Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Influence Leadership and Personal Development Reflective Portfolio Essay

Influence Leadership and Personal Development Reflective Portfolio - Essay Example The above knowledge has helped in enhancing my productivity and efficiency in dealing with several subjects. Gaining efficiency in terms of both theoretical and practical knowledge has helped me in sharpening my business and communication skills. In addition to the above I have acquired other skill set which helps me achieve targets on time and also in sustaining a healthy relationship with the client base of the concern. Again speaking on the above note I feel encouraged in working together in a collaborated fashion within a team framework for the successful accomplishment of multifarious and multidimensional business objectives. My working with different organisations for a span of four years in profiles like marketing and sales assistants and also as negotiators has helped in enhancing my expertise in delivering projects in a highly professional manner. The above facts have thereby augmented my dynamism and endeavour to deliver better in the professional framework and help in the enhancement of the portfolio (Brown and Irby, 2001, p.15; Zuzelo, 2007, p.10). Highlights – Work done The work highlights are presented hereunder in a historical fashion starting from the financial year 2006-2007 which would help in the portfolio management (Knoerr and McDonald, n.d.; Jafari and Kauffman, 2006, p.87). Work highlights are used to enhance the dimension of reflective portfolio through the presentation of evidences and a critical analysis of the work path (Smith and Tillema, 2005, p.15; Loughran, 2005, p.815). During that period I was employed with Mundi Color Holidays as a Sales Manager where my area of responsibilities constituted of the following activities. I had to regularly update the agencies in regards to changes in the commission levels and also in gaining access to other agencies. Further I was also required to update the information gathered in the computer and also in helping to fill up the vouchers and also arrange for the proper despatch of old peop le travelling over to Spain. In that I acted as the liaison between the managerial bodies of the concern and the client base and rendered important feedback based on client interface. During the period ranging from 2007 to 2008 I acted as the Lettings Negotiator in Orchild Properties which is an Estate Agency. In that through the help of software like Estatepro and a website named findpropetty.com I effectively carried out the sales and marketing activities through which different promotions relating to property were raised. Apart from finding and promotion of the different properties I also through the use of information technology helped to enhance the presentation aspects of the new properties. The company’s website was vividly used for the above purpose along with creation of window displays for the same. Finally I was also entrusted to conduct the bookings for the above properties and also in administering the entire letting process. From November 2008 to 2009 I worked a s the Senior Negotiator in Manolia Homes. In this concern I worked in the management of contracts protecting the rights of both the landlord and the tenant. Further I also carried on effective negotiation with the tenants and rendered the feedback to the team so as to chalk out plans for the meeting of targets based on weeks and months. Customer interaction and complaint management were carried out by me with also efficiently administering the

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