Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Questions On Business Continuity Plan - 1534 Words

1.1 Business Continuity Plan 1.1.1 Introduction EPCOR must be able to execute business recovery procedures in response to events that destroy or interrupt critical business functions / processes / services. This section governs the implementation of business continuity actions in the event of a disaster that results in the loss of the facility (and hence, any lesser disruption) or significant loss of personnel (e.g. Pandemic), and the corresponding interruption to normal business functions. For the purposes of this document, this destruction or interruption shall be referred to as a ‘disaster’, and business functions / processes / services will be referred to as ‘business functions’. 1.1.2 Purpose The goal of a Business Continuity Plan†¦show more content†¦It outlines assessment, communication, escalation, declaration, mobilization, and business continuity procedures / requirements to invoke various recovery strategies. To the extent possible, existing processes and procedures will be referenced within the BCP document and not reproduced in the BCP. Each EPCOR site performs a series of business functions, each with an associated Recovery Time Objective (RTO). RTO is the length of time that the business function can be unavailable before it begins to seriously impact EPCOR. The strategy of the overall corporate business continuity program is to ensure RTOs of critical business functions are met. The strategies required for each critical business function vary with the RTO and with the essential technical and personnel requirements for each business function. 1.1.3 Objectives The overall objective of the Business Continuity Program is to minimize the impact of an extended outage on the business through development, maintenance, and exercising of BCPs which have the following objectives: †¢ Minimize the impact upon the safety, security and well-being of personnel; †¢ Protect against the loss or damage of organizational assets; †¢ Provide for immediate, accurate and measured response to emergency situations; †¢ Ensure smooth, effective transition from normal to backup operations; and †¢ Ensure expeditious restoration of primary site

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