Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Carl Roger Concept

PP 8203 Practicum tierce angle of dip 2007 INSTRUCTOR Marjorie humorous PHONE (312) 777-7702 EMAIL netmailprotected edu autotype ALT PHONE (773) 327-1046 REQUIRED TEXTS act guest-focus on therapy Its actual pull, implications and theory Author(s) Rogers, Carl R. Copyright 1951/ 2003 publishing house Houghton Mifflin/ Const fitted & Robinson, Ltd. ISBN 1841198404 magnetic declination Title emb subspecies nondirectivity Author(s) Levitt, B. (Ed. ) Copyright 2005 Publisher Ross-on-Wye, UK PCCS Books www. pccs-books. co. k ISBN 898059683 Edition 2005 This grad Requires the Purchase of a Course Packet YES NO RECOMMENDED READINGS Title Person-centered therapy A new paradigm Author(s) Bozarth, J.D. Copyright Publisher Ross-on-Wye, UK PCCS Books www. pccs-books. co. uk ISBN 1898059225 Edition 1998 Title The tribes of the psyche-centred nation An introduction to the schools of therapy associate to the person-centered go on. Author(s) Sand ers, P. (Ed. ), Copyright Publisher Ross-on-Wye, UK PCCS Books www. pccs-books. co. k ISBN 1898059608 Edition Argosy University Illinois School of Professional psychological science Doctoral Practicum III PP 8203 F altogether 2007 Syllabus teacher Marjorie Witty, Ph. D. Ph hotshot (312) 777-7702 E-mail emailprotected eduOffice 1325 Office hours Tues daylight 100 300 Thursday 1000 1200 Class meetings Mondays, 330 445 undeniable readings Levitt, B. E. (2005). Embracing Nondirectivity. Ross on Rye, UK PCCS Books. ISBN 1 898059 68 3. open from www. pccs-books. co. uk (On reserve) (EN) Rogers, Carl R. (1951) Client-centered therapy Its afoot(predicate) practice, implications and theory. capital of Massachusetts Houghton Mifflin. unsandeder edition Constable & Robinson, Ltd. (2003). ISBN 1841198404. (On reserve) Wampold, B. E. (2001) The great mental hygiene debate Models, methods, and findings.Mahwah, NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Articles as assigned result be for warded to you through e-mail. This course does not get the purchase of a course packet. (O) in the course of instruction denotes available online or through e-mail, EN refers to Levitt text. CRR refers to Kirschenbaum & H terminalersons The Carl Rogers lector available in Library. Recommended Books (see attached bibliography at end of syllabus. Learning targets 1. Achievement of competence in sympathetic interest response process, as assessed by performance in put downd therapy sittings. 2.Expanding self-awargonness of personal reactions and feelings during the therapy sessions mea sured by class discussion and bookmans self-reports in the comments submitted with each of their therapy tapes. 3. bid of basic theory of customer-centered therapy (or other orientation) through point of all assigned readings assessed by students transcript commentaries, enfolding in discussion. 4. Increased ability to pass judgment ones own persist as a novice therapist, assessed by final self-evaluation and submission of CEC in Spring 2008. needful AssignmentsEach term you entrust be required to pass your taped session with a client from your site. Bring an audible tape. infrasonic or hard-to-hear tapes are not acceptable. Check your tape before presenting Provide a transcript of 20 minutes of the session ( whatever 20 minute part is fine, but cue up your tape to acquiesce with the transcript before class. Bring a type conceptualization of 2 3 pages. Format pull up stakes be covered in class. Be sure to obtain a good tape recording equipment from the library or bring your own on the day you are assigned to present. Schedule of presentations give be determined on the first day of class.Grading and evaluation policy Therapy practicum seminars are graded honorable mention/no credit. In devote to successfully recognise your practicum, you moldiness(prenominal) receive credit from your site supervisor, from your seminar teacher and pass your Clinical Ev aluation Competency (CEC) in Spring 08. The main method of evaluation leave alone be the comments you and I wreak close your tape assignments and my assessment of success in fulfiling the obligatory and adequate attitudinal conditions set forth by Carl Rogers. If you are having problems with the assignments, occupy see me to discuss the difficulty. Attendance at all classes is required.Course Outline, Readings, and Assignments kinsfolk 10 Introduction to Seminar. Assignments for tape presentations. Required readings for September 10th to be read before the first class Rogers, C. R. (1951) The attitude and orientation of the counselor. Chapter 2 of Client-centered therapy. (On reserve) Rogers, C. R. (1957). The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality swop. (CRR, pp. 219-235). September 17 magnetic tape Presentation 1 defining practice goals of therapy. Evaluating progress. Required readings Brodley, B. T. Client-centered therapy An expressive therapy. (O) Brodley, B.T. Empathic perceive Observations of a CC practice (O) Brodley, B. T. Instructions for the clinical interview. (O) (http//adpca. org/articles. html) September 24 Discussion morality Confidentiality and its limits tape/transcribing and disposition of records. healthful boundaries. Required reading Brodley, B. T. Ethics in mental hygiene. (handout) October 1 Tape Presentation 2 October 8 Discussion Empathy, unconditional positive run across Required readings Witty, M. , Raskin, N. J. , Rogers, C. R.. (in press). Client-Centered Therapy. In Corsini & Wedding (Eds. ), Current Psychotherapies.Excerpt of session by Brodley w/ commentary by Witty (O) October 15 Tape Presentation 3 October 22 Discussion congruousness A frequently misapprehend condition Required readings Brodley, B. T. (1998/2001). Congruence and its relation to chat in client-centered therapy. The Person-Centered Journal, 5(2), 83-116. (In the library) October 29 Tape Presentation 4 November 5 Multic ulturalism & Diversity Issues Required readings Glauser & Bozarth, J. D. (2001). Person-centered counselling The kitchen-gardening within. Journal of Counseling & Development, 07489633, Spring2001, Vol. 79, Issue 2 Database faculty member Search EliteMier, S. & Witty, M. Considerations of race and culture in the practice of non-directive client-centered therapy. In Carl Rogers Counsels a Black Client. (O) (on reserve) Knopf, N. Working with jolly couples. Witty, M. (2005). Nondirectiveness and the problem of influence. (EN) November 12 Tape Presentation 5 November 19 Chronic Mental Illness and the importantly impaired Required readings Sommerbeck, L. (2005). Nondirective therapy with clients diagnosed with a mental illness. (EN) Wilders, S. (2005) An geographic expedition of nondirective achievement with drug and alcohol users. (EN) Recommended Prouty, G. 1994) Theoretical evolutions in person-centered/experiential therapy Applications to schizophrenic and retarded psychoses. Westport, CN Praeger. (On reserve) Prouty, G. , Van Werde, D. & Portner, M. (2002). Pre-therapy stint contact-impaired clients. Ross on Wye, UK PCCS Books. (On reserve) Shlien, J. M. (1961/2003). A client-centered approach to schizophrenia freshman approximation. In A. Burton (Ed. ), The Psychotherapy of the Psychoses (pp. 285- 317). New York Basic Books. too in To Lead an Honorable Life Invitations to figure about Client-Centered Therapy and the Person-Centered Approach. Edited by P. Sanders.Ross-on-Wye PCCS Books. (On reserve) November 26 Tape Presentation 6 celestial latitude 3 How clients make therapy work. Required readings Brodley, B. T. (in press). Non-directivity in client-centered therapy. (O) Bohart, A. C. Chapters from How Clients Make Therapy Work. Recommended Bohart, A. C. & Tallman, K. (1999) How clients make therapy work. Washington, D. C. APA. December 10 CCT case conceptualization and prep for CEC. Required reading Rogers, C. R. (1961) Ellen Westand Loneliness. (in CRR, pp. 157-168) Shlien, John M. (1987/2003) A Countertheory of Transference. Person-Centered Review, 2 (1), 15-49. Reprinted in Shlien, J.M. (2003). To Lead an Honorable Life Invitations to regain about Client-Centered Therapy and the Person-Centered Approach. Edited by P. Sanders. Ross-on-Wye PCCS Books. (O)(also on reserve) political platform Outcomes The Doctoral program in Clinical psychology at Argosy University, Chicago Campus is an APA accredited program (APA, 750 eldest St. NE, Washington, DC 20002, 202-336-5500). This program is designed to educate and rise students so that they may eventually be able to function effectively as clinical psychologists. To visit that students are prepared adequately, the curriculum provides for the meaningful consolidation of heory, training and practice. The Clinical Psychology program at Argosy University Chicago Campus emphasizes the development of attitudes, knowledge, and skills essential in the fundamental law of professi onal psychologists who are committed to the ethical homework of quality services. Specific objectives of the program include the following coating 1 aim professional psychologists to accurately, effectively, and ethically select, administer, score, check, and communicate findings of appropriate assessment methods informed by accepted psychometric standards and sensitive to the diverse characteristics and need of clients. OBJECTIVE 1A ACCURATELY AND ETHICALLY ADMINISTER AND story VARIOUS PSYCHODIAGNOSTIC INSTRUMENTS. o heading 1b Accurately meet and synthesize assessment data in the consideration of diversity factors, referral questions, and specific objectives of the assessment, and organize and communicate results in compose and orally. o Objective 1c Examine psychometric properties of psychological assessment instruments, and use that knowledge to evaluate, select, administer, and interpret psychological tests and measures appropriate for the client, the referral questi on, and the objectives of the assessment. Goal 2 raise professional psychologists to select, implement, and evaluate psychological interventions consistent with live ethical, evince-based, and professional standards, within a theoretical framework, and with esthesia to the interpersonal processes of the therapeutic relationship and the diverse characteristics and call for of clients. o Objective 2a Synthesize the set upations of clinical psychology, including psychopathology, gay development, diagnosis, diversity, morals, and various therapeutic models in clinical applications. Objective 2b Select, plan, and implement ethical and evidence-based interventions with sensitivity to the diverse characteristics and take of clients. o Objective 2c Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes to effectively implement and participate in psychological consultation and supervision. Objective 2d Demonstrate personal development and self-reflective capacity, including process of inter personal skills, and therapeutic relationships. Goal 3 build professional psychologists to analyze the complexity and multidimensionality of human diversity, and emonstrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to understand diverse worldviews and the potential meaning of social, cultural, and psyche balances for professional psychological services. Goal 4 Prepare professional psychologists to runine the historical context and the circulating(prenominal) body of knowledge of biological, cognitive, affective, developmental, and social bases of human functioning. Goal 5 Prepare professional psychologists to critically evaluate the current and evolving body of donnish literature in psychology to inform professional practice. Disability StatementIt is the policy of the Argosy University/Chicago to make reasonable allowances for qualified students with disabilities, in accordance with the Ameri stands with Disabilities Act (ADA). If a student with disabilities necessi tate accommodations to complete the instructors course requirements, the student essential notify the Director of Student Services. part for documenting student hinderance and the development of reasonable accommodation leave be provided to students upon predication. Students will be notified by the Director of Student Services when each request for accommodation is approved or denied in writing via a designated form.It is the students responsibility to present the form (at his or her discretion) to the instructor in order to receive the requested accommodations in class. In an run to protect student privacy, Student Services will not discuss the accommodation needs of any student with instructors. Instructors Note If you film not to disclose that you stupefy a disability which affects your academic or clinical performance, then you are taking full responsibility for any related consequences which may occur.I cannot accommodate what I dont know about. You need not disclose the diagnosis or the nature of the disability itself, you need but bring me your accommodation letter. Disclosing a disability by and by an assignment is due is too late to be helpful for that assignment although accommodations can be make from that point forward. Academic dishonesty/ plagiarism rehearsal The University seeks to foster a spirit of honesty and integrity. any(prenominal) work submitted by a student must represent original work produced by that student.Any root used by a student must be documented through normal scholarly references and citations, and the extent to which any sources have been used must be apparent to the reader. The University further considers resubmission of a work produced for one course in a subsequent course or the submission of work through partially or entirely by other to be academic dishonesty. It is the students responsibility to seek clarification from the course instructor about how much help may be accredited in completing an assign ment or exam or project and what sources may be used.Students found guilty of academic dishonesty or plagiarism shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the University. Technology Statement The University encourages the use of applied science throughout the curriculum. This course uses methods such as email communication, videotapes and online syllabus and assignments. Save this syllabus Retain a copy of the syllabus as documentation of coursework that qualification be needed for licensure. This page is to be glowering in to your instructor. It will be held by your instructor until after the grade appeal time allotment.PP8203 Practicum Seminar III Fall 2007 I, ____________________________________, have read this syllabus and understand the course requirements. Date _____________________________________ Note many of these readings can be found online or will be on reserve in the library. You are exclusively required to obtain the books listed at the top of the syllabus. Recommended Readings Asay T. P. , & cubic decimetre M. J. (1999). The trial-and-error case for the common factors in therapy numeric findings. In M. A. Hubble, B. L. Duncan, & S. D. Miller (Eds. ), The heart and soul of change What works in therapy (pp. 3-55). Washington, DC American mental Association. Bohart, A. C. (2004). How do clients make empathy work? Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 3(2), 102-116. Bozarth, J. D. (1998). Person-centered therapy A revolutionary paradigm. Ross on Wye, UK PCCS Books. (On reserve) Brodley, B. T. (1999b). A client-centered demonstration in Hungary. In I. Fairhurst, Women Writing in the Person-Centered Approach, (pp. 85-92). Ross-on-Wye, UK PCCS Books. Brodley, B. T. (1997). The nondirective attitude in client-centered therapy. Person-Centered Journal, 4(1), 18-30. Brodley, B. T. 1999a). Reasons for responses expressing the therapists frame of reference in client-centered therapy. Person-Centered Journa l, 6(1), 427. Brodley, B. T. (2000). Client-centered An expressive therapy. In J. Marques-Teixeira & S. Antunes (Eds. ), Client centered and experiential psychotherapy (pp. 133-147). Linda a Velha, Portugal Vale & Vale. Brodley, B. T. (2001). Congruence and its relation to communication in client-centered therapy. In G. Wyatt (Ed. ) Rogers Therapeutic Conditions Evolution, Theory and expend, Volume I Congruence. (pp. 55-78) Ross-on-Wye, UK PCCS Books. Eells, T. D. 2007) Handbook of psychotherapy case formulation. New York Guilford. Elliott, R. (2002). The effectiveness of humanistic therapies A meta-analysis. In D. J. Cain & J. Seeman (Eds. ). Humanistic Psychotherapies Handbook of Research and Practice (pp. 57-81). Washington, D. C. American Psychological Association. Kirschenbaum, H. , & Henderson, V. L. (Eds. ) (1989). The Carl Rogers Reader. Boston Houghton Mifflin. Kirschenbaum, H. , & Jourdan, A. (2005). The current berth of Carl Rogers and the Person-Centered Approach. Psy chotherapy Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 42 (1), pp. 37-51. Lambert, M. J. Ed. ). (2004). Bergin and Garfields handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change (5th Ed. ). New York Wiley. Lietaer, G. , Rombauts, J. , & Van Balen, R. (1990). Client centered and experiential psychotherapy in the nineties. Leuven, Belgium Leuven University Press. Luborsky, L. , Singer, B. & Luborsky, L. (1975). relative studies of psychotherapies Is it true that everyone has won and all must have prizes? Archives of General Psychiatry, 32, 995-1008. Mearns, D. (2003). Problem-centered is not person-centered. Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 3(2), 88-101. Mier, S. & Witty, M. (2004).Considerations of race and culture in the practice of non-directive client-centered therapy. In R. Moodley, C. Lago, & A. Talahite (Eds. ), Carl Rogers counsels a Black client (pp. 85-104). Ross-on-Wye, UK PCCS Books. Miller, R. B. (2004). Facing human ugly Psychology and psychotherapy as moral engage ment. Washington, D. C. APA. Moon, K. (2002). Nondirective client-centered work with children. In J. C. Watson, R. N. Goldman & M. S. Warner (Eds. ), Client-centered and experiential psychotherapy in the twenty-first century Advances in theory, research and practice (pp. 485-492), Ross-on-Wye, UK PCCS Books.Moon, K. (in press). A client-centered review of Rogers with Gloria. Journal of Counseling & Development. Muran, C. (2007). Dialogues on difference Studies of diversity in the therapeutic relationship. Washington, D. C. APA. Patterson, J. , Albala, A. A. , McCahill, M. E. , & Edwards, T. M. (2006). The therapists guide to psychopharmacology Working with patients, families, and physicians to optimize care. New York Guilford. Rogers, C. R. (1951). Client-centered therapy. Boston Houghton Mifflin. Rogers, C. R. (1957). The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change.Journal of Consulting Psychology, 21, 95103. Rogers, C. R. (1959a). The essence of psychot herapy A client-centered view. Annals of Psychotherapy, 1, 5157. Rogers, C. R. (1959b). A theory of therapy, personality and interpersonal relationships as developed in the client-centered framework. In S. Koch (Ed. ), Psychology A study of science, Vol. 3. Formulations of the person and the social context (pp. 184 256). New York McGraw-Hill. Ryan, R. M. & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being.American Psychologist, 55 (1), 68 78. Sanders, P. (Ed. ), The tribes of the person-centred nation An introduction to the schools of therapy related to the person-centered approach. ISBN 1898059608 Available from www. pccs-books. co. uk (On reserve) Sanders, P. (Ed. ) (2003). To lead an honorable life A charm of the work of John M. Shlien. Ross-on-Wye, UK PCCS Books. Schmid, P. F. (2003). The characteristics of a person-centered approach to therapy and counseling Criteria for identity and coherence. Perso n-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 2(2), 104-120. Sommerbeck, L. (2003).The client-centered therapist in psychiatricalal contexts A therapists guide to the psychiatric landscape and its inhabitants. Ross-on-Wye, UK PCCS Books. Wampold, B. E. (2006). Not a scintilla of evidence to support empirically supported treatments as more than effective than other treatments. In J. C. Norcross, L. E. Beutler & R. F. Levant (Eds. ) Evidence-Based Practices in Mental Health Debate and Dialogue on the Fundamental Questions (pp. 299-307). Washington, D. C. American Psychological Association. Watson, N. (1984). The empirical stead of Rogerss hypotheses of the necessary and sufficient conditions for effective psychotherapy.In R. F. Levant, & J. M. Shlien (Eds), Client-centered therapy and the person-centered approach New directions in theory, research, and practice (pp. 17-40). New York Praeger. Westen, D. , Novotny, C. M. & Thompson-Brenner, H. (2004). The empirical status of empiric ally supported psychotherapies Assumptions, findings, and reporting in controlled clinical trials. Psychological Bulletin, 130(4), 631-663. Wilkens, P. & Bozarth, J. (2001), Unconditional positive count on Rogers therapeutic conditions Evolution, theory and practice. Ross-on-Wye, England PCCS books. On reserve) Witty, M. C. (2004). The difference directiveness makes The ethics and consequences of guidance in psychotherapy. The Person-Centered Journal, 11, 22-32. Zimring, F. M. (2000). Empathic understanding grows the person.. Person-Centered Journal, 7(2), 101-113. Zimring, F. M. (1995). A new explanation for the beneficial results of client centered therapy The possibility of a new paradigm. Person-Centered Journal, 2(2), 36-48. Zur, O. (2007). Boundaries in psychotherapy Ethical and clinical explorations. Washington, D. C. APA.

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