Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Compare and Contrast two major theories of Social Inequality – Can Inequality be eliminated?
A major theory of inequality is the one propounded by Karl Marx who argues that social inequality is not natural but stems from the construction of the unfair capitalist system. Marx sees the workers or the proletariat as being exploited for their labour by those that own the means of production Marxists see social inequality as manifested in the fact that workers do not benefit from the wealth that their labour produces instead Marx claims that they are 1'pauperized'. The poorer working classes get poorer whilst the rich enjoy getting richer this is illustrated by income inequalities all over the world; the poorest 20% of people in the USA have seen their incomes fall by 19% whilst the top 5% saw their incomes rise, in Australia the richest ten per cent of the population owns about half the nation's wealth in the USA its over two thirds. A limitation of Marx theories on inequality is that it only focuses on economic inequality. Many sociologists would agree with Marx that economic inequality is the most significant form of inequality at the moment whilst acknowledging that economic inequality and social inequality, as we live in a modern multi- cultural capitalist country are inextricably linked and are affected significantly by gender, racial, religious and ethnic inequality. Ethnic background is both an indicator and factor of social inequality. In Australia for example, Aborigines are over represented in the working class as well as underclass and under-represented in the top stratification of earnings and class. Social inequality thus seems to be a consequence of ascribed status: of the status that our skin colour our gender and/or our social class confers on us. Arguably there is scope for social mobility in our current system as our ascribed statuses can be overshadowed by our achieved status especially as we are not generally ascribed to a lower cast iron status at birth that prevents social mobility (unlike the untouchables in the caste system in other cultures) Theoretically we can ascend the social ladder, however low we start, as there is equality of opportunity. This is the view propounded by functionalists such as Davis and Moore. Our achievements in our meritocratic system determine the social position that we hold. Davis and Moore acknowledge that there are perhaps socially unequal jobs yet they are all important for society to function. Thus to maintain society each role needs to be filled so ‘effective role allocation' is an essential functional perquisite. However as some jobs require more skills and training than others there is a need for differing social and financial incentives to entice people to undergo extensive training and take up such jobs. Davis and Moore assert that role allocation and thus people's socio-economic status is fair as it is based on merit, those in the top roles earning the most are those that are best equipped for their role. Whilst Marx sees the current system as exploitative Davis and Moore see it and the inequality that accompanies it as legitimate and functionally advantageous to society. Such a theory though, does not take into account gender and racial inequalities or concepts such as culture capital old boys club and the glass ceiling The culture capital theory suggested by sociologist Pierre Bordieu explains that the education system prises and is geared toward the culture of the middle and upper classes thus those from a working class background find that the skills and knowledge derived within their culture is ‘devalued' and they therefore do not have equal opportunities to excel academically which of course restricts their employment choices and socio-economic position in the future. We can see therefore that inequality is institutionalised, as Marx alludes to in the labour market, and that education is perhaps the first agent of stratification. M. Tumin has also criticised Davis and Moore by condemning their notion of functional importance as questionable and too vague. It ignores the differential of power. According to Tumin differences in pay and prestige will be affected by, and often reflect differences in the relative power of groups and individuals in the labour market rather than the job's actual functional importance. Therefore differences in pay can actually be more a reflection of the relative strength of the workers' union and bargaining potential rather than of functional importance e.g. coal miners and farm labourers. Davis and Moore suggest that inequality is universal as it can be identified in all societies. Such views would suggest that inequality is not eliminable. Marxists ideas contradict this view. Marx claimed that inequality could be eliminated with the development of class consciousness and the abandonment of capitalism however the Soviet communism model proved that in the modern world this was untenable. Equality came at a high price- by the collapse of communism in 1989 equality had come to mean people simply had equally low living standards. Economic and social equality came at the expense then, of basic human rights, the sociologist Peter Saunders stated socialist societies are2 ‘always more repressive than the capitalist ones since they must get people to fulfil their role without the incentive of economic rewards.' However it is clear that the Soviet system was successful in reducing and even eliminating inequality in many spheres of life. Even if it didn't respect human rights in all cases, it guaranteed basic needs such as housing employment education medical care and even holidays. 3The satellite states had embraced capitalism after communism expecting to reap the economic benefits of a capitalist system in fact, living standards actually fell. Russia, after communism rapidly transformed from an almost standardized society to one that was plagued by socio-economic polarisations, according to Goskomstat, the income ratio between the wealthiest 10% of the population and the bottom 10% was about 4:1 in 1990 by 1996 it had sky rocketed to 13:1. Women's rights have also regressed significantly in Russia currently approximately 80% of the unemployed in Russia are women. Such evidence seems to support a Marxist framework of inequality as not inevitable but sustained by a capitalist system. Marxists claim that a capitalist society is maintained through divide and rule. Thus when a class ‘stopped being a class in itself and started being a class for itself' then the group could recognise their inferior social position, class solidarity would develop as the class recognised their shared interests and goals and they would then act together to displace the bourgeoisie. However because inequality is so multilayered class divisions are easy to maintain as differences in gender and race also generate inequality thus even if class differences were eliminated these would persist and perhaps increase. Blackness has historically been classed as inferior, perceived inferiority has been harmful since those who see themselves as superior usually hold the legal power and status in the society and can therefore cement in law the inferiority of the blacks or other ethnic groups. Loury calls for4 ‘major structural remedies to speed up progress toward racial equality' which will in turn reduce the economic inequality that ethnic minority groups face. The New right perspective argues that social inequality has persisted throughout the ages; Saunders states that ‘there has never been a completely egalitarian society'. Every society has its male and females, rich and poor it's big and small and it's old and young. In this absolute sense there is some truth to the assertion that some degree of inequality is inevitable. However inequality itself is unequal it varies with time and culture which validates the theory that inequality is socially constructed and thus can be eliminated. In Britain granted we have moved from the stark extremes of inequality of slavery in imperial Britain but only to an ‘acceptable' economic and social inequality that is institutionalized within our capitalist system, unequal access is built into the structures that support and maintain our contemporary society. It can be argued that the current degree of inequality is not advantageous to society and a reflection of unequal talents in society as Davis and Moore claim nor is it an inevitable product of the capitalist system as Marxists argue; it is a matter of choice. Through the lax way we regulate corporations compared with the harsh regulations placed on workers unions, how we distribute the tax burden and how we set wages. We limit the power of workers thus limiting their socio-economic position.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 8. Waiting For The Damn …
8. Waiting For The Damn Fight To Start Already â€Å"Jeez, Paul, don't you freaking have a home of your own?†Paul, lounging across my whole couch, watching some stupid baseball game on my crappy TV, just grinned at me and then – real slow – he lifted one Dorito from the bag in his lap and wedged it into his mouth in one piece. â€Å"You betterVe brought those with you.†Crunch. â€Å"Nope,†he said while chewing. â€Å"Your sister said to go ahead and help myself to anything I wanted.†I tried to make my voice sound like I wasn't about to punch him. â€Å"Is Rachel here now?†It didn't work. He heard where I was going and shoved the bag behind his back. The bag crackled as he smashed it into the cushion. The chips crunched into pieces. Paul's hands came up in fists, close to his face like a boxer. â€Å"Bring it, kid. I don't need Rachel to protect me.†I snorted. â€Å"Right. Like you wouldn't go crying to her first chance.†He laughed and relaxed into the sofa, dropping his hands. â€Å"I'm not going to go tattle to a girl. If you got in a lucky hit, that would be just between the two of us. And vice versa, right?†Nice of him to give me an invitation. I made my body slump like I'd given up. â€Å"Right.†His eyes shifted to the TV. I lunged. His nose made a very satisfying crunching sound of its own when my fist connected. He tried to grab me, but I danced out of the way before he could find a hold, the ruined bag of Doritos in my left hand. â€Å"You broke my nose, idiot.†â€Å"Just between us, right, Paul?†I went to put the chips away. When I turned around, Paul was repositioning his nose before it could set crooked. The blood had already stopped; it looked like it had no source as it trickled down his lips and off his chin. He cussed, wincing as he pulled at the cartilage. â€Å"You are such a pain, Jacob. I swear, I'd rather hang out with Leah.†â€Å"Ouch. Wow, I bet Leah's really going to love to hear that you want to spend some quality time with her. It'll just warm the cockles of her heart.†â€Å"You're going to forget I said that.†â€Å"Of course. I'm sure it won't slip out.†â€Å"Ugh,†he grunted, and then settled back into the couch, wiping the leftover blood on the collar of his t-shirt. â€Å"You're fast, kid.I'll give you that.†He turned his attention back to the fuzzy game. I stood there for a second, and then I stalked off to my room, muttering about alien abductions. Back in the day, you could count on Paul for a fight pretty much whenever. You didn't have to hit him then – any mild insult would do. It didn't take a lot to flip him out of control. Now, of course, when I really wanted a good snarling, ripping, break-the-trees-down match, he had to be all mellow. Wasn't it bad enough that yet another member of the pack had imprinted – because, really, that made four of ten now! When would it stop? Stupid myth was supposed to be rare, for crying out loud! All this mandatory love-at-first-sight was completely sickening! Did it have to be my sister? Did it have to be Paul? When Rachel'd come home from Washington State at the end of the summer semester – graduated early, the nerd – my biggest worry'd been that it would be hard keeping the secret around her. I wasn't used to covering things up in my own home. It made me real sympathetic to kids like Embry and Collin, whose parents didn't know they were werewolves. Embry's mom thought he was going through some kind of rebellious stage. He was permanently grounded for constantly sneaking out, but, of course, there wasn't much he could do about that. She'd check his room every night, and every night it would be empty again. She'd yell and he'd take it in silence, and then go through it all again the next day. We'd tried to talk Sam into giving Embry a break and letting his mom in on the gig, but Embry'd said he didn't mind. The secret was too important. So I'd been all geared up to be keeping that secret. And then, two days after Rachel got home, Paul ran into her on the beach. Bada bing, bada boom – true love! No secrets necessary when you found your other half, and all that imprinting werewolf garbage. Rachel got the whole story. And I got Paul as a brother-in-law someday. I knew Billy wasn't much thrilled about it, either. But he handled it better than I did. ‘Course, he did escape to the Clearwaters' more often than usual these days. I didn't see where that was so much better. No Paul, but plenty of Leah. I wondered – would a bullet through my temple actually kill me or just leave a really big mess for me to clean up? I threw myself down on the bed. I was tired – hadn't slept since my last patrol – but I knew I wasn't going to sleep. My head was too crazy. The thoughts bounced around inside my skull like a disoriented swarm of bees. Noisy. Now and then they stung. Must be hornets, not bees. Bees died after one sting. And the same thoughts were stinging me again and again. This waiting was driving me insane. It had been almost four weeks. I'd expected, one way or another, the news would have come by now. I'd sat up nights imagining what form it would take. Charlie sobbing on the phone – Bella and her husband lost in an accident. A plane crash? That would be hard to fake. Unless the leeches didn't mind killing a bunch of bystanders to authenticate it, and why would they? Maybe a small plane instead. They probably had one of those to spare. Or would the murderer come home alone, unsuccessful in his attempt to make her one of them? Or not even getting that far. Maybe he'd smashed her like a bag of chips in his drive to get some? Because her life was less important to him than his own pleasure†¦ The story would be so tragic – Bella lost in a horrible accident. Victim of a mugging gone wrong. Choking to death at dinner. A car accident, like my mom. So common. Happened all the time. Would he bring her home? Bury her here for Charlie? Closed-casket ceremony, of course. My mom's coffin had been nailed shut†¦ I could only hope that he'd come back here, within my reach. Maybe there would be no story at all. Maybe Charlie would call to ask my dad if he'd heard anything from Dr. Cullen, who just didn't show up to work one day. The house abandoned. No answer on any of the Cullens' phones. The mystery picked up by some second-rate news program, foul play suspected†¦ Maybe the big white house would burn to the ground, everyone trapped inside. Of course, they'd need bodies for that one. Eight humans of roughly the right size. Burned beyond recognition – beyond the help of dental records. Either of those would be tricky – for me, that is. It would be hard to find them if they didn't want to be found. Of course, I had forever to look. If you had forever, you could check out every single piece of straw in the haystack, one by one, to see if it was the needle. Right now, I wouldn't mind dismantling a haystack. At least that would be something to do. I hated knowing that I could be losing my chance. Giving the bloodsuckers the time to escape, if that was their plan. We could go tonight. We could kill every one of them that we could find. I liked that plan because I knew Edward well enough to know that, if I killed any one of his coven, I would get my chance at him, too. He'd come for revenge. And I'd give it to him – I wouldn't let my brothers take him down as a pack. It would be just him and me. May the better man win. But Sam wouldn't hear of it. We're not going to break the treaty. Let them make the breach. Just because we had no proof that the Cullens had done anything wrong. Yet. You had to add the yet, because we all knew it was inevitable. Bella was either coming back one of them, or not coming back. Either way, a human life had been lost. And that meant game on. In the other room, Paul brayed like a mule. Maybe he'd switched to a comedy. Maybe the commercial was funny. Whatever. It grated on my nerves. I thought about breaking his nose again. But it wasn't Paul I wanted to fight with. Not really. I tried to listen to other sounds, the wind in the trees, it wasn't the same, not through human ears. There were a million voices in the wind that I couldn't hear in this body. But these ears were sensitive enough. I could hear past the trees, to the road, the sounds of the cars coming around that last bend where you could finally see the beach – the vista of the islands and the rocks and the big blue ocean stretching to the horizon. The La Push cops liked to hang out right around there. Tourists never noticed the reduced speed limit sign on the other side of the road. I could hear the voices outside the souvenir shop on the beach. I could hear the cowbell clanging as the door opened and closed. I could hear Embry's mom at the cash register, printing out a receipt. I could hear the tide raking across the beach rocks. I could hear the kids squeal as the icy water rushed in too fast for them to get out of the way. I could hear the moms complain about the wet clothes. And I could hear a familiar voice†¦. I was listening so hard that the sudden burst of Paul's donkey laugh made me jump half off the bed. â€Å"Get out of my house,†I grumbled. Knowing he wouldn't pay any attention, I followed my own advice. I wrenched open my window and climbed out the back way so that I wouldn't see Paul again. It would be too tempting. I knew I would hit him again, and Rachel was going to be pissed enough already. She'd see the blood on his shirt, and she'd blame me right away without waiting for proof. Of course, she'd be right, but still. I paced down to the shore, my fists in my pockets. Nobody looked at me twice when I went through the dirt lot by First Beach. That was one nice thing about summer – no one cared if you wore nothing but shorts. I followed the familiar voice I'd heard and found Quil easy enough. He was on the south end of the crescent, avoiding the bigger part of the tourist crowd. He kept up a constant stream of warnings. â€Å"Keep out of the water, Claire. C'mon. No, don't. Oh! Nice, kid. Seriously, do you want Emily to yell at me? I'm not bringing you back to the beach again if you don't – Oh yeah? Don't – ugh. You think that's funny, do you? Hah! Who's laughing now, huh?†He had the giggling toddler by the ankle when I reached them. She had a bucket in one hand, and her jeans were drenched. He had a huge wet mark down the front of his t-shirt. â€Å"Five bucks on the baby girl,†I said. â€Å"Hey, Jake.†Claire squealed and threw her bucket at Quil's knees. â€Å"Down, down!†He set her carefully on her feet and she ran to me. She wrapped her arms around my leg. â€Å"UncaJay!†â€Å"How's it going, Claire?†She giggled. â€Å"Qwil aaaaawl wet now.†â€Å"I can see that. Where's your mama?†â€Å"Gone, gone, gone,†Claire sang, â€Å"Cwaire pway wid Qwil aaaawl day. Cwaire nebber gowin home.†She let go of me and ran to Quil. He scooped her up and slung her onto his shoulders. â€Å"Sounds like somebody's hit the terrible twos.†â€Å"Threes actually,†Quil corrected. â€Å"You missed the party. Princess theme. She made me wear a crown, and then Emily suggested they all try out her new play makeup on me.†â€Å"Wow, I'm really sorry I wasn't around to see that.†â€Å"Don't worry, Emily has pictures. Actually, I look pretty hot.†â€Å"You're such a patsy.†Quil shrugged. â€Å"Claire had a great time. That was the point.†I rolled my eyes. It was hard being around imprinted people. No matter what stage they were in – about to tie the knot like Sam or just a much-abused nanny like Quil – the peace and certainty they always radiated was downright puke-inducing. Claire squealed on his shoulders and pointed at the ground. â€Å"Pity wock, Qwil! For me, for me!†â€Å"Which one, kiddo? The red one?†â€Å"No wed!†Quil dropped to his knees – Claire screamed and pulled his hair like a horse's reigns. â€Å"This blue one?†â€Å"No, no, no†¦,†the little girl sang, thrilled with her new game. The weird part was, Quil was having just as much fun as she was. He didn't have that face on that so many of the tourist dads and moms were wearing – the when-is-nap-time? face. You never saw a real parent so jazzed to play whatever stupid kiddie sport their rugrat could think up. I'd seen Quil play peekaboo for an hour straight without getting bored. And I couldn't even make fun of him for it – I envied him too much. Though I did think it sucked that he had a good fourteen years of monkitude ahead of him until Claire was his age – for Quil, at least, it was a good thing werewolves didn't get older. But even all that time didn't seem to bother him much. â€Å"Quil, you ever think about dating?†I asked. â€Å"Huh?†â€Å"No, no yewwo!†Claire crowed. â€Å"You know. A real girl. I mean, just for now, right? On your nights off babysitting duty.†Quil stared at me, his mouth hanging open. â€Å"Pity wock! Pity wock!†Claire screamed when he didn't offer her another choice. She smacked him on the head with her little fist. â€Å"Sorry, Claire-bear. How about this pretty purple one?†â€Å"No,†she giggled. â€Å"No poopoh.†â€Å"Give me a clue. I'm begging, kid.†Claire thought it over. â€Å"Gween,†she finally said. Quil stared at the rocks, studying them. He picked four rocks in different shades of green, and offered them to her. â€Å"Did I get it?'7 â€Å"Yay!†â€Å"Which one?†Vlaaaaw/obdem!!†She cupped her hands and he poured the small rocks into them. She laughed and immediately clunked him on the head with them. He winced theatrically and then got to his feet and started walking back up toward the parking lot. Probably worried about her getting cold in her wet clothes. He was worse than any paranoid, overprotective mother. â€Å"Sorry if I was being pushy before, man, about the girl thing,†I said. â€Å"Naw, that's cool,†Quil said. â€Å"It kind of took me by surprise is all. I hadn't thought about it.†â€Å"I bet she'd understand. You know, when she's grown up. She wouldn't get mad that you had a life while she was in diapers.†â€Å"No, I know. I'm sure she'd understand that.†He didn't say anything else. â€Å"But you won't do that, will you?†I guessed. â€Å"I can't see it,†he said in a low voice. â€Å"I can't imagine. I just don't†¦ see anyone that way. I don't notice girls anymore, you know. I don't see their faces.†â€Å"Put that together with the tiara and makeup, and maybe Claire will have a different kind of competition to worry about.†Quil laughed and made kissing noises at me. â€Å"You available this Friday, Jacob?†â€Å"You wish,†I said, and then I made a face. â€Å"Yeah, guess I am, though.†He hesitated a second and then said, â€Å"You ever think about dating?†I sighed. Guess I'd opened myself up for that one. â€Å"You know, Jake, maybe you should think about getting a life.†He didn't say it like a joke. His voice was sympathetic. That made it worse. â€Å"I don't see them, either, Quil. I don't see their faces.†Quil sighed, too. Far away, too low for anyone but just us two to hear it over the waves, a howl rose out of the forest. â€Å"Dang, that's Sam,†Quil said. His hands flew up to touch Claire, as if making sure she was still there. â€Å"I don't know where her mom's at!†Til see what it is. If we need you, HI let you know.†I raced through the words. They came out all slurred together. â€Å"Hey, why don't you take her up to the Clearwaters'? Sue and Billy can keep an eye on her if they need to. They might know what's going on, anyway.†â€Å"Okay – get outta here, Jake!†I took off running, not for the dirt path through the weedy hedge, but in the shortest line toward the forest. I hurdled the first line of driftwood and then ripped my way through the briars, still running. I felt the little tears as the thorns cut into my skin, but I ignored them. Their sting would be healed before I made the trees. I cut behind the store and darted across the highway. Somebody honked at me. Once in the safety of the trees, I ran faster, taking longer strides. People would stare if I was out in the open. Normal people couldn't run like this. Sometimes I thought it might be fun to enter a race – you know, like the Olympic trials or something. It would be cool to watch the expressions on those star athletes' faces when I blew by them. Only I was pretty sure the testing they did to make sure you weren't on steroids would probably turn up some really freaky crap in my blood. As soon as I was in the true forest, unbound by roads or houses, I skidded to a stop and kicked my shorts off. With quick, practiced moves, I rolled them up and tied them to the leather cord around my ankle. As I was still pulling the ends tight, I started shifting. The fire trembled down my spine, throwing tight spasms out along my arms and legs. It only took a second. The heat flooded through me, and I felt the silent shimmer that made me something else. I threw my heavy paws against the matted earth and stretched my back in one long, rolling extension. Phasing was very easy when I was centered like this. I didn't have issues with my temper anymore. Except when it got in the way. For one half second, I remembered the awful moment at that unspeakable joke of a wedding. I'd been so insane with fury that I couldn't make my body work right. I'd been trapped, shaking and burning, unable to make the change and kill the monster just a few feet away from me. It had been so confusing. Dying to kill him. Afraid to hurt her. My friends in the way. And then, when I was finally able to take the form I wanted, the order from my leader. The edict from the Alpha. If it had been just Embry and Quil there that night without Sam†¦ would I have been able to kill the murderer, then? I hated it when Sam laid down the law like that. I hated the feeling of having no choice. Of having to obey. And then I was conscious of an audience. I was not alone in my thoughts. So self-absorbed all the time,Leah thought. Yeah, no hypocrisy there, Leah,I thought back. Can it, guys,Sam told us. We fell silent, and I felt Leah's wince at the word guys. Touchy, like always. Sam pretended not to notice. Where's Quil andJared? Quit's got Claire. He's taking her to the Clearwaters'. Good. Sue will take her. Jared was going to Kim's,Embry thought. Good chance he didn't hear you. There was a low grumble through the pack. I moaned along with them. When Jared finally showed up, no doubt he'd still be thinking about Kim. And nobody wanted a replay of what they were up to right now. Sam sat back on his haunches and let another howl rip into the air. It was a signal and an order in one. The pack was gathered a few miles east of where I was. I loped through the thick forest toward them. Leah, Embry, and Paul all were working in toward them, too. Leah was close – soon I could hear her footfalls not far into the woods. We continued in a parallel line, choosing not to run together. Well, we're not waiting all day for him. He'll just have to catch up later. ‘Sup, boss?Paul wanted to know. We need to talk. Something's happened. I felt Sam's thoughts flicker to me – and not just Sam's, but Seth's and Collin's and Brady's as well. Collin and Brady – the new kids – had been running patrol with Sam today, so they would know whatever he knew. I didn't know why Seth was already out here, and in the know. It wasn't his turn. Seth, tell them what you heard. I sped up, wanting to be there. I heard Leah move faster, too. She hated being outrun. Being the fastest was the only edge she claimed. Claimthis, moron, she hissed, and then she really kicked it into gear. I dug my nails into the loam and shot myself forward. Sam didn't seem in the mood to put up with our usual crap. Jake, Leah, give it a rest. Neither of us slowed. Sam growled, but let it go. Seth? Charlie called around till he found Billy at my house. Yeah, I talked to him,Paul added. I felt a jolt go through me as Seth thought Charlie's name. This was it. The waiting was over. I ran faster, forcing myself to breathe, though my lungs felt kinda stiff all of a sudden. Which story would it be? So he's all flipped out. Guess Edward and Bella got home last week, and†¦ My chest eased up. She was alive. Or she wasn't dead dead, at least. I hadn't realized how much difference it would make to me. I'd been thinking of her as dead this whole time, and I only saw that now. I saw that I'd never believed that he would bring her back alive. It shouldn't matter, because I knew what was coming next. Yeah, bro, and here's the bad news. Charlie talked to her, said she sounded bad. She told him she's sick. Carlisle got on and told Charlie that Bella picked up some rare disease in South America. Said she's quarantined. Charlie's going crazy, 'cause even he's not allowed to see her. He says he doesn't care if he gets sick, but Carlisle wouldn't bend. No visitors. Told Charlie it was pretty serious, but that he's doing everything he can. Charlie's been stewing about it for days, but he only called Billy now. He said she sounded worse today. The mental silence when Seth finished was profound. We all understood. So she would die of this disease, as far as Charlie knew. Would they let him view the corpse? The pale, perfectly still, unbreathing white body? They couldn't let him touch the cold skin – he might notice how hard it was. They'd have to wait until she could hold still, could keep from killing Charlie and the other mourners. How long would that take? Would they bury her? Would she dig herself out, or would the bloodsuckers come for her? The others listened to my speculating in silence. I'd put a lot more thought into this than any of them. Leah and I entered the clearing at nearly the same time. She was sure her nose led the way, though. She dropped onto her haunches beside her brother while I trotted forward to stand at Sam's right hand. Paul circled and made room for me in my place. Beatcha again,Leah thought, but I barely heard her. I wondered why I was the only one on my feet. My fur stood up on my shoulders, bristling with impatience. Well, what are we waiting for?I asked. No one said anything, but I heard their feelings of hesitation. Oh, come on! The treaty's broken! We have no proof – maybe sheis sick†¦. OH, PLEASE! Okay, so the circumstantial evidence is pretty strong. Still†¦ Jacob.Sam's thought came slow, hesitant. Are you sure this is what you want? Is it really the right thing? We all know what she wanted. The treaty doesn't mention anything about victim preferences, Sam! Is she really a victim? Would you label her that way? Yes! Jake,Seth thought, they aren't our enemies. Shut up, kid! Just 'cause you've got some kind of sick hero worship thing going on with that bloodsucker, it doesn't change the law. They are our enemies. They are in our territory. We take them out. I don't care if you had fun fighting alongside Edward Cullen once upon a time. So what are you going to do when Bella fights with them, Jacob? Huh?Seth demanded. She's not Bella anymore. You gonna be the one to take her down? I couldn't stop myself from wincing. No, you're not. So, what? You gonna make one of us do it? And then hold a grudge against whoever it is forever? I wouldn't†¦ Sure you won't. You're not ready for this fight, Jacob. Instinct took over and I crouched forward, snarling at the gangly sand-colored wolf across the circle. Jacob!Sam cautioned. Seth, shut up for a second. Seth nodded his big head. Dang, what'd I miss? Quthought. He was running for the gathering place full-out. Heard about Charlie's call†¦. Were getting ready to go,I told him. Why don't you swing by Kim's and drag Jared out with your teeth? We're going to need everyone. Come straight here, Quil,Sam ordered. We've decided nothing yet. I growled. Jacob, I have to think about what's best for this pack. I have to choose the course that protects you all best. Times have changed since our ancestors made that treaty. I†¦ well, I don't honestly believe that the Cullens are a danger to us. And we know that they will not be here much longer. Surely once they've told their story, they will disappear. Our lives can return to normal. Normal? If we challenge them, Jacob, they will defend themselves well. Are you afraid? Are you so ready to losea brother? He paused. Or a sister? he tacked on as an afterthought. I'm not afraid to die. I know that, Jacob. It's one reason I question your judgment on this. I stared into his black eyes. Do you intend to honor our fathers' treaty or not? I honor my pack. I do what's best for them. Coward. His muzzle tensed, pulling back over his teeth. Enough, Jacob. You're overruled.Sam's mental voice changed, took on that strange double timbre that we could not disobey. The voice of the Alpha. He met the gaze of every wolf in the circle. The pack is not attacking the Cullens without provocation. The spirit of the treaty remains. They are nota danger to our people, nor are they a danger to the people of Forks. Bella Swan made an informed choice, and we are not going to punish our former allies for her choice. Hear, hear,Seth thought enthusiastically. thought I told you to shut it, Seth. Oops. Sorry, Sam. Jacob, where do you think you're going? I left the circle, moving toward the west so that I could turn my back on him. I'm going to tell my father goodbye. Apparently there was no purpose in me sticking around this long. Aw, Jake – don't do that again! Shut up, Seth,several voices thought together. We don't want you to leave,Sam told me, his thought softer than before. So force me to stay, Sam. Take away my will. Make me a slave. You know I won't do that Then there's nothing more to say. I ran away from them, trying very hard not to think about what was next. Instead, I concentrated on my memories of the long wolf months, of letting the humanity bleed out of me until I was more animal than man. Living in the moment, eating when hungry, sleeping when tired, drinking when thirsty, and running – running just to run. Simple desires, simple answers to those desires. Pain came in easily managed forms. The pain of hunger. The pain of cold ice under your paws. The pain of cutting claws when dinner got feisty. Each pain had a simple answer, a clear action to end that pain. Not like being human. Yet, as soon as I was in jogging distance of my house, I shifted back into my human body. I needed to be able to think in privacy. I untied my shorts and yanked them on, already running for the house. I'd done it. I'd hidden what I was thinking and now it was too late for Sam to stop me. He couldn't hear me now. Sam had made a very clear ruling. The pack would not attack the Cullens. Okay. He hadn't mentioned an individual acting alone. Nope, the pack wasn't attacking anyone today. But I was.
Monday, July 29, 2019
The Future of Jakarta
Jakarta faces a number of problems as it develops. They include traffic congestion, flooding, waste disposal and ensuring a supply of clean water to Jakarta’s inhabitants. How serious are these problems? Will you want to live in Jakarta in 2025? Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia has suffered many problems for decades. Recent years have seen increasing concern about some problems in Jakarta. The major problems are traffic congestion, flooding, waste disposal and ensuring a supply of clean water to Jakarta’s inhabitants. These problems are interconnected.Jakarta is the best destination for Indonesians to get a better life, but this can result in traffic jams because of the overpopulation. It appears that the people of Jakarta have a bad attitude towards garbage disposal, and this contributes to the problem of flooding. Even though Jakarta has many problems, some people choose to live here and some have no other choices. As Jakarta develops, the problems are also gett ing bigger. They have to be eliminated as soon as possible to create a better future for Jakarta. Jakarta is the capital and largest city in Indonesia.Located on the northwest coast of Java, it is the most populous city in Indonesia and in Southeast Asia. The official metropolitan area, known as Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi), is the second largest in the world. By this definition, I understand that Jakarta is the focus of Indonesia. Jakarta is a center of economic, cultural, education and political that can enable Jakarta to develop. We also know that Jakarta has one of the largest populations in the world. This is one of the factors of the ever-increasing major problems. This essay has been divided into three parts.The first part deals with the overpopulation in Jakarta. The second part looks at the traffic jam and flooding that are the major problems of Jakarta. The third part of this essay considers the positive things that are developing in Jakarta as a metropolitan city. Finally, I will conclude my ideas. These help us to the purpose of this essay which is deciding to live in Jakarta in 2050 or not. According to Jakarta Post (Jakarta’s growing numbers, 2010), Jakarta’s population is increasing at an alarming level. According to the recent national census, the capital city is inhabited by nearly 9.6 million people.The city’s population is 4 percent of the country’s total population of 237. 6 million people. With the new figures, we can see that the city’s population has grown 4. 4 percent over the last 10 years, up from 8. 3 million in 2000. Jakarta is a busy, overcrowded city with traffic chaos every day and slums in many areas. Currently, less than 10 percent of the city is dedicated to open spaces. We can easily guess that urbanization is the biggest factor of population growth in Jakarta because Jakarta attracts people with its advantages.For example, Young farmers prefer to leave their hom etowns to work in the city due to a lack of government incentives in the agricultural sector, while people with higher education prefer to work in Jakarta because Jakarta has the best education and job opportunities than other provinces. The problem can be solved by reducing disparities between Jakarta and other provinces. One of the major problems in Jakarta is traffic jams. Nowadays the traffic jams become worse it is difficult to go anywhere without delay. Since the modern era, everybody needs transportation to live and we cannot separate transportation and traffic.As Balie (2009) points out, statistic show total vehicles in Jakarta now are about 4,9 million, of which 2,8 million have two wheels and 2,1 million have four wheels. We almost see traffic chaos every time especially at works and school time which is at 7 am and 6 pm. There are some factors that cause traffic jams. The first one is too much private transportation such as cars and motorcycles. We can get motorcycle easi ly with only 1 million rupiah in Jakarta. People think that using public transportation may lose their privacy and uncomfortable. The second one is the bad conditions of public transportation.Jakarta has some public transportation such as buses, trains, the busway system, taxis and others, but in general it is not in a good condition so people do not want to use it. There is no definite schedule for Transjakarta or trains and both are very crowded. There are many accidents with trains or buses in Jakarta so it is unsafe too. That is why people choose private transportation. Finally, there is frequent violation of traffic regulations. People tend to break the rules because they just think about themselves, and they do not think about others.For example, if students are late for school, they will break the rules or regulations by riding fast even though it is in traffic. On the other hand, the police can be bribed easily so people will repeat their mistakes again and again. Flooding i s also a major problem in Jakarta. This occurs in Jakarta repeatedly every rainy season. Jakarta was built below sea-level. The land is below the water, creating a city that is very familiar with the problems of flooding. The government still cannot resolve that problem until now. There are some other factors that cause floods in Jakarta.The first one is a lack of awareness of people in Jakarta to obey rules. People in Jakarta appear selfish and they do not care about others. They often litter everywhere and never think about the damage they cause. For example, they throw garbage in the river or irrigation. It makes the river full of garbage and when it is rainy, it will overflow. In addition, people do not care about their environment in Jakarta. Second reason is natural factors. Heavy rain can cause flooding in Jakarta. Moreover, almost every area in Jakarta is under water and there is no area for water absorption.Flooding gives many disadvantages such as diseases and destroyed ne ighborhoods. Many children and adults are affected by malaria and other diseases, which are quite dangerous to their safety. Usually the diseases occur in the slums of Jakarta neighborhood where people do not heed the rules. In contrast, Jakarta is a metropolitan city that offers many advantages. Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo (as cited in Smith, 2009) said that Jakarta is not only as Indonesia capital city, but also center of economic, culture, and education.At this moment, Jakarta is growing strongly but its population is at the buffer zones. We can see that Jakarta is a good place for trading and manufacturing. There are lots of foreign companies in Jakarta. Jakarta is the most luxurious and busiest city in Indonesia. The other advantages are entertainment. Jakarta has modern office towers, luxury shopping malls, night clubs, restaurants and cafes, theme parks and many more. It is really comfortable and enjoyable to live in Jakarta. For example, Plaza Indonesia mall offers a theater , luxury cafes and stores that attracts many people to go there.Beside the disadvantages, Jakarta can be a comfortable place to live. It can be concluded that Jakarta as an overpopulated city has some advantages and disadvantages. Jakarta is a beautiful city and it is a good place to live if we know how to live properly there. Besides that, the problems occur every day in Jakarta because it is a busy city. We face traffic chaos every day and flooding every rainy season. The problems are still unsolved by the government and the citizens. They still put their effort to find the best solutions for Jakarta.In the future, I personally do not want to live in Jakarta if the problems are unsolved. I think Jakarta already has good entertainment and lifestyle but the traffic is too chaotic and the flooding is too dangerous. It is unsafe to live here for a long time with the pollution, diseases, crime, and much more. In 2025 if the government still does not have solutions, Jakarta will be more overpopulated and the traffic will be everywhere. So I would prefer to live in another city that is more comfortable and safe where traffic jams and flooding are not big problems. The Future Of Jakarta Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia has suffered many problems for decades. Recent years have seen increasing concern about some problems in Jakarta. The major problems are traffic congestion, flooding, waste disposal and ensuring a supply of clean water to Jakarta’s inhabitants. These problems are interconnected. Jakarta is the best destination for Indonesians to get a better life, but this can result in traffic jams because of the overpopulation. It appears that the people of Jakarta have a bad attitude towards garbage disposal, and this contributes to the problem of flooding.Even though Jakarta has many problems, some people choose to live here and some have no other choices. As Jakarta develops, the problems are also getting bigger. They have to be eliminated as soon as possible to create a better future for Jakarta. Jakarta is the capital and largest city in Indonesia. Located on the northwest coast of Java, it is the most populous city in Indonesia and in Southeast As ia. The official metropolitan area, known as Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi), is the second largest in the world. By this definition, I understand that Jakarta is the focus of Indonesia.Jakarta is a center of economic, cultural, education and political that can enable Jakarta to develop. We also know that Jakarta has one of the largest populations in the world. This is one of the factors of the ever-increasing major problems. This essay has been divided into three parts. The first part deals with the overpopulation in Jakarta. The second part looks at the traffic jam and flooding that are the major problems of Jakarta. The third part of this essay considers the positive things that are developing in Jakarta as a metropolitan city.Finally, I will conclude my ideas. These help us to the purpose of this essay which is deciding to live in Jakarta in 2050 or not. According to Jakarta Post (Jakarta’s growing numbers, 2010), Jakarta’s population is i ncreasing at an alarming level. According to the recent national census, the capital city is inhabited by nearly 9. 6 million people. The city’s population is 4 percent of the country’s total population of 237. 6 million people. With the new figures, we can see that the city’s population has grown 4. 4 percent over the last 10 years, up from 8. 3 million in 2000.Jakarta is a busy, overcrowded city with traffic chaos every day and slums in many areas. Currently, less than 10 percent of the city is dedicated to open spaces. We can easily guess that urbanization is the biggest factor of population growth in Jakarta because Jakarta attracts people with its advantages. For example, Young farmers prefer to leave their hometowns to work in the city due to a lack of government incentives in the agricultural sector, while people with higher education prefer to work in Jakarta because Jakarta has the best education and job opportunities than other provinces.The problem ca n be solved by reducing disparities between Jakarta and other provinces. One of the major problems in Jakarta is traffic jams. Nowadays the traffic jams become worse it is difficult to go anywhere without delay. Since the modern era, everybody needs transportation to live and we cannot separate transportation and traffic. As Balie (2009) points out, statistic show total vehicles in Jakarta now are about 4,9 million, of which 2,8 million have two wheels and 2,1 million have four wheels. We almost see traffic chaos every time especially at works and school time which is at 7 am and 6 pm.There are some factors that cause traffic jams. The first one is too much private transportation such as cars and motorcycles. We can get motorcycle easily with only 1 million rupiah in Jakarta. People think that using public transportation may lose their privacy and uncomfortable. The second one is the bad conditions of public transportation. Jakarta has some public transportation such as buses, train s, the busway system, taxis and others, but in general it is not in a good condition so people do not want to use it. There is no definite schedule for Transjakarta or trains and both are very crowded.There are many accidents with trains or buses in Jakarta so it is unsafe too. That is why people choose private transportation. Finally, there is frequent violation of traffic regulations. People tend to break the rules because they just think about themselves, and they do not think about others. For example, if students are late for school, they will break the rules or regulations by riding fast even though it is in traffic. On the other hand, the police can be bribed easily so people will repeat their mistakes again and again. Flooding is also a major problem in Jakarta. This occurs in Jakarta repeatedly every rainy season.Jakarta was built below sea-level. The land is below the water, creating a city that is very familiar with the problems of flooding. The government still cannot re solve that problem until now. There are some other factors that cause floods in Jakarta. The first one is a lack of awareness of people in Jakarta to obey rules. People in Jakarta appear selfish and they do not care about others. They often litter everywhere and never think about the damage they cause. For example, they throw garbage in the river or irrigation. It makes the river full of garbage and when it is rainy, it will overflow.In addition, people do not care about their environment in Jakarta. Second reason is natural factors. Heavy rain can cause flooding in Jakarta. Moreover, almost every area in Jakarta is under water and there is no area for water absorption. Flooding gives many disadvantages such as diseases and destroyed neighborhoods. Many children and adults are affected by malaria and other diseases, which are quite dangerous to their safety. Usually the diseases occur in the slums of Jakarta neighborhood where people do not heed the rules. In contrast, Jakarta is a metropolitan city that offers many advantages.Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo (as cited in Smith, 2009) said that Jakarta is not only as Indonesia capital city, but also center of economic, culture, and education. At this moment, Jakarta is growing strongly but its population is at the buffer zones. We can see that Jakarta is a good place for trading and manufacturing. There are lots of foreign companies in Jakarta. Jakarta is the most luxurious and busiest city in Indonesia. The other advantages are entertainment. Jakarta has modern office towers, luxury shopping malls, night clubs, restaurants and cafes, theme parks and many more. It is really comfortable and enjoyable to live in Jakarta.For example, Plaza Indonesia mall offers a theater, luxury cafes and stores that attracts many people to go there. Beside the disadvantages, Jakarta can be a comfortable place to live. It can be concluded that Jakarta as an overpopulated city has some advantages and disadvantages. Jakarta is a beautif ul city and it is a good place to live if we know how to live properly there. Besides that, the problems occur every day in Jakarta because it is a busy city. We face traffic chaos every day and flooding every rainy season. The problems are still unsolved by the government and the citizens.They still put their effort to find the best solutions for Jakarta. In the future, I personally do not want to live in Jakarta if the problems are unsolved. I think Jakarta already has good entertainment and lifestyle but the traffic is too chaotic and the flooding is too dangerous. It is unsafe to live here for a long time with the pollution, diseases, crime, and much more. In 2025 if the government still does not have solutions, Jakarta will be more overpopulated and the traffic will be everywhere. So I would prefer to live in another city that is more comfortable and safe where traffic jams and flooding are not big problems.
Tokugawa Yoshimune and His Kyoho Reform Research Paper
Tokugawa Yoshimune and His Kyoho Reform - Research Paper Example The major characteristics of the new period were more definitely illustrated than ever before during the Kyoho era, when the general reform initiatives of Tokugawa Yoshimune, the eight shogun, and the difficulties that resulted in to them, took over the scene. The severest of these new difficulties involved the personal finances of the shogunate, which had been unsuccessful in matching national growth. The agricultural production of Japan by the 18th century was approximately 60% more than it had been a hundred years prior; though, on the contrary, the financial status of the central government was dropping annually (Hauser 2010). In a country teeming with all forms of commercial and agricultural enterprise, the central government was plainly not capable of securing enough for its own. According to Hauser (2010), beginning from 1722, having relieved from the possibility of resistance from the Senior Council and strengthened the economy, Tokugawa Yoshimune focused on financial reform. Tokugawa Yoshimune and his Kyoho Reform Tokugawa Yoshimune was born in 1684 in Wakayama, child of a daimyo of Kii. Yoshimune was assigned daimyo of Sabae han thirteen years after, but after the death of his elder brother in 1705 he was relocated to Kii (Hall 1991). In 1716, after the demise of Ietsugu, bakufu heads designated Yoshimune his heir, rewarding Edo a ruler knowledgeable in supervising a large area. The newly assigned shogun did not have any connections in the bakufu, yet he was able to slowly appoint his own people in important positions and by the 1720s was firmly in charge (Hall 1991). Particular attributes of his regime were notable. While Tsunayoshi had conformed to rules based on a powerful principle, Yoshimune moved fluidly in reaction to situations; his flexibility is indicative of the political ideology of Ogyu Sorai (Titsingh 1834). His restructuring started vigilantly, encouraged by problems left by the prior regimes of Tsunayoshi, Ienobu, and Ietsugu, respecti vely. Nevertheless, since the 1720s the array of reform increased significantly in obvious response to the joint effect of recoinage plans previously in force and a wave of social disorder and crop declines (Hall 1991). That enhanced array, which marked the 1720s the glory days of the Kyoho reform, engaged the bakufu more profoundly into public and political administration than ever before. Governing the vast, intricate, environmentally limited, and highly monetized civilization of 18th-century Japan was extremely difficult. In 1728, after attaining the zenith of progress, Yoshimune committed a number of years to combating unforgiving agricultural problems, the Kyoho food crisis, and uncontrolled fluctuations of the price of rice that seriously upset samurai way of life (Hall 1991). The difficulties pushed Yoshimune to reevaluate core strategies and in 1736 to enforce a major change in monetary policy. The change led to a 15-year phase of governmental strength that was attained in s pite of, or, more accurately, at the cost of, long-term agricultural failure. The economic troubles of the government was very severe, and a solution had to be determined at once to ease the hardship. The shogunate, in 1722, informed the daimyo about its problems and obliged them to bring in rice to its stockrooms at the pace of ‘one hundred koku for each ten thousand koku of domain assessment’ (Hall 1991, 449)â€â€koku is a Japanese term for ‘
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Case analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analysis - Case Study Example This increases the pressure on the information department compelling the creation of new ways of conducting business. Such factors provide a great challenge in the management of both the department and the organization thereby complicating Brown’s work. Additionally, Brown had shifted from the company for a number of years. By the time of his return, the company had changed and expanded thereby compelling the development of new mechanisms of conducting business. The change thus makes his management of the department more complex as he loses touch with both the clients and other employees at the organization. His attempts of creating a formal system within the department meet a great opposition from the rest of the organizational structure. Apparently, the organization lacked a formal structure and relied on its contact with the target market to carry out business. This is unlike the management process that Brown had in mind thereby resulting in a conflict of the management pro cesses thus causing a massive operational snarl up. Any form of conflict in the management especially between the organization and one of its key departments such as the information technology headed by Brown resulted in a great operational conflict that possibly slowed down the pace of service delivery. Question 2 The Michael Hammer’s Process and Enterprise Maturity Model is a management assessment mechanism that analyzes the level of organizational maturity through a number of management components. The Pinnacle West Corporation for example performs different in a number of these factors thereby placing it strategically in the development ladder. One of such factors is the organizational culture. A mature organization must have a recognized culture of conducting business. Organizational cultures determine the employee relations and the manner in which the organization conducts business. Additionally, the model assesses the success of any organization culture through the res ults it promises the organization. The PWC has an informal structure and relies on the people for contact. The culture had thus far steered the organization into success and its presence therefore proved the organization mature enough. The other integral factor in the model is leadership, the PWC was divide into department each led by a manager yet all working in unison to result in a cohesive organization. The presence of clearly labeled management structure and the effective flow of command in the organization depict great coordination in the management of the organization. Expertise is yet another factor in the model. The PWC employs established employees with the adequate experience and knowledge to steer the organization into success. Expertise refers to the ability of the employees to execute their mandate efficiently. The feature dictates that the employees must have adequate knowledge and experience to undertake their tasks. Finally, the other factor in the model is governan ce; the organization has an elaborate system of governance based on its management mechanism thereby portraying a great level of maturity. Question 3 The grass root strategy in management seeks to include the ideas of every employee in the management process. The strategy encourages operational dynamism as it solicits the ideas of every employee in project execution. This is a motivational strategy of management since
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Joan Wallach Scott, Gender and the Politics of History Essay
Joan Wallach Scott, Gender and the Politics of History - Essay Example Scott’s literature clearly reflects the change brought by feminist history and post-structuralist theory in the way we perceive history ( n.d. a).Through her masterpiece, Gender and the Politics of History, Scott has put forward lucidly her own broad, complex and easily understandable definition ( n.d. a).She argues convincingly revealing the fact of gender’s significance in the analysis of history ( n.d. a).In her book, Scott has pointed out that historians are always into reassessing the grounds, definitions and even the archival sources of history ( n.d. a). The challenging theoretical offers have been exemplified with her work on the history of French workers ( n.d. a).The literature encompasses an insightful learning of the history of American women historians ( n.d. a).Through her masterpiece Scott has offered various remarkable theoretical observations for both feminists and other historians ( n.d. a).It is a purely political literature and is expected to produce both disagreement and motivation ( n.d. a). Gender and the Politics of History contributes a keenly awaited perception to debates in historiography and the philosophy of history (Gender and the Politics of History 1990). It appears less of a report and more of a book about a historian’s introspection of what the field of writing history results to, what its object is, and what exactly she feels being a professional historian (Gender and the Politics of History 1990). â€Å"History,†in the words of Scott, â€Å"is as much the object of analytic attention as it is a method of analysis.†(Gender and the Politics of History 1990: 3). The essays can also be read as intellectual autobiography, a personal report in which Scott brings into light various attractions and threats along with the issues of post-structuralist theory (Gender and the Politics of History 1990). Gender and
Friday, July 26, 2019
Parenting Style Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Parenting Style - Assignment Example They encourage their child to be independent and individualistic. They also engage in discussion and explanations over matters of discipline and family decision making, thus parents listen patiently to a childs point of view as well as provide sensitive guidance. Authoritative parenting is effective in shaping a childs cognition. It is associated with task persistence, academic achievement, social maturity, high self-esteem and confidence, self-controlled in their ability to resist engaging in disruptive behavior, and less gendered type. Children are competent, responsible, and independent. Authoritative parenting also encourages intrinsic motivation (Alarcon). Authoritarian parents set high standards, place a high value on conformity, and expect obedience without any questions or comments. They are demanding and unresponsive to a childs needs. Authoritarian parenting approach affects a childs cognition negatively. Children who are consistently treated in an authoritarian way tend to be withdrawn, rebellious, and unhappy, have a low self-esteem, anxious, lack intellectual curiosity, and react to others with hostility when frustrated. Permissive parents are warm and accepting, but make no demands or set limits on their children. Since they are non-controlling, these parents allow their children to regulate their own behavior. They allow their children to make their own decisions at any age. This parenting approach affects a childs cognition negatively. Children of permissive parents tend to be immature, impulsive, underachievers, rebellious, low self-esteem, dependent on adults, and showed less persistence on school tasks (Alarcon). Through various research and studies, it has been discovered that children subject to authoritative parenting style are securely attached to their parents. On the other hand, children subject to authoritarian or permissive
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Behavioral and Socio-Emotional Approaches to Treatment and Research Proposal
Behavioral and Socio-Emotional Approaches to Treatment and Interventions for Individuals with Autism - Research Proposal Example Autism is a serious disorder affecting children. Thousands of parents in all parts of the world face the challenge of autism in their children. Much has been written and said about the nature and consequences of autism for children. Unfortunately, how to deal with autistic children remains a matter of hot professional debate. The complexity of the problem is associated with the fact that autism leads to the development of other, related disabilities, such as attention deficit disorder, language disorders, and even Tourette’s syndrome (Olney, 2000). Moreover, the complexity of autistic disorders mandates the development of unique, personalized approaches to individuals with autism. The current state of literature provides sufficient information to develop new and improve the existing interventions for individuals with autism. A combination of socio-emotional and behavioral approaches could become a valid response to the difficulties encountered by individuals with autism. Interventions and Approaches to Individuals with Autism: Historical Background Autism is rightly considered as one of the most complex and controversial neurological disorders affecting children. The history of autism research dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, when scientific interest in the physical and natural sciences, as well as professional interest in psychology and social sciences rapidly increased (Schopler, 2001). Researchers in psychology and social sciences borrowed their research methods from physical sciences and scientific technologies (Schopler, 2001). More often than not, scientific methods were used to study complex cultural phenomena mediated by human and political changes (Schopler, 2001). At that time, the growing body of psychological literature was built on experimental studies and their results, but could not predict complex behavioral patterns in humans (Schopler, 2001). Autism represented a rare case, when a previously unknown disorder was saved from â€Å"the untested assumptions of psychodynamic theories that had prod uced a widespread misunderstanding of autism as a social withdrawal from emotionally cold parenting†(Schopler, 2001, p.10). The growing scope of the cognitive revolution and the rise of theoretical analyses brought renewed interest in the theoretical study of autism. Later researchers were no longer interested in autism as merely a stimulus-response mechanism but tried to look deeper into the nature of mental actions in individuals with autism, such as attending, comprehending, thinking, and feeling (Scholer, 2001). In the latter half of the 20th century, the study of autism displayed a number of parallel developments, including behaviorism and neuro-biological specificity (Scholer, 2001). New directions, including cultural psychology, were developed (Scholer, 2001). In 1995, the American Psychological Association was required to develop guidelines for the selection of the most appropriate interventions and therapies for psychosocial aspects of physical disorders and mental d isorders, and that was when autism came to the center of the research arena. Scholer (2001) writes that
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Report - Essay Example Customer service is a process used by the organisations to provide customers with the needs and wants. The travel and tourism industry is one which is very large and there is a high level of direct customer interaction in this industry. Over the years, with the level of disposable income rising in the country, the customers are able and willing to spend more on various services related to travel and tourism and various researches have highlighted that customers are able to spend heavily on their travel and tourism needs. Saying this is also important to understand, that with an increase of the number of people indulging in the travel and tourism, the need for customer service has also grown to a higher extent. The travel industry requires to follow the ABTA rules. The main aim of the ABTA policies is to ensure that all the members of the travel industry and that all the customers and the members of the travel industry are provided with high levels of quality and customer service. All the travel related companies need to follow the rules set down by the ABTA and are obliged to follow the rules and regulations and policies set down by the ABTA. Customer Service is an essential part of Customer relationship management. Customer relationship management, which is widely known as CRM holds an enormous importance in today’s competitive world. This is clear from the several different mission statements and the vision statements that are presented by the companies across the world. An excellent example for the mission statements is, ‘It is the policy of McDonnell & Miller to provide products and services to the market which meet or exceed the reasonable expectations of our customers. Satisfying our customers with the appropriate level of quality is a primary goal and a fundamental element of our business mission’ (Mission Statements, 2010). Various changes have
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Learning Journal Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Learning Journal Summary - Assignment Example The main concepts learnt pertains the process of making goals achievable and measurable. Goals keep on pushing us to achieve something, failure to which we lack the direction that we should be taking. I learnt that when setting goals they have to be specific; this helps in narrowing down to a particular goal that one wants to achieve. To make this to be clearly appreciated in the classroom setup we clearly defined our learning objectives. After going through the teachings on setting goals, it became absolutely clear that writing down the goals is not enough in helping us achieve our goals. The specificity of the goal has to be defined based on the specific interventions that can be done in order to ensure that the goal is achieved. In addition, the measure of the goal has to be there in order to monitor progress. I also learnt that the goals set should be evaluated from time to time; the individual or system of evaluation has to be defined. For the successful implementation of the la id down goals, a strategy is necessary in order to achieve them. The strategy acts as the road map that directs the actions of the goal. In order to gain hand-on skills, I participated in the group work deliverable, in which case, I engaged in developing strategies and actions that facilitated an understanding of the topic addressed in the group work. Through the processing of setting up goals in real-life, I was able to meet the challenges that come with establishing and implementing goals. In addition, the learning goal setting provided an opportunity for me to develop self-awareness especially on how I ought to approach goals and the most appropriate strategy of implementing them. The table below shows some of the goals that I set and will use the lessons learnt in this module to successfully implement them. They are achievable, specific, measurable, realistic, and fall within set periods: The second class provided an opportunity to learn more on presentation skills. I have
Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10
Summary - Essay Example ed by introducing the definition of risk, which means the threat of damage to environmental resources, human health, and or the occurrence of a particular hazard. The process of estimating the environmental resources or human health affected adversely under hazardous conditions is called risk assessment. Risk assessments are made every day; therefore, we have to understand why risk assessment is important to life cycle assessments. To consider the raw materials we have to use and make them into products, and consider the energy and emission, and the pollution factors when we think about life cycle analysis, As a result, doing a life cycle analysis to decide whether to reduce the energy, or to reduce the number of raw materials, or to reduce potential pollution comes from the point of an environmental view. And another way is compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and the potential environmental impacts of a produce system throughout its life cycle analysis. There are two types of risks: natural and man-made. CO2, SO4, CH4, O3 are natural risk types. Man-made risks, such as oil spills into water resources, waste plant disposal into environment, coal electricity generate plant emits the CO2 into air, artificial chemical ingredients added into food, pesticide for agricultural process, and chemical component in products, such as, Bisphenol A is a chemicals added in the production of polycarbonate plastics, such as water, food container. Bisphenol A accounts for the majority of human exposure. First, Bisphenol A is widespeard, which has potentially adverse effects on human health. There has been tests already done by CDC which found out that detectable levels of Bisphenol A in 935 of 2571 urine samples from a sensitive subpopulation of children 6 years and older. This is especially bad because Bisphenol A can leach into food through human daily diet, and long term use can effect newborns. Also many studies suggest that children are more sen sitive to
Monday, July 22, 2019
Cross Cultural by Hofstede Essay Example for Free
Cross Cultural by Hofstede Essay â€Å"Culture is the collective programming of the mind distinguishing the members of one group or category of people from others†Professor Geert Hofstede conducted one of the most comprehensive studies of how values in the workplace are influenced by culture. He analyzed a large data base of employee values scores collected by IBM between 1967 and 1973 covering more than 70 countries, from which he first used the 40 largest only and afterwards extended the analysis to 50 countries and 3 regions. Subsequent studies validating the earlier results have included commercial airline pilots and students in 23 countries, civil service managers in 14 counties, up-market consumers in 15 countries and elites in 19 countries. In the 2010 edition of the book â€Å"Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind†, scores on the dimensions are listed for 76 countries, partly based on replications and extensions of the IBM study on different international populations. Dimensions of National Culture The values that distinguished countries from each other could be grouped statistically into four clusters. These four groups became the Hofstede dimensions of national culture: Power Distance (PDI) Individualism versus Collectivism (IDV) Masculinity versus Femininity (MAS) Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) A fifth Dimension was added in 1991 based on research by Michael Bond who conducted an additional international study among students with a survey instrument that was developed together with Chinese employees and managers. That Dimension, based on Confucian dynamism, is Long-Term Orientation (LTO) and was applied to 23 countries. In 2010, research by Michael Minkov allowed to extend the number of country scores for this dimension to 93, using recent World Values Survey data from representative samples of national populations. In the 2010 edition of Cultures and organizations, a sixth dimension has been added, based on Michael Minkovs analysis of the World Values Survey data for 93 countries. This new dimension is called Indulgence versus Restraint. On 17 Jan 2011, Geert delivered a webinar for SIETAR Europe called New Software of the mind to introduce Cultures Organizations 3rd ed. Culture only exists by comparison The country scores on the dimensions are relative societies are compared to other societies. Without make a comparison a country score is meaningless. These relative scores have been proven to be quite stable over decades. The forces that cause cultures to shift tend to be global or continent-wide. This means that they affect many countries at the same time, so that if their cultures shift, they shift together, and their relative positions remain the same. The country scores on The Hofstede Dimensions can also be found to correlate with other data about the countries in question. Some examples: Power distance is correlated with income inequality in a country. Individualism is correlated with national wealth. Masculinity is correlated negatively with the percent of women in democratically elected governments. Uncertainty avoidance is associated with the legal obligation in developed countries for citizens to carry identity cards. Long-term orientation is correlated with school results in international comparisons.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Internal combustion engine different properties
Internal combustion engine different properties Explain in detail, the differing operating cycles inherent in two unrelated i.c (internal combustion) engines An internal combustion engine differs in operation depending on which fuel it is being run of because petrol and diesel have different properties. Diesel And Its Properties Diesel is obtained from crude oil via 3 processes separation, upgrading and conversion The initial boiling point for diesel is around 125 degrees (c)and its final boiling point around 400 degrees (c) Diesel also contains sulphur the more sulphur it contains the more electricity it can conduct insufficient electric conductivity is potentially a safety hazard as it could lead to a build up of static charge during the bulk transfer of fuel however its not very high risk in a motor vehicle because of the low velocity of fuel that gets transferred Needs to be inject in to the combustion chamber at high pressure so that the amount of diesel is always the same and so that the correct amount of diesel reaches each combustion chamber at the correct time Diesel is not flammable this is why a glow plug is required to heat the diesel up on a cold start this is also another reason why diesel had to be forced into the combustion chamber under high pressure Petrol And Its Properties Has and lower boiling point than diesel Petrol is flammable and there for can be ignited using a spark unlike diesel Petrol is not as dense as diesel they both are produced from crude oil but is more refined than diesel Reasons for differences in an ic engine running on petrol in oppose to diesel Because of the different properties in petrol and diesel the parts and configuration of ic engines and the way they are run varies. For instance a modern diesel will have a fuel rail located on top of the combustion chamber which depending on how many cylinders will have a row of high pressure injectors for instance a 4 cylinder would have 4 injectors one per cylinder. Now this would be the case in a petrol engine but the injectors would operate under much lower pressures and therefore the pipes that go to each injector are different. Often the pipes leading from the fuel pump to the injector on a diesel engine are made out of copper as it is a material that handles well under pressure but in a petrol engine the pipes are usually just rubber or PVC depending on the requirements they need to meet. A diesel engine only take in air, and shortly before the peak amount of compression, a small quantity of diesel fuel is sprayed into the cylinder via a fuel injector at high pressure that al lows the fuel to instantly ignite due to higher pressures and heat. A petrol engine uses a different method to ignite the fuel source because petrol is flammable it can be ignited using a spark the petrol is injected into the combustion chamber under relatively low pressure but before it reaches the chamber it becomes in contact with a spark plug which ignites the fuel forcing the piston down this causes compression which forces the piston back up creating the stroke in this case a 4 stroke cycle. Both ic engines in this case use the 4 stroke cycle the only difference being the way the fuel is ignited, which in turn gives u the combustion stroke which starts the 4 stroke cycle. Task 2- Evaluate the vehicle design, and therefore the performance implications of a particular choice of engine configuration and layout Ferrari use a dry sump system in appose to a baffled sump system which is more commonly found on an ic engine. This is because a baffled sump takes up a lot of space and has a large depth this is because in a baffled sump system all the oil is stored in one place. A dry sump works by having a separate oil reservoir. There is a shallow oil reservoir usually mounted on the underneath of the engine and then a separate oil tank is located somewhere else in the engine bay. A pump helps supply the reservoir tank with oil from the main oil tank and then a scavenge pump helps to reticulate the oil back to the oil tank via pipes ensuring a constant flow of oil gets supplied to the engine at all times. The main advantage of the dry sump system is that it means an engine can be mounted lower to the ground as meaning the car can have a lower centre of gravity improving the cars overall performance and handling this is why dry sump systems are most commonly found on race cars and performance cars. There are downfalls to dry sump systems they require more piping and to oil reservoirs meaning the manufacturing costs are higher than they would be if a baffled sump system. Ferrari also mount their engines primarily in the middle of their cars the main reason for this being that you can achieve a perfect 50 50 weight distribution meaning that the cars handling is as good as it can be as all the weight is shared across the chassis evenly. It also means that under heavy breaking the car wont nose dive because there isnt more weight in the front of the car than the rear. The main downfall to having a middle mounted engine is that u can only really fit 2 seats into a car and that you lose a lo t of the practically of the vehicle but the gain in the performance of a vehicle with a middle mounted engine more than makes up the practicality lost. task 3- explain the function, operational and construction of the main internal components/ assemblies of a particular type of I.C engine In an ic engine there are several different components which are critical for the running of the engine here I am going to name and explain what the main internal components do and there functions. Valves- in a common 4 cylinder 16valve engine there is 4 valves per cylinder mean 4valves times 4 cylinders 16 valves. 2 of these valves are inlet valves and the other 2 valves are outlet valves, the inlet valves allow the injected petrol or diesel to enter the combustion chamber at regular intervals these intervals are determined by the cam shaft. The outlet valve does the opposite of the inlet valve when the outlet valve opens it gets rid of the gases and deposits created from the 4 stroke cycle. Pistons-the function of the piston is to compress the mix that enters the combustion chamber this happens because as the mix of fuel enters that enters the chamber when ignited forces the piston from tdc down to bdc then as the piston starts to rise from bdc back up to tdc this creates compression then as the piston rises the outlet valves open and the gases causes from the combustion stroke exit through the valves under pressure and are exited from the car via the exhaust Drive belt- A belt is a loop of flexible material used to link the 2 shafts of an engine together mechanically. In an ic engine the belt has to be timed so that both the cam shaft and the crack shaft are turning at the exact rite time so they can carry out their function efficiently. Cam shaft- The cam shaft only function is to ensure that the valves open and close at the correct time it is essentially a metal shaft that has metal pear shaped components placed along it at regular intervals the reason for these pear shaped metal components is that when the cam shaft is turning via the drive belt each pear shaped component corresponds with the rocker cover of the a valves the pear shaped component pushes one side of the rocker cover down which compresses a spring located underneath the rocker cover which in turn pushes the inlet valves open. The cam shaft then continues to turn allowing the inlet valves to close. Then the other pear shaped components correspond with the other side of the rockers cover then when they come in contact with the rocker cover push down the outlet valves this is all done to a precise timing which is determined from the drive belt. Crank shaft- The crank shaft is what determines the movement of the pistons the shaft is usually driven from the drive belt and the big end of the cam rod connects the piston to the shaft this shaft converts the rotational motion of the shaft into a vertical motion so that the pistons can move up and down in the cylinders. Cam rod- the cam rod is the rod that connects the piston to the crack shaft it does this via a big end and a small end the big end connects to the crank shaft and the little end connects the head of the piston to the rod the piston heads are usually connect to the cam rod using a pin.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Accenture Is A Global Management Consulting Commerce Essay
Accenture Is A Global Management Consulting Commerce Essay Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with approximately 2,59,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the worlds most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. Accenture originated as the business and technology consulting division of accounting firm Andersen Consulting in 1953. Its first project was to automate payroll processing and manufacturing at General Electronics Appliance Park in Kentucky. Since then, it has been consistently expanding. In 2001 Andersen Consulting adopted its current name, Accenture. The word Accenture is derived from Accent on the future. Accenture felt that the name should represent its will to be a global consulting leader and high performer, and also intended that the name should not be offensive in any country in which Accenture operates. Accentures high performance business strategy builds on its proficiency in consulting, technology and outsourcing to improve its clients performance. Using its technology capabilities and industrial knowledge, it identifies new business and technology trends and develops solutions to help clients around the world enter new markets, increase revenues in existing market, improve operational performance and deliver their products and services more effectively and efficiently. Organizational structure: Accenture follows a Matrix Organizational structure. All the employees are given certain basic trainings (known as Green Field Training) based on their previous skills set. People with similar skills are pooled and allocated to work projects based on their suitability. Every project has 2 managers: A project manager and a functional manager. The authority of the functional manager flows vertically downwards and the authority of the project manager flows sideward. Hence, each functional worker usually reports to the functional heads, but does not normally work directly under their supervision. Instead, the worker is controlled by a project manager. This way, each worker has two superiors, who will jointly ensure the progress of the project. Most of the projects in Accenture follow Strong Matrix i.e. most of the authorities lie with the project manager. The project manager has a full time role, controls the project budget and he has full time project management administrative staff under him. The functional head may be more interested in developing the most exiting products or technologies, whereas the project manager is more concerned with keeping deadlines and controlling project costs. Leadership style: There is no fixed leadership style in Accenture and it varies from project to project based on the project manager. My project managers leadership style can be best described as Participative. Even though he didnt have much technical knowledge, he used to take all the critical decisions by gathering inputs from the employees working under him and coagulate all the information to reach a final conclusion. This made the group members feel more engaged in the process which made them more motivated and creative. Culture: Accenture has a unique culture in which every new employee is given a KT (Knowledge Transfer) Session by his team members (irrespective of his designation). This session includes an overview on the working style of the project, all the technical details that are supposed to be known by the new member. After this process, the new member is asked to shadow the existing members of the same designation for 1 week during which, he is only supposed to sit, observe and understand the work performed by the existing employees. After the end of 1 week, the new employee is asked to give a Reverse KT which includes a presentation on his learnings during the week in front of a few senior members of the organization. Reverse KT is a measure to determine the grasping power of the employee which helps the manager in deciding the sub-team to which he should be allocated. Also, there is a culture of celebrating all the festivals by wearing traditional clothes and getting sweets from home. Since there is a lot of regional diversity in the company, this helps in gaining knowledge of each others cultures. The whole team sits together for lunch on festive occasions and enjoys the sweets. Accenture has a quarterly awards ceremony in which a few of the best performing employees in the project are given awards (such as Tiger of the Quarter, Shining star of the quarter). They are given certain CP points as rewards which can be used to shop online (1CP point = Rs. 10). This increases the passion, zeal in employees to outperform their peers and win the award resulting in a more dedicated lot of employees. Team Building initiatives: One of Accentures core values is to attract, develop and retain the best talents for their business and foster a collaborative and mutually supportive environment for them. Hence, they give a lot of focus on team building activities. Accenture organizes inter project competitions such as cricket matches, cultural competitions (singing, dance, battle of bands etc.) every month which binds the project co-workers together and increases their interaction. Cricket matches give the project co-workers a sense of unity and improves teamwork amongst co-workers. Accenture also allocates quarterly budgets for group dinners where the whole team is taken out for dinner by the project manager. The budget depends on the performance of the team. Hence, this is another motivational factor for the team to work harder and improve their performance. Also, every team members birthday is celebrated in the office cafeteria with a cake cutting ceremony during which the whole team is present. This improves the team dynamics and keeps the employee enthused. Politics: Power and politics go hand in hand. The same was the case in Accenture. Office politics such as favoritism, groupism existed in Accenture. Individuals used to make use of the power assigned to them for the purpose of obtaining advantages beyond their legitimate authority. On occasions, team leads used to recommend those employees for quarterly rewards with whom they had a good repo irrespective of the work being performed by them. Innovation / Creativity initiatives: There are certain SIMs (Service Improvement initiatives) which can be raised by an employee to add in his creative ideas and innovations. These SIMs follow a specific procedure where they are validated by the functional manager first by checking the feasibility of the idea and the procedure on how to implement it in the existing environment. After testing, they are moved forward to the project manager. Upon attaining his approval, it is passed to the Senior Executive who informs the clients about the innovation. After all the required approvals are taken, the team is asked alter the system by adding the creative idea to the existing environment. Even though this is a time consuming process, it is more methodical and takes into account all the drawbacks and negative impacts of the creative initiative on the existing system. Critique on the current internal scenario / internal environment including people practices: The biggest problem faced by the employees of Accenture is the allocation of projects. Even though there are Accenture Delivery Centers spread out across 7 cities all over India, people are not given their preferred city. A person opting for Delhi might be given Chennai and vice versa. As a result, people have to live away from their hometown which decreases the EQ level as well as results in an additional cost of living which the employee has to bear. Therefore, the satisfaction level of the employees reduces which results in a reduction in their efficiency or even a company switch. Suggestions and recommendations to make the organization a Futuristic or Visionary Firm of Endearment or Conscious Capitalistic organization: Accenture has come a long way since its separation from Arthur Anderson in 2000 to evolve into a mega external service provider with its roots in various industries, regions around the world. Accenture has many opportunities to gain market leadership in various countries which can be done via small/medium sized acquisitions. This will help the company expand it capabilities, service, presence worldwide. Accenture should expand and recruit more people from developing country (like India, Philippines, China) which provide low-cost development and support to local client-facing personnel in a given domestic market. This will result in a more hardworking set of employees at cheaper costs. Also, the cost of setting up delivery centers in those countries will also be cheaper than the developed countries like UK, USA. To be highly competitive, external service providers such as Accenture should possess strong global capabilities to manage clients and engagements worldwide. Hence, Accenture should plan to increase its low cost work force. Also, the firm should change its project allocation system and focus more on the preferred cities of the employees. Being with their families will keep the employees satisfied. It would also reduce the reallocation charges and brokerage charges that the company usually pays when reallocating an employee to a city which is not his preferred one.
The Atom :: Atoms Molecules Elements Science Essays
The Atom An atom is the smallest unit of matter that is recognizable as a chemical ELEMENT. Atoms of different elements may also combine into systems called MOLECULES, which are the smallest units of chemical COMPOUNDS. In all these ordinary processes, atoms may be considered as the ancient Greeks imagined them to be: the ultimate building blocks of matter. When stronger forces are applied to atoms, however, the atoms may break up into smaller parts. Thus atoms are actually composites and not units, and have a complex inner structure of their own. By studying the processes in which atoms break up, scientists in the 20th century have come to understand many details of the inner structure of atoms. The size of a typical atom is only about 10 (-10th) meters. A cubic centimeter of solid matter contains something like 10 (24th) atoms. Atoms cannot be seen using optical microscopes, because they are much smaller than the wavelengths of visible light. By using more advanced imaging techniques such as electron microscopes, scanning tunneling microscopes, and atomic force microscopes, however, scientists have been able to produce images in which the sites of individual atoms can be identified. EARLY ATOMIC THEORIES The first recorded speculations that MATTER consisted of atoms are found in the works of the Greek philosophers LEUCIPPUS and DEMOCRITUS. The essence of their views is that all phenomena are to be understood in terms of the motions, through empty space, of a large number of tiny and indivisible bodies. (The name "atom" comes from the Greek words atomos, for "indivisible.") According to Democritus, these bodies differ from one another in shape and size, and the observed variety of substances derives from these differences in the atoms composing them. Greek atomic theory was not an attempt to account for specific details of physical phenomena. It was instead a philosophical response to the question of how change can occur in nature. Little effort was made to make atomic theory quantitative--that is, to develop it as a scientific hypothesis for the study of matter. Greek atomism, however, did introduce the valuable concept that the nature of everyday things was to be understood in terms of an invisible substructure of objects with unfamiliar properties. Democritus stated this especially clearly in one of the few sayings of his that has been preserved: "Color exists by convention, sweet by convention, bitter by convention, in reality nothing exists but atoms and the void." Although adopted and extended by such later ancient thinkers as EPICURUS and LUCRETIUS, Greek atomic theory had strong competition from other views of the nature of matter. One such view was the four-element theory of EMPEDOCLES. These alternative views, championed by ARISTOTLE among others, were also motivated more by a desire to answer philosophical questions than by a wish to
Friday, July 19, 2019
The History of Alcatraz Island Essay -- Alcatraz Federal Prison Jail E
The History of Alcatraz Island Alcatraz Island has quite a distinct history. Many people know that Alcatraz served as a federal prison, but most are reluctant to know that this island served as fort. Built before the Civil War, it served two main purposes. First, that it was to guard the San Francisco bay area from enemy ships against a foreign invasion, and second, to hold hostage prisoners of war or POW's as they were called. In this report, I'll show you how this fortress came to be a federal prison, why it is no longer in operation today, and most importantly, to show why it was built in the first place. When the great "Gold Rush" of 1849 first started, California grew from what would be considered a small, unpopulated state, into what it is now. California is now one of the most populated states and it was mostly the gold rush that brought attention to California. As the government saw all of this happening, they realized that California was much more important than they ever realized. In their realization, t hey decided that California must be protected. San Francisco has one of the largest bays in all of California, and so this was where enemy countries would most likely to try to invade the country. So this is where Alcatraz was to lie, to serve as a military fort. It was supposed to serve as a secondary base in companionship to another base located on the other side of Golden Gate Bridge. But with severe problems trying to build this other base, Alcatraz was to remain alone. "Out in the middle of the San Francisco Bay, the island of Alcatraz is definitely a world unto itself. Isolation is just one of the many constants of island life for any inhabitant on Alcatraz Island. It is the most reoccurring theme in the unfolding history of Alcatraz Island. Alcatraz Island is one of Golden Gate National Recreation Area's most popular destinations, offering a close-up look at a historic and infamous federal prison long off-limits to the public. Visitors to the island can not only explore the r emnants of the prison, but learn of the American occupation of 1969 - 1971, early military fortifications and the West Coast's first and oldest operating lighthouse. These structures stand among the island's many natural features - gardens, tidepools, bird nests, and bay views beyond compare." (1) Fortress Alcatraz ran in operation from 1850 - 1933. It served as San Fr... ...worth THIS?" We can either learn from what valuable lessons that were taught at alcatraz, or we can be ignorant and let it happen again. Alcatraz was considered hostile, cruel, and unjust, and it was. But there was a lesson to be taught, now if we don't learn that human life is the most precious gift that we take for granted, then Alcatraz was a good idea and it needs to be reinstated. But when you allow a man to lose his freedoms that our forefather fought for, with impunity, it is simply the worst thing to happen. Alcatraz was built for a good reason, it served for a good reason. Then it was transformed into "The Rock." Al! l the good that went into was lost. We as a country lost sight of what was important to us, and now if we don't learn from it, we are only asking ourselves for it again. Bibliography 1. The Alcatraz WWW Homepage, Yahoo Search Engine, 1996 2. Professor Clyde W. Richins, University of Michigan, 1990, Vol. 1 of "In the life of Alcatraz" pages 1944- 46 3. Doctor William M. Hellem, Medical Physician on Alcataz Island, 1983, Vol. 1 of "In the life of Alcatraz" pages 132-134 4.Lutenient George R. Hendershaw, Guard that seved on Alcatraz Island,
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