Sunday, June 23, 2019

Should the government provide free public education to children of Essay - 1

Should the government provide free public program line to children of illegal immigrants - Essay exemplarArguably, every young individual has dreams for a part future, and this can only be achieved from education. In addition, the schools atomic number 18 aimed at prepare an active participant in the future of American society when such attain maturity. Though illegally within the country, the government should understand that they are part of the country. As such, illegal immigrants should be provided with knowledge and skills to avoid making them dependants. They might be a vital asset in the future. If ignored, the immigrants may even cause problems to the country such as committing crimes. These crimes may even affect their home countries to extend of destroying the relationship between the countries (Grandrath, 2011). A scholar once stated that if a society governance value individuals, believes in both education and children, then it should be ready to take care and educate each child in its area of jurisdiction. In American governments case as a society, it should then be ready to fund the education of these illegal immigrants irrespective of their race and origin to better individuals and the countrys future (Grandrath, 2011). Education usually acts as stepping-stone for many multitude and denial to the right for education may maneuver to destruction of peoples goals. ... Some may be talented in many aspects of benefit to the country. They maybe even grow up to wrick great people in power and bring a change in government, coming up with policies and rights favoring each person in that country. Obama tries to sensitize the people on t he importance of each person in the nation. From the presidents sensitization speech, we get to know how innocent and important these children are to the nation. Therefore, ignoring them will lead to many problems to the entire nation. For instance, their lives will be affected. Since the immigrants are eventually pa rt of the United States nation, Lack of education translates to unemployment, which means the rate of pauperism will increase. This eventually affects the lives of most parts of the nation. Some of the effects caused by poverty may include prostitution, which is a social crime (Grandrath, 2011). From these social crimes, problems kindred spread of diseases like HIV/Aids will erupt. These may lead to loss of lives and decline in the economy. This is because funds will be set out for treatment purposes. Further still, education is important in a nation irrespective of the individual being educated since it helps one gain knowledge and skills in different fields. Therefore, failure to educate these aliens may lead to insufficient specialists in different fields and inadequate labor in the country. Denying such individuals access to education means important labor force is left out. As a result, labor import, which is expensive more compared to when labor was readily available, might turn to be the solution. In essence, education helps boost the labor market and hence the economy at large through increased per capita income. Changes in the Dream Act ache enabled

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