Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Two Articles - 914 Words
Assignment 2: LASA 1â€â€Analytical Summaries For this assignment, you will compose two short critical essays explaining and evaluating arguments by other authors. This assignment allows you to analyze an issue from a variety of perspectives and assess arguments for or against the issue. By focusing your attention on how the original authors use evidence and reasoning to construct and support their positions, you can recognize the value of critical thinking in public discourse. Read the two articles Predictive Probes, and New Test Tells Whom a Crippling Disease Will Hitâ€â€and When from the textbook and write two separate analytical summaries. These articles can be found in the chapter titled: Deciding to accept an argument: Compare the†¦show more content†¦But deciding whether to submit herself to the test is an anguishing choice for Ms. Wexler. â€Å"If I came out lucky, taking the test would be terrific, of course,†she says. â€Å"But if I came out unlucky, well †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Her dilemma is an extreme example of the kind thousands of Americans will face in the not-too-distant future as scientists learn how to pinpoint genes that cause or predispose a person to a future illness. The test to detect the Huntington’s disease gene should be ready within one to two years. Researchers already have detected some of the genes that can lead to premature heart attacks and, in the near future, hope to spot those that could predispose a person to breast or colon cancer. Eventually, scientists believe they will be able to detect genes leading to diabetes, depression, schizophrenia and the premature senility called Alzheimer’s disease. New Test Tells Whom a Crippling Disease Will Hitâ€â€and When Amy Jo Snider, a college senior, has put her career plans and romantic life on hold until she settles a gnawing question about her genetic legacy. During her Christmas break, the Charleston, SC, student plans to be tested for a gene that causes ataxia, a disease without a cure that destroys the brain cells governing muscle control. The disorder crippled and ultimately killed her father in middle age. Because of aShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing the Two Newspaper Articles 1059 Words  | 5 Pagesreports serious news that are quite detailed and balanced. Broadsheets are often called the ‘quality newspapers’ and therefore is aimed to readers that want more in-depth news. Both of the articles were published on Saturday 6th of September 2009 and are about the same event. However, the layout of the two articles and the presentational devices used are very different. The typeface used in the tabloid’s headline ‘Misery Miss’ is very large and bold; also you could notice the use of alliteration. HoweverRead MoreA Comparison of Two Newspaper Articles780 Words  | 4 PagesA Comparison of Two Newspaper Articles In this coursework B I would be comparing two news articles from two different sources. This coursework will be divided into three parts. The background and context, the view of both articles i.e. use of languages, headlines, quotes used e.t.c the last part will be my opinion and the conclusion. The main idea is to compare two news articles about a prison called Guantanomo bay in Cubaand how the prisoners are being treated,Read MoreAnalysis on Two Leadership Articles1262 Words  | 5 PagesFor this discussion, select two articles related to your final project literature review. Categorize the articles as to whether they use a qualitative or quantitative methodology. If possible, select one article that uses each method. In your initial post, provide a citation and a brief summary of the methodology used to study leadership in the articles. Provide your critical analysis of the articles and methodology and assess the contributions of each particular research methodology to understandingRead MoreComparison of Two Newspaper Articles1280 Words  | 6 PagesComparison of Two Newspaper Articles These two articles are about asylum seekers. Both articles agree that there are too many asylum seekers, but are presented in a very different way to each other. Article one is a shorter more aggressive tract, not intended to make the reader think about the article but just to instantly agree with it. Article two however stands back and looks at the problem, why it has arisen and suggests ways that there can be resolutions. Both papersRead MoreA Comparison of Two Newspaper Articles989 Words  | 4 PagesA Comparison of Two Newspaper Articles In this essay I will be comparing two articles taken from local newspapers in different areas. I will be looking at the techniques used in each article and their effectiveness. I will use this comparison to eventually decide which article is the more effectiveRead MoreComparing Two Articles on Abortion1022 Words  | 5 PagesThe two articles were selected under the same subject â€Å"abortion†which is summarized together. The first article summarized on â€Å"Women No More Likely to Seek Mental Health Care after an Abortion than before, study finds†taken from popular medical online news, Medical News Today. Second article summarized on â€Å"Increased MMA concentration and body mass index are associated with spontaneous Abortion in Brazilian women: A pilot study†by Elvira M.Guerra-Shinohara, Perla M. Pereira, Ananka M. Kubota, ThaiomaraRead MoreComparing Two Newspaper Articles971 Words  | 4 PagesComparing Two Newspaper Articles In the tabloid the article about Ritalin is much further back in the paper at page forty-one unlike in the broadsheet where the same article is on page nine, In my opinion this could be because in the eyes of the editor the story on health related issues is not in the interest of the reader. The tabloids title is short and is the exaggerated truth, Zombie drug boost. The word Zombie is very emotive because it reminds you Read MoreComparing Two Newspaper Articles2069 Words  | 9 Pages Comparing two newspaper articles, one from a tabloid and one from a broadsheet will convey the different techniques that tabloids and broadsheets use to present stories. Media in general, aim to inform and interest the audience which consist of many different types. Diverse emotions and ideas are created by the media; foremost tabloids. Tabloids are papers like ‘The Sun’, ‘The Mirror’, ‘The Daily Mail’, ‘The Express’ and ‘The Star’. In contrast to these are broadsheets like ‘The Times’, ‘The Guardian’Read MoreComparative Textual Analysis of Two Articles693 Words  | 3 Pagesnewspapers into two distinct categories: broadsheets and tabloids. The former being a more neutral and respected type and the latter a newspaper for more or less entertainment purposes only. This can be well observed in two specific articles that both report on political campaigns. The first one, an extract from The New Vision, a pro-government Ugandan publication, recounts presidential candidate Paddy Bitama’s arrival to the official nomination as an election candidate. The article vaguely followsRead MoreCompare the Two Articles on Henri Paul1387 Words  | 6 PagesCompare the articles on Henri Paul: Which one do you think is most persuasive? Diana, princess of Wales died on 30th August 1997. She died in a car crash In a Paris tunnel. At the time she had divorced Prince Charles who was the father or her two children, (Prince William and Harry), and was in a relationship with Dodi Alfayed. This story was reported worldwide. In the article from the Mirror, they give a biased picture of what Henri Paul Is like. They say he Is a â€Å"speed freak†and â€Å"bike nut, could
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