different versions, the first version of MSN messenger was version 1.0. It was released on July 22, 1999. It was only included basic feature like text messaging and very simple contact list. More than 10 version have been released since then and there are many popular versions people still use until now like Messenger 7.5, Windows Live Messenger 8, Windows Live Messenger 2009 and the final one, Windows Live Messenger 2011 which was released on September 30, 2010 and I personally recommended it for its many different interesting features. To sign in the MSN Messenger you must have first an email account (excluding @hotmail, @msn or @live). When you open the program it will ask you to enter your email and password first. If you dont have a hotmail account you can get one easily and for free from the hotmail website and If you dont have the MSN program also there are many free links you can find and download the program from it . Like most instant messaging services the main advantage of using MSN program is the ability to communicate with friends, family and businesses. It is like conversation on a chat room with yourself and a friend or more. You type a message and it appear on their screen, they type a reply and it appear also on your screen. It is actually safer and more privet than chat rooms. it is simple, free, easy to access and use. It is good for keeping in touch with friends and family. users can add as many contacts as they want. When users sign in to MSN Messenger they will be able to see which of their contacts are online. It has a possibility to send messages to contacts who are offline and they will receive the offline messages as soon as they log in. They can share and send folders like pictures, music, documents and many different kinds of files. It is support voice and video conversation, that is mean you will be able to see who you are talking to through the webcam. It is similar to video calling on mobiles but it is better quality and of course for free. There is also an ability which was launched on July 12, 2006 that allows windows live messenger and Yahoo users to chat with each other without having to create an account on the other service. In addition the software allows you to run more than one messenger on multiple accounts. You can delete and block contacts so they wont be able to contact you ever again unless you added them again but in the latest version instead of blocking feature you can appear offline to your contacts as well as to particular contacts. Users can connect services like Facebook and MySpace with windows live messenger. They can post updates and photo to these services also imports contacts from these services. In MSN Messenger there are many fun games available that can be played via the conversation. You can invite your friends to challenge them in a game competition. There are graphics you can use which are called Emoticons. Users can se nd messages to other contact in a way that make the conversation more attractive and express a particular emotion. You can also add more emoticons by downloading more from internet. like any other thing in the world MSN has disadvantages too. But they are few comparing with the huge advantages that the program has. I think one disadvantage that most users know about is that you dont have the control about who adds you to their own contact list. So many times strangers people add me but I always block and delete them. You have always to update for the new versions released. Sometimes it has log on problems. People can send you viruses through files. And the most common problem of course is hacking  your hotmail account. It happens to users and sometimes they cant have their accounts back. MSN also used sometimes for gossiping. There is a feature called MySpace, were you users can write about themselves and put self pictures for them. It is a little dangerous if you put self photos because you dont know who is seeing them and took them. There are not so many disadvantages but they are still little bit risky and its important to be aware of them.  Conclusion In conclusion I think MSN Messenger are indeed very important program that continue to attract people from all over the world. I feel it is somehow become a way of life. Where people meet and talk for hours. Manar Mohammed AL-Sawafi
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
50 College Problems Every Student Will Understand
50 College Problems Every Student Will Understand While there are endless college problems that every student will understand, here are the top 50 that the majority of us have had to deal with, or currently are. Social ineptitude and the personal challenges to overcome it. The intense pressure that comes from family to excel and succeed; to make huge choices under duress. Putting on weight in the first half of freshmen year, then struggling like hell to get it off before summer. Being forced to take elective classes or other types of classes that have absolutely nothing to do with your chosen career path. The price of college does not equal the worth of a degree to any sane degree. BTW, we know how to reduce costs for loans. The pressure to date during college, even if it’s not a priority. How hard it is to impress professors and build valuable connections with them. How difficult it is to make up for early GPA mistakes. Essays Every. Single. Day. Actually, with this one we can help. Being the only one in your entire dorm building that’s studying on a Friday or Saturday night. Juggling so many responsibilities at once. Dealing with the pressure to drink too much or do things that are unproductive just to impress people. Navigating college social culture in general. Having to listen to people moan and complain about their classes too much. Accidentally getting branded with the wrong crowd. When all the seats at the lecture are taken, so you’re forced to park it in the aisle. Signing up late for classes you really need and finding out their full. Why is the college website so confusing and hard to navigate? Parking is too expensive! Roommates from hell that you’re stuck with for a whole year. Dorm hall monitors with power trips and an ego problem. Teacher’s pets that make it hard to stay focused in class. Facebook, Insta, Snapchat. When you picked the wrong university, and it turns out to be nothing more than an expensive and glorified community college. Overly sexual roommates that are either always having sex or masturbating. People that barely have to do anything or study and they still get better grades. Professors that bring their personal problems with them to class and your grade ends up paying the price. Roommates that always leave for the weekend but forget to turn off their alarm for Saturday mornings. When all efforts to get some quality studying in at the library turns into nothing more than a gauntlet of people watching. It’s a senior year, and you still have yet to like your major. The class sounded so awesome, but then it turned out that the professor has this strange accent you can barely understand. Having to actually study when you study abroad. That one day you walk to class looking your absolute worst, and every sexy person on campus happens to be walking the opposite direction. When you spend hundreds of dollars on books only to then end up dropping out of the class because it wasn’t what you thought. You’re in college, and you turn 21, but you’re so broke you can’t even afford to buy a six pack. The amount of debt most graduates have to deal with after school. The current job market of the modern world is distressing, and yet there is more pressure than ever to get the same old degrees. Being caught up in other people’s college relationship and school drama to the point that it starts to get in the way of your own college experience. When you spend all Sunday cramming for a test you thought was on Monday but that day turned out to be a holiday, or the professor cancels class. When you feel like you should highlight just about every single sentence in the book. When what you thought was a big city college turns out to be the only thing in town. When you’re in a subjective class studying subjective things but the professor acts as thought their opinions are universal. Friday night and early Monday morning classes are the worst. Rejection letters that just won’t stop coming and really make no sense. Rent. Listening to people go on and on about their experiences while studying abroad, none of which can be proven. Rent-a-cops giving students a hard time. Dealing with the financial aid department. Cafeteria food is too fattening but tastes so good. Check out some recipes for easy to cook food for students. When everyone knows that person you adore is a complete loser. So many problems, some funnier and more annoying than others, can pop up. What do you think, is there anything we missed? What kinds of college problems are you tackling and how did you overcome them?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Caveat Emptor Is this common Law Maxim undermined Essay
Caveat Emptor Is this common Law Maxim undermined - Essay Example This act is in addition to the existing law and accordingly a consumer usually has a remedy either in contract or in the tort of negligence (Slack 1997). The term Caveat emptor connotes that let the buyer beware. It is a common law sales contract concept that exposes the buyer to the risk inherent in a transaction. Though it involves the principle of freedom to contract, nevertheless implied warranties in the context of sale of goods are latent in it (Rossini 1998) The Sale of Goods Act 1893 was amended by several pieces of legislation, some of these are the Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994, the Misrepresentation Act 1967, the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and the Consumer Protection Act 1987 (Jones and Benson 2003). This act was the first piece of legislation that provided protection to the buyer. Recently there had been a spate of legislations, whose purpose was to enhance the protection that had been made available to consumers. Some instances of such acts are the Misrepresentation Act 1967, the amended Sale of Goods Act (Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994 and the Sale of Goods (Amendment) Act 1994) and the Unfair Terms Regulations (S.I 1994/3159. Unfair Terms Regulations in Consumer Contract Regulations 1994). In this manner the caveat emptor doctrine has been progressively undermined and substituted by the doctrine of caveat venditor or let the seller beware. The noted legal luminary Atiyah opined that the basic principle of law was one of caveat venditor rather than one of caveat emptor (Atiyah and Adams 1995). In addition, the European Union as a champion of the rights of the consumer has planned to introduce legislation that would serve to bestow further protection on the rights of consumers. The Directive on the Sale of Consumer Goods and Associated Guarantees is an important step in this direction (EUROPA 2006). There has been a marked reluctance on the part of judicial policy to interfere with contracts between parties having equal bargaining power. The Unfair Contract Terms Act attempts to extinguish the exclusion and limitation clauses that occur in consumer contracts and contracts that are based on one of the contracting parities' standard terms (Unfair Contract Terms Act (as amended on the 1st of October, 2003) 1977). The above act is inapplicable to commercial contracts in general. In Photo Productions Limited v Securicor the House of Lords permitted Securicor to avoid liability for the acts of one of its employees (Photo Production Ltd v Securicor Transport Ltd 1980). In the case of Slater and others v Finning Ltd, the House of Lords held that if a product failed for the reason that it had been used for a purpose other than that it had been designed for then the seller was absolved of any liability for such failure (Slater v Finning Ltd 1996). This was similar to the decision in Griffths v Peter Conway Ltd, in which the buyer had concealed from the seller as to what use was to be made of the goods (Griffths v Peter Conway Ltd 1939). This indicates very clearly that there has been a preference for caveat venditor in the context of the implied condition of suitability in commercial law. The legal consequences of the rule of caveat emptor require the buyers to undertake
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