Monday, September 30, 2019
A Creation of Motivation in Life
There are many ways to motivate or de-motivate yourself or your employees. You could look at the motivation perspective from an individual or from a whole groups point of view. I will give examples of both by showing charts, lists, and other information that will tell you how to set goals for motivating yourself and your company†s employees. Motivating yourself is the first step you need to take. Everyone has different things that motivate them. This needs to be kept in mind when thinking about how to motivate others or when trying to come up with situations that will motivate others. Things that motivate you may or may not motivate another person. For instance people like knowing what is expected of them everyday, so try to apply it to your employees, but don†t force what motivates you on them. The next thing you can do is create a motivation file. This is for people that are critics or a creative leader. â€Å"A creative leader goes to the same conference as ordinary people, but in the first hour sees twenty ways the registration could have been done better, the speaker could have presented more effectively, or the doughnuts could have been distributed more efficiently.†(1) Being this way can be a de-motivator if you don†t know how to handle it. Because â€Å"Criticism is de-motivating. A habit of criticism will create a leak in a leader†s motivation reservoir†(1) This will soon turn into all criticism and no motivation. The motivation you have personally has all gone away. Creating a motivation file will help combat this tendency. â€Å"Each time you see another person – a pastor, denominational leader, educator, missionary, anyone – doing something dumb or omitting something important write it down starting with ‘I would.††(1) Put yourself in their shoes and say ‘I would do this better†and then write what ever comes to your mind down. You have now helped yourself and created a motivation file. â€Å"You have â€Å"shifted from outward-directed criticism about things you can†t change, to inward-directed ideas where you might do something some day.†(1) This is why you create your motivational file. Reasons for using a motivation file: 1) Having a motivation file can help you get a job. As many times you have said to yourself this is what I would do you finally get confident. So when you are on your next job interview you can share with the boss some of your ideas. 2) Your friend gets one of your â€Å"Motivation File†jobs. An employee comes to you with a problem on getting motivated for a job. You can pull out your file and be able to give them a answer that you are confident with. 3) It can help you hire a new staff member. You are asked to hire a motivational speaker for your employees that you manage. You are prepared to ask the right questions that you think should be covered in the interview. 4) Someone else comes to ask you for advice. The things they ask might not be in your motivational file but you can improvise. This will help your friend or family member out and ad a new subject on to your motivation file. If you create a motivation file in your head you will benefit yourself. This way is not as effective, but you will redirect some of that negative criticism into personal motivation that you can later use. De-motivators are all throughout the work force. If you have a good idea on what some of these things might be, then you can start to eliminate them. The first thing you need to do is ask your employees what they would change in the organization to help better motivate them. The second thing you need to do is look at your employees as human beings. You must remember that they also want to succeed and strive for improvement in their field. Here is a list of de-motivators that might be within your organization. 1) Create an atmosphere full of company politics. 2) Develop unclear expectations regarding your employees' performance. 3) Create many unnecessary rules for employees to follow. 4) Plan unproductive meetings for employees to attend. 5) Promote internal competition between employees. 6) Withhold information critical for employees to perform their work. 7) Provide criticism instead of constructive comments. 8) Tolerate poor performance so your high performing employees feel taken advantage of.(2) After you have focused on identifying these problems then you need to change the organization around into a positive work environment. Remember that (a negative manager motivates employees by appealing to their fear, and a positive manager motivates employees by tapping into their potential.) (3) Here is a list of things that you can change in your organization to better motivate your employees. 1) If your employees do routine work, add some fun and variety to their routine. 2) Provide employees with input and choice in how they do their work. 3) Encourage responsibility and leadership opportunities within your company. 4) Promote social interaction and teamwork between employees. 5) Tolerate learning errors by avoiding harsh criticism. 7) Develop goals and challenges for all employees. 9) Make appreciation part of your repertoire. 10) Develop measurement that shows performance increase.(2) Motivation is hard to come by if you company climate is bad. Think back when someone, a teacher, a parent, and a minister, so on motivated you. They made you feel that you were doing something important and you wanted to succeed in whatever you were doing. Throughout that you had positive thoughts. This is one of the six things you need to have to get a positive climate that will motivate your employees. When ever you are trying to create a motivational climate keep these six things in mind. When you attain your goals, attain your goals, advertise your success. Thank individuals for the success of the group. Smile. Your enjoyment will be contagious. Demonstrate your pleasure when people and the team succeed. Build in enjoyable, social, activities so everyone enjoys themselves having coffee or lunch together. Ask people for their opinions. Listen intently to what they say. Consider their thoughts carefully. Give credit when you see somebody†s idea. Set clear, reasonable goals with the group. Make certain that stakeholders help set goals and agree to them. When you attain your goals, advertise your success. Thank individuals for contributing to the group. Identify how you can personally gain from an activity. Set this as a goal. Keep it in your mind. Identify your success. If you don†t succeed, identify why – so you will know what to do to succeed next time. Plan your messages. Take time to ensure you are communicating clearly. Check with others to ensure they understand.(4) Another way to motivate employees is to give them inspiration. Make them feel like they are there own bosses. You as the supervisor can use these five things to inspire and motivate your employees to succeed with in their own company. 1) Seeking and Using Employee†s ideas: To feel †¦ a part of the †¦ business and to be give an incentive, each employee must understand that he is free to contribute ideas. Management must encourage employee ideas and provide the necessary mechanism for obtaining them. (5) Successful managers create good attitudes by keeping employees well informed of business affairs through bulletin board, employee newsletter, or individual notices, and staff meetings. 3) Expressing personal interest in employees: Managers should be able to privately sit down with employees to discuss both business and personal matters. Managers should show appreciation by complimenting the employee for work done well. The supervisor provides the link between management and subordinates. He is the spokesman for his workers, which entails motivating and informing employees of responsibilities. Throughout this paper a motivation file has been talked about that can help benefit yourself. Things that de-motivate your employees were also listed which don†t need to go unrecognized. Also things that increase the motivation in your employees and will help in their insinuative to work and succeed throughout the company.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
A Comparison Of A Clockwork Orange And 1984 Essay
A Comparison of A Clockwork Orange and 1984 In futuristic literature one often encounters political systems that dominate and oppress. In George Orwell’s 1984 and Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange, government control uses various methods to force the citizens to conform. Brain washing was used for a common purpose in both stories, to forget and change the characters past actions. In A Clockwork Orange, brain washing was used after Alex had committed all his crimes, as a method of treatment for his violent tendencies. When Alex would cry for them to stop the horrible films, that he was forced to watch, Br. Brodsky said â€Å"We have to be hard on you, you have to be cured.†(Burgess,86) This experimental treatment was being used full force, Alex being the gini pig. The Charlie warned Alex before singing him up that â€Å"It’s only in the experimental stage at the moment. It’s very simple but very drastic.†(Burgess, 67) Alex’s treatment turned out to be â€Å"successful†in the doctors eye’s. He was cured of all his violence, left to the brutality of society that he could no longer deal with. In 1984 brain washing was a non-stop method of control used 24 hours everywhere Winston would go. He and Alex were lead to a similar fate. Although the constant attempt by Big Brother to have total control over all citizens of Ociania by propaganda and telescreens did not work on Winston, the torture and room 101 let him understand â€Å"double think†and learn to love Big Brother. Big Brother could make him believe anything, â€Å"Then almost without a pause he wrote: two and two make five.†(Orwell,239) A the end of 1984 Winston believed â€Å"He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.†(Orwell,256) Propaganda and brain washing can have positive and negative results on a society, both are presented in these novels. No matter what the result on society, the outcome on the person is always harmful. In 1984 Winston became compliant to the government and the rest of society. Any rebellion or self-control that Winston had was forced out of him by the brain washing and propaganda. Winston and Julia always said, â€Å"What you say or do doesn’t matter: only feelings matter. If they could make me stop loving you- that would be real betrayal.†(Orwell, 136) They went in to room 101 knowing they would confess but saying they would never stop loving each other, â€Å"They can’t get inside you.†(Orwell, 136) They were wrong. After the government was done with them they had no love for anything but Big Brother. By the government achieving this, they eliminated any chance of Winston or Julia rebelling against them. This therefore diminished the hope that any rebellion would occur to save the disciplined society. The opposite was true in A Clockworks Orange Alex had love like he had never experienced before. Alex had become so desensitized as a child that he could commit horrible crimes with no remorse what so ever. â€Å"That was disgusting so we have him the boot, one go each, and then it was blood, not song nor vomit, that came out of his filthy old rot. Then we went on our way.†(Burgess,15) In fact Alex found enjoyment in others pain caused by himself. His treatment therefore made him fit societies standards in a positive way, whereas Winston fit society in a negative way because they took something away that could have helped society. In both books drugs were used by the government to control people and patients. The citizens of Ociania were drugged constantly. Every thing they put in their mouth was controlled by the government. To eat anything else was against the law. Each social class had their own food and drink they could consume. Winston was not an important person in the governments eyes so he did not get high quality possessions. â€Å"He took a cigarette form a crumpled packet marked VICTORY CIGARETTES and incautiously held it upright, whereupon the tobacco fell out on to the floor.†(Orwell,10) The important government officials not only had the power to turn off their telescreens, which were a constant source of brainwashing, but they could also eat and drink high quality, normal food. â€Å"It’s Inner Party coffee. It’s all Inner Party stuff. There’s nothing those swine don’t have, nothing.†(Orwell,125) Once arrested Winston was drugged by O’Brien so as to be more susceptible to ideas. â€Å"Winston could not remember whether it was in drugged sleep, or in normal sleep a voice murmured in his ear: Don’t worry I shall save you, I shall make you perfect.†(Orwell, 210) Drugs were used in the same manner in A Clockwork Orange before being taken to watch the horrible films he would be shot with drugs so that the film would affect him faster. â€Å"After every meal we shall be giving you a shot in the arm.†(Burgess,78) â€Å"Now all the time I was watching this I was beginning to get very aware of a like not feeling all that well, and this I put down to the under-nourishment and my stomach not quite ready for the rich pishcha and vitamins I was getting here.†(Burgess,82) Drugs caused both these cha racters to be manipulated at the hands of their oppressors to mold them to fit their totalitarian ways. These two pieces of literature are perfect examples of political systems that dominate and oppress. Both use various forms of brain washing to create a certain type of person that will conform to the society they have created. The novels also show the impact that brain washing and propaganda have on the society and what it takes away from the individual. Although these stories are not mirror images of our civilization in this day and time, it is not difficult to associate some of the ideas presented in these two book to what we have, and to what is to come.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Undecided Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Undecided - Research Paper Example Kate Choplin and Henrick Ibsen tried to depict sensitive, smart women who are not satisfied with their second roles in the man`s world. Kate Choplin`s feminist novels were forgotten after her death as they could not find their reader in her time. But activation of feminist movement in the second half of the 20th century let the readers and the critics see her works in a new light. Chopin’s literature gift, her sophisticated manner of writing influenced by French novelists, and her dedication to social, racial and gender problems were highly evaluated buy new generation of readership. Moreover, her attention to details became a characteristic feature of Choplin`s prose. In â€Å"The story of an Hour†Kate Choplin`s explores marriage from an unexpected perspective. A young woman is told that her husband died in the railroad disaster. Relatives and friends try to present the news in the most delicate way, however the woman goes to her room to be left alone. Here she realizes that death of her husband brought her not only grief but unexpected freedom and relief. Now she can live for herself and be the only mistress of her body and soul. Choplin depicts the woman who perceived marriage devoid of pure love and intimacy as obligation. Such attitude to marriage was typical to the à ©poque but not much attention was drawn to the emotional and psychological state of women in such relationships. To emphasize the degree to which the heroine`s emotions were suppressed Choplin â€Å"kills†her, and explains her death by the sense of happiness. Thus, the author was among the first writers who encouraged women to understand their real emotions and value body and soul freedom above all. In her story â€Å"Desiree`s Baby†Choplin speaks of even more controversial topics- gender and racial discrimination. A beautiful girl abandoned by her parents is raised in the house of noble French Creoles is the principal character of the story. She falls
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Theme of Sexuality in Their Eyes Were Watching God Research Paper
The Theme of Sexuality in Their Eyes Were Watching God - Research Paper Example novel, and Hurston describes it in the context of slavery to show that it was a regular and repeated aspect of the black woman’s experience in slavery, and occurred in the early formative age of adulthood in the place of a woman’s education. The relation of racist authority to rape in the narrative is that Janie’s father and grandfather are both portrayed as white, and the educational system is equated in lineage with the system of slave ownership. This is a fundamental social and political critique that is introduced through the common dialect of the Southern woman and related through her personal sexual experience. The historical base is expressed by Zora Neale Hurston through sexual relationships, and this interracial sexuality is paradoxical, integral, and structural in her writing throughout the novel. In this context of repression, Hurston presents only a brief glimpse of the hope for genuine love in youth, which is quickly replaced with a black folk tradition that is portrayed as repressive to womanhood in a manner equally to be resisted and run away from as slavery. The repression of family tradition is portrayed through forced marriage, which implied another type of rape and forced servitude of the woman. Janie’s compromise is to arrange a marriage on her own terms that supports her own self materially on her own terms, even if she has to leave everything she knows to do so. Thus she provides for her needs while giving herself a limited economic role in the society at large through her husband’s business. When this ends early through the death of Joe Starks, Janie has the ability to choose any man in her society from a position of independent stature. Rather than the professor or tycoon, Hurston presents Tea Cake as a model of the black male with whom Janie most identifies. Their love also accelerates into death, but in this instance it is from the increased slow burn of passions, rather than their extinguishment. In the end, the gossip of black
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Architecture of a structure in Abu Dhabi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Architecture of a structure in Abu Dhabi - Essay Example The essay "Architecture of a structure in Abu Dhabi" explores the city Abu Dhabi and its architecture and building structure. When talking about building structures whether they be simple bridges or colossal skyscraper monoliths, one must always take into account both architecture and engineering. Science and art are two sides of the same coin. Engineering is described in the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary as â€Å"the design and manufacture of complex products†as well as â€Å"the application of science and mathematics by which the properties of matter and sources of energy in nature are made useful to people.†It is then the scientific aspect of construction, it is the theory used and applied by engineers to safely construct structures and making them fundamentally sound for use. The same site gives this definition for architecture; â€Å"the art or science of building; specifically: the art or practice of designing and building structures and especially habitabl e ones.†By the definition of architecture given here, both art and science coexists in achieving the purpose of both engineering and architecture. Although they may have varying degrees of thought and practice, they ultimately have the same goal; to construct beautiful and inspiring structures for mankind. But art is also subject to the traditions and influences of the local context and culture. Given the Middle-Eastern impression and history of the city, Abu-Dhabi has a definite edge and a very distinct face when it comes to its architecture.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Secondary Source Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Secondary Source Review - Essay Example the Russian Empire or within the Russian Army during the Seven Years War; due in part to the fact that most of the battles and exploits of the war did not take place within Russian territory of that time. Nonetheless, the shifts and changes that this level of Western exposure effected on the Russian Empire, specifically upon the military, paved the way for rapid success and development that would be effected during and after Peter the Greats reign as Tsar. The main source of primary material that is utilized was drawn from the art of the era and the sketches of officers and cadets that sought to capture in drawing the changes in tactics, dress, and discipline that were being effected on an army that had otherwise changed very little over the past several centuries. The addition of these sketches is essential in helping the reader t o visualize the changes not only in the way that troops dressed but with respect to the way in which military service was performed and the changes that existed between the new Western models and the older traditional model of military strategy and engagement that had been the staple of the Russian army for such a long period of time. The primary argument of the author is concentric upon the fact that even though most scholarship concerning the Seven Years War has been focused on Western Europe, important changes were also being exhibited within the Russian Empire of Peter the Great; changes that would ultimately lead this newly resilient Russian Empire to defeat the Swedish and claim further territory throughout Northern Europe. Moreover, the author also points to the understanding that it was the Seven Years War, and by extension Peter the Great that ultimately set the stage for Catherine the Great and the era in which this Tsaress would capitalize on the modernizations and improvements in tactics, approach, equipment, and training that Peter the Great had made as a means of expanding the Russian Empire to a degree not previously
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Comparing Literary Works Themes' Research Paper
Comparing Literary Works Themes' - Research Paper Example These articles are How I Met My Husband and The Gift of the Magi by Alice Munro and Henry O respectively. How I Met My Husband is a short story that was written by Alice Munro. Having being published in, the story covers the theme of marriage. As one of the most valued aspects of life, marriage has been extensively covered by many authors who are focused at providing the manner in which a strong family is formed based on the right choice during marriage. How I Met My Husband is a story that involves Edie, a young girl who was employed as a house help for Dr Peebles and his family. The story indicates how Edie meets a pilot known as Chris Watters. Immediately, the two falls in love. As a young girl who is looking for love, Edie first encounter with romance is when she comes close to an airplane view. One of the key aspects that the story is based on is the innocent nature about romance that Edie exhibits. Additionally, the story indicate how despite her younger age, she is significantly proud and is aware of her blossoming womanhood that she aim to use together with Mrs. Peebles’s make ups to attract the attention of Chris Watters. One of the afternoons while Mrs. Peebles is away, Edie plans on how to dress herself and become a sophisticated beauty that Chris could not avoid. Chris on his part notices the beautiful Edie while he was looking for cool water to drink. On the other hand The Gift of the Magi is a romance story which is written by O. Henry. The story is concerned about marriage between Mr. James Dillingham (Jim) and Della who is Jim’s wife. Marriage needs commitments and love and thus it is termed as tricky. Love is tricky and thus the young couples want to buy each other gifts but have little money since it is on Christmas Eve. Gift to make each other happy and strengthen their love and thus each and every individual has to play his or her role to make sure that the lover will appreciate the gift. One
Monday, September 23, 2019
Personal Statement and Additional Information Essay
Personal Statement and Additional Information - Essay Example My inquisitive mind, I believe, is the reason for my inclination towards sciences, especially engineering and research in particular, which has immensely shaped my career. I have been involved directly with chemical engineering over the last four years and have been greatly motivated to pursue a career in chemical engineering research. The chemical engineering coursework which I did for my undergraduate studies gave impetus to my strong desire in me towards research in engineering. The core courses in chemical engineering such as Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Chemical Reaction Engineering and transport phenomena along with the course on Unit Operations have given me a basic foundation of knowledge in chemical engineering. I have worked on various research projects and have come to conclude that the effort and resources spent in conducting research on product development is worthwhile only if there is benefit to the consumers. It is against this background that I seek to embark on studies to improve my research skills in a bid to contribute meaningfully to the society and economy. I therefore decided to integrate my research in chemical engineering with many business related courses as much as possible especially with a bias towards economics to develop a sound understanding of economic impacts on conducting research on product development. Thus, I was motivated to complete courses like Economics, Managerial Economics as well as Financing Economic Development. I have experience in conducting research and my first major project was at Unilever Research India Limited, one of India’s most respected companies in the FMCG sector. I was among one of the privileged top five students in the chemical engineering department selected to participate in the project. Their Department of Corporate Research focuses on developing existing commercial products currently on the market or developing new ones. My
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Critical analysis of teaching materials for Academic Purpose Research Paper
Critical analysis of teaching materials for Academic Purpose - Research Paper Example Adequate academic skills enable the undergraduate natural science students to write proper science reports on their experiments, and research; for example, when writing a research report on the negative impacts of deforestation on the economy of the USA (Jordan, 2009). This chapter also enables the undergraduate science students to develop critical thinking skills (Kathy & David, 2004). This is because it gives insights on current environmental challenges worldwide. Students are supposed to understand the environmental challenges, and thereafter discuss the most appropriate possible solutions in their discussion groups. The language level used in this book is simple. This enables the undergraduate students to effectively understand the academic writing concepts that are illustrated. The simple language is represented through the simple sentences which are clearly and logically arranged in understandable chapters. The simple language has been achieved through using minimal scientific terminologies and jargons (Jordan, 2009). This ensures that all students understand the contents; regardless of the undergraduate level or academic intelligence. Visual presentations are also used in order tyro simplify points of discussions and paragraphs. The presentations also summarize the main ideas discussed through highlighting the main message in simple, short and clear statements (Jordan, 2009). The most appropriate level of study for this chapter is the undergraduate academic level. This is because the environment concept at the global level are studied in most science courses studied at undergraduate level (Kathy & David, 2004). The science undergraduate students are required to write research proposals in the environment field of study. For the research proposal to be approved by the university professors, it must be presented in a clear, logical and scientific manner. An example of a research proposal is: â€Å"A research proposal on
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Should you hire an experienced hacker to protect your IT systems Essay Example for Free
Should you hire an experienced hacker to protect your IT systems Essay Securing IT systems from potential threats and thefts is a daunting task faced by organizations. Sensitive information in wrong hands could be harmful and can cause lot of damage. Hackers not only gain access to information but also indulge in various forms of cyber terrorism such as extortion. Hackers, discover the vulnerabilities of an IT system and exploit it. They understand the nuances of the system so well that exploiting it for their advantage becomes easy. The question one needs to think about is if hackers are so talented enough to break into security system, why shouldn’t their services be sought to protect the system. A hacker depending on his intentions could be a white hacker/white hat, black hacker/black hat or grey hacker/grey hat. A hacker who indulges in hacking with a non-malicious intention to expose the vulnerabilities of the system is known as white hat. These hackers employ the techniques used by malicious hackers to test the security of an IT system and detect any errors. Hackers who intrude IT systems with motives such as theft of data or cyber terrorism are commonly known as black hat. They find the mistakes in the computer systems and use it to their advantage. A grey hat would be someone whose intention is at the borderline. Grey hat hackers are those who perceive breaking into a security system , a challenge for their skills. They may not cause any harm but nevertheless they intrude a system. White hat are also known ethical hacker assess the possible threats to a IT system. It is necessary for these ethical hackers to gain an insight into the mind and techniques of malicious hackers. An example of an ethical hacker is Mark Seiden who works as an independent security consultant. It is his job to find the weak links in a security system and provide solutions for those loopholes. He has helped various organizations in tracking the vulnerabilities of their security system. According to him, the creation of a security system is an effort required by two people. One who is responsible for creation of the security system and the second who would test the system for its faults. These days there are various institutes which offer training in hacking for the detecting loopholes in a security system. Anyone with knowledge of computer programming or network administration is eligible for this course. These modules which aim at producing a â€Å"certified hacker†, train people interested in hacking by providing them in-depth knowledge about security systems and how to detect loopholes within them. The sole aim of this training is to enable the white guys use skills such as penetration testing, internal/external network hacking, war dialing etc. to test the vulnerability of their networks and IT systems. Thus armed with knowledge about the workings of the bad guys, they are sought by organizations to help them avert intrusion. However, one needs to address the issue whether the ethical hackers work under a code on ethics that will prevent them from using this knowledge for a wrong cause. When students enroll for courses in learning regarding hacking systems, there is no way to detect whether he is going to use it for a malicious purpose or not. There are various risks associated with training people with skills to detect vulnerabilities. Some of the courses are taught online. It is possible for malicious hackers to gain access to this to further enhance their knowledge. There are certain disadvantages in hiring or training ethical hackers. There is no assurance that the hacker will comply to the code of ethics. Since they have the knowledge of breaking into systems and gaining access to valuable data, their intentions might vary and they may get lured into unethical activity. Therefore, while offering training on these hacking courses one needs to ensure awareness regarding misuse and unauthorized access. Information regarding the legal implication in unethical usage should be available to students availing such courses. Exposure to laws and punishments regarding malicious hacking should be provided. This can act as a deterrent to behave in an unethical manner. Organizations should exercise great caution while hiring hackers. They should have legal contracts which explicitly state the terms and conditions under which hacking is carried out. Ethical hackers should develop a code of ethics under which they operate. They should ensure that these hackers are working under strict policies and supervision of the organizations. Good security policies are another way to dissuade unethical hacking. Employees with a proven track record can be trusted with responsibilities of ethical hacking. One should be cautious while employing a criminal hacker to detect system weakness. Conclusion The advantages associated with ethical hacking outweigh the risks. Under supervisions and security policies organizations can engage experienced hackers to test their system for weal areas. Information in wrong hands could be dangerous and harm the credibility of organizations. An experienced hacker thus identifies the error in the software of security system and provides patches to secure it further. It is true, to overpower one’s enemy, you need to think like the enemy.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Codes of Conduct in the Workplace
Codes of Conduct in the Workplace TOPIC: CODE OF CONDUCT GROUP MEMBERS NAMES: PATRICIA MELANET KONAYE NDUNAT JASE NAUDET CUMANI NAKOT ABONGILE MKEFAT THEOPHILLUS MGWADLEKAT DEVON MARTINT A code of conduct is a set of guidelines clarifying the responsibilities of an individual, a group of people or organization. Other concepts that are similar to code of conduct are religious laws, moral codes and ethical. Code of conduct is also known as ethics, values, standards or rules of behavior that monitor the decisions or measures of an organization. It contributes to the welfare of an organization and it makes sure that it compliments each and every individual of that organization. A code of conduct has to be build or formulated under different departments and legislations (laws) depending on the goal or which circumstance the code conduct has to be drawn under. It has to be approved by all members of the group. It must be signed by the board and be fair to all the group members. It serves as an oath on every state of legislation. Code of conduct must have certain procedures that the members need to follow. It includes principles that are designed to help professionals to conduct business with honesty and integrity. A code of conduct document may have a summary of a mission and values of a business or organization, and how the members should approach unethical incidents in the working environment. The code of conduct assists the individual to perform professionally. It acts as a barrier to make it point that members don’t cross certain points in an organization. It helps individual to contribute effectively to the tasks given. Code of conduct have an advantage in it especial when it comes to conflict. This means having a set of rules that individuals work according fewer conflicts involve. Those who violate or fail to comply with the code of conduct will be subject to disciplinary measures that might include dismissal if it is agreed upon. A code is also a tool to encourage discussions of ethics and to improve how employees/members deal with the ethical dilemmas, prejudices and gray areas that are encountered in everyday work. A code is meant to complement relevant standards, policies and rules, not to substitute for them. Codes of conduct offer an invaluable opportunity for responsible organizations to create a positive public identity for themselves which can lead to a more supportive political and regulatory environment and an increased level of public confidence andtrust among important constituencies and stakeholders. (Principles of Stakeholder Management, The Clarkson Centre for Business Ethics, 1999, p. 12.) Codes of conduct have been around for quite some time. The purpose of the code of conduct is to make a point that the rules and standards of a business or organisation are met. They serve as a base to carry common obligations. Even, though people confused them with law rules. They capture vision for excellence for individuals and organizations. Codes are not meant for professional environment only; you can find them at church, political parties, schools, communities, organizations and businesses. There are there to emphasis dedication to employees and individuals to make them responsible not to create trouble or blame one another about certain things in a group or team. Codes of conduct are designed different their can have a negative and positive influence towards the employees or members. A former US Supreme Court Justice, Earl Warren wrote â€Å"law float on a sea of ethics†. In my own understanding this quote means everything that concerns the law is dealt with a according to the rules or ethics. A good social and cultural consideration helps with implementing code of conduct. Code of conduct determines economic growth and development of a certain business or organization. The code of conduct is approved by Island Council that it provides guidance to members on what standards they must or expected to conduct them according. Therefore members are required to comply with the code of conduct. According to the Pitcairn Island code of conduct it’s a priority for members to attend the meetings. If they don’t attend justification of being absent is required. Members must come prepared to the meeting and arrive in time. Nolan principle emphasis that the members must comply according to the following aspects: selflessness, integrity, objectives, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. If conflict arises as a result of clashes in one of the mentioned principles public is more favoured (when experiencing conflict between personal and public integrity, after a decision is made public integrity is more favoured). (Prime Minister John Mayor.20 October 2011.Committee on Standards in Public Life).[Online] mittee_on_Standards_in_Public .[20 Mach 2014]). Some people don’t agree with the code of conduct so that means it has disadvantages as well. Opponents conserve that codes of conduct are often only pleasant, predictable and worthless words without any obligation. However, if the code of conduct has been established jointly by every person in the business or organization, and it is constantly reviewed due to changes and new experiences it will have a great value. Opponents often see code of conduct simply as a resourceful marketing and public relation tool. Thought, an existed code of conduct demonstrates its value in crisis circumstances rather than in trouble free times. Employees or members will be the ones who will face painfully experience as the result of an unnoticed written code of conduct. Critics doubt that management really expects employees or members to obey to the ethical values of its code of conduct, if it would mean losing business or reducing profits. Upholding high ethical standards is important to stay in a business and maintaining long term profitability. Therefore management and the owners of the business expect employees to always act according to ethical principles. It has been recommended that a code of conduct is not in the interest business or organization. The more the business or organization focuses to a code of conduct the greater the advantage of members or employees to cheat. An industry that believes in ethical behavior doesn’t take time in punishing the person who broke the rule. Occasionally it is felt that a code of conduct is reassuring unrealistic expectations, that it is self-righteous talk and spiritual beliefs about what is possible in a hard, realistic business world. One main crisis with a code of conduct is that it needs to take subjective standards and make them objective. Indeed this is their main point to take subjective standards and make them a common sequence of standards. A disadvantage of a code of conduct it needs to be forced (consequences) in order for people to obey it. Code of conduct is vague, what it says is not what it means because top managers interpret it according to managers needs. A code of conduct is a company’s professional belief of ethics morals, values and appropriate behavior for its operation, imposed by the leaders. In order for a code of conduct to work in an organization or business it must be flexible to employees. Managers must allow employees to participate in formulating a code of conduct. Code of conduct it doesn’t consist of positive ethical rules and it doesn’t give employees freedom of choice. I think it’s a good idea to revisit the code of conduct now and then to see if it’s still on point with what’s going on in the business or organization. Bibliography -04-08 [17 March 2014] Ethics codes codes of conduct as tools for Promoting an Ethical Profession Public Service: Comparative Success Lesson. 2005. Prem, World Bank, Washington DC.1 – 76. Driscoll, Dawn-Marie and W. Michael Hoffman, Ethics Matters: How to Implement Values-Driven Management, 2000, p. 77. Principles of Stakeholder Management, The Clarkson Centre for Business Ethics, 1999, p. 12. Louise Balle [20 March 2014] [19 March 2014] [18 March 2014] (2008) Code of conduct the way we do business. [Online] Available from http: // [Accessed: 18 March 2014]. Island Council. 9 November 2011. Code of Conduct. 1 – 6. Article On Moodle: CRITICISMS OF A CODE OF CONDUCT/ETHICS (UNKNOWN) CODE OF CONDUCT In our group we understand a code of conduct as a set of conventional principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is a member of a particular group. Code of conduct is rules and regulations that guide the group to a common goal and delegating the responsibilities to individuals for proper and effective running of the task given. It’s an agreement on rules of behavior by the group. In our group we expect all the group members to obey, follow and comply to the code of conduct, if not there will be consequences faced. Statement of Core Values Build trust and Credibility – the success of the group depends on the trust that we earn from each other as a group members. Commitment is important when working in groups, showing integrity, honesty and trustworthy. Respect for the individual – respect is very important when working with people. Every individual in a group deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. If we treat each other with respect there will be fewer conflicts. Intercultural Communication – everyone should be treated equally, so that they can feel comfortable to express their feelings and views. Understanding other people’s culture makes communication easy between one another. Conflicts of Interest – when conflict arise the group leader mustn’t take sides because the conflict involves his/her friend. The conflict must be resolved in a fair manner to both parties. Participation – all group members are required to participate in a group task and take responsibility by doing their work in time. Sub-Groups – during group discussion there must be no sub-groups within the groups. This can cause conflict and it’s so disrespectful to do that. Communication – professional way of communicating is very important it gives others a chance to voices their thoughts. When talking all at the same time nothing will be resolved or conflict will arise. Time Management – everyone is expected to arrive in time during meetings. Members should inform the group in advance if they are going to be absent with a valid reason. Plagiarism – copying of other peoples work is not encourage as we all know that plagiarism is a big offence to commit. Every research you do must be reference so that you can be safe. Team Work – working together save time. Makes the tasks very easy and you have an advantage of finishing n time. Cell phones – playing with a cell phone while we are in a meeting is not allowed. This means that you don’t want to be part of the meeting. When receiving a call you can go out quietly and answer your call. Language – since we diverse cultural group, English is an appropriate language to use so we can understanding each other Aggressive behavior – vulgar language, aggressive attitude and violence are not allowed. We need to be respectful to others and talk to each other in a respectful way. Confidentiality – no confidential information may be disclosed without permission of a group. CONSEQUENCES WHEN CODE OF CONDUCT IS BREACHED: Penalties of breaching a code of conduct depend on many factors such as: Who breached the code of conduct? How and when did they breached the code of conduct What were the effects of the breach? Whether the behavior has taken place repeatedly or is a once off thing? Penalties would be as follows: Request the person to change their behavior Issue an informal or formal warning (written or verbal) If the behavior continues in several occasions ask the person to leave the group immediately Last action is to ban the person from coming to the group
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Macbeth :: essays research papers
Macbeth In the play Macbeth there are many interesting parts which could be due to the suspense and involvement of the supernatural. The use of the supernatural in the witches, the visions, and the ghosts are a key element in making the play interesting. Looking through each act and scene of the play, it is shown that the supernatural is definitely a major factor on the play’s style. The use of the supernatural occurs at the beginning of the play, with the three witches predicting the fare of Macbeth. This gives the reader a clue to what the future holds for Macbeth. â€Å"When the battle is lost and won.†(1.1.1) It says that every battle is lost by one side and won by another. Macbeth’s fate is that he will win the battle, but will lose his time of victory for the battle of his soul. After the prophecies of the witches revealed the fate of Macbeth, the plan in which to gain power of the throne is brought up. The only way to gain power of the throne is for Macb eth to work his way to the throne, or to murder Duncan. Murdering the king was an easier plan due to his dreams urging him on in that direction. Lady Macbeth also relies on the supernatural by her asking upon the evil spirits to give her the power to plot the murder of Duncan with out any remorse or conscience, (1.5.42-57). The three sisters are capable of leading people into danger resulting in death, such as the sailor who never slept, (1.3.1-37). Lady Macbeth has convinced her husband Macbeth to murder King Duncan. On the night they planned to kill Duncan, Macbeth is waiting for lady Macbeth to ring the bell to go up to ring the single bell to go up the stairs to Duncan’s chamber. He sees the vision of the floating dagger. The interest of the dagger is that it leads Macbeth towards the chamber by the presence of evil of the dagger being covered with blood. Then the bell rings and Macbeth stealthily proceeds up the staircase to Duncan’s chamber. Once the murder has b een committed, eventually Banquo has his suspicions about Macbeth killing Duncan to have power of the throne. There is continuously more guilt and fear inside Macbeth and his wife, because of this Macbeth decides to have Banquo killed.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Communication Essays -- Informative
Communication embodies the ability for one to convey a message through the use of verbals (words) and non-verbals (behaviours) in a process to compare, transmit and interpret messages. Garside and Kleiner (2007) portrays communication as sharing thoughts and feelings with other people. For this process to be effective the message should be transmitted with "maximum accuracy and minimum effort" (Garside and Kleiner 2007) with "mindfulness" (Burgoon, Bieger and Waldron 2002) from both parties. Mindfulness requires the sender and receiver to be alert to "the content, situation and sequence of verbal messages, as well as the paralinguistic cues, gestures, facial expression, body movements and cues produced by the physical environment that occupy verbal messages" (Burgoon, Burger and Waldron 2000). Not everyone is competent in transmitting information, this results in ineffective communication. Ineffective communication can be interpreted as neglecting mindfulness during an interaction, h indering the process of obtaining valuable information and ineffectively transmitting our thoughts and beliefs across. Interpersonal communication is "a distinctive, transactional form of human communication involving mutual influence, usually for the purpose of managing relationships" (Beebe, Beebe and Redmond 2008). By studying interpersonal communicating skills, one can hope to gain an appreciation for the benefits of using effective communication skills on a daily basis. This reflective essay will analyse and deconstruct the effective and ineffective communication skills which were used in an interaction involving myself. In an effort to develop new skills, identify, deepen and improve on existing knowledge, an examination and reflection of ineffe... ...y interaction which hinders our ability to develop new relationships and build from existing ones. I believe the reflection of ineffective communication is essential in the process of developing a more effective style of communication which can be used to convey and interpret interpersonal messages. Through the studying and correct use of verbal and nonverbal messages, future interactions can be dealt with accordingly by applying the interpersonal skills learnt and practiced. Conversely, many situations we encounter on a daily basis might not be the same as one another because everybody is different, thus, it is beneficial to learn many skills to apply to different encounters. Ultimately, the goal of effective interpersonal communication is to acknowledge "Everyone wants to feel that they are important and that their message is valued" (Garside and Kleiner 1991).
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Slovakia Economic Analysis :: essays papers
Slovakia Economic Analysis Country: Slovak Republic Formation of the Slovak Republic The Slovak Republic, or Slovakia, is located in Eastern Europe with a population of 5.4 million people and borders the countries of Poland, Austria, the Ukraine, and the Czech Republic (The World Bank). As originally part of the former nation of Czechoslovakia, the Slovak Republic has only recently begun to write its own history (Abizadeh, p. 171). During 1989 many revolts took place against eastern European governments under communism, including Czechoslovakia (Slovakia.Org, â€Å"20th Century†). Both Slovaks and Czechs staged massive protests against communism in Czechoslovakia and ended the communist regime in November 1989 (Slovakia.Org, â€Å"20th Century†). Under the new non-communist system of government, the two republics of Czechoslovakia were established: the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic (Embassy of the Slovak Republic). In June 1990, with the federal and republic-level governments in place, free elections were held for the first time in the country since 1946 (Slovakia.Org, â€Å"20th Century†). The main concern of the new government was the transformation of Czechoslovakia from a state-controlled to a free market economy (Embassy of the Slovak Republic). Disputes arose between the two republics about reform process which focused on privatization, the encouragement of foreign investment, policy of macro-economic stabilization, price liberalization, and liberalization of foreign trade (Slovakia.Org, â€Å"20th Century†). The Czech Republic was more economically developed than the industrial-based economy of Slovakia (Slovakia.Org, â€Å"20th Century†). The transition to a market economy left the Slovak Republic to endure greater economic hardships than the Czech Republic (Sovakia.Org, â€Å"20th Century†). For example, the federal government chose to dramatically cut the country’s defense industry, resulting in a large decrease in industrial production and a large rise in unemployment in Slovakia (Slovakia.Org, â€Å"Slovak Economy†). This took place because the economy that rose out of the communist era in Slovakia was based on industrial production, particularly on weapons and military equipment (Slovakia.Org, â€Å"Slovak Economy†). There was a great difference of opinions between the Slovaks and Czechs about the nature and pace of economic reform in Czechoslovakia (Slovakia.Org, â€Å"20th Century†). The disagreements delayed the reform process and also the acceptance of a new constitution (Slovakia.Org, â€Å"20th Century†). It became obvious that the current form of government could meet the demands of both republics. As a result, Slovakia declared its sovereignty in July 1992, in other words, its laws took higher priority than those of the federal government (Slovakia.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Majestica Hotel in Shanghai?
Majestica was founded in Western Europe and focused exclusively on Europe and the United States initially, the expansion into China had been on management’s agenda since 1999, the opportunity emerged in late 2003, Majestica’s proposal to operate the luxury hotel satisfied CPS’s ambition to build a pre-eminent hotel in Shanghai, but there are 5 issues between Majestica and CPS. First, the length of contract term, Majestica asked for a contract term of 55 years, it was based in its typical management contract term in the world, CPS just had been prepared to offer 12 years, it based on the level of licensing in China. After consideration, CPS made a concession, CPS countered with an offer of 30 years, but Majestica insisted that the hotel management contract term should be at least 50 years. Second, pre-opening assistance, CPS couldn’t accept Majestica’s request for retaining the approval right over all design aspects relating to the hotel, Majestica argued that it was make sure that the hotel would be developed as an excellent hotel. Third, name of the hotel, CPS suggested that the hotel be named â€Å"Shanghai Oceania – Majestica Hotel†, but Majestica insisted â€Å"Majestica Hotel, Shanghai†. Fourth, the form of the hotel should be defined well. The purpose for CPS, they require the owner should have the privileges that have the special access to the hotel and the office use as a hotel room, but Majestica thinks it would make confusion for the hotel management. Majestica really sticks to its philosophy of the hotel management. Fifth, the sovereignty of Corporate Governance, CPS proposed Chinese general manager would be used in the near future, the number of the expatriate managers should be reduce and local managers trained to replace them, and the equipment purchase in domestic also, but Majestica believes that the competence of the general manager was more important issue than their Chinese background, did not believe the local people would have the ability to achieve the service culture. Besides, Majestica insisted that it must have the exclusive responsibility and authority on hiring general staffing and buying facilities, the owner have not any privileges, also a minority equity position. The management contract is complicated between the owner and the technical supplier, so, inevitably, Majestica and CPS must have to communicate a great deal of times. In these negotiations, if we were Majestica. We would make concessions in appropriate range. As a later entrant and in the new emerging market-China, it must have to be inferior and sacrifice a lot to enter the market and impress customers, especially the communist policy in China and the trade partner-CPS. We will afraid that the extra demand and requirement to CPS will provoke the government negative feelings no matter municipal or the China government. If did that, it must be the most difficult to gain the access to this potential market, even though the contract is so disadvantageous to us. Technically, the attributes of Majestica can’t be doubted. We will insist the professional to maintain and develop our quality. Like the 30 length of contract to prevent the leasing of our tips and exclusive technique of the management; the equipments in hotel could let them make decisions on several items, but the special items should keep to stay the style and the luxury level; the staffing would be trained, capable and selected as a fixed rate between foreigner and local people; we could make the concession on the general manager and the owner’s access to hotel rooms, but it depends on the general manager ability not the nationality and try the best not to influence the management; we will also try our best to be nice and friendly in negotiation and arbitration place. Last but not the least, the name to get into the new market is vital, so we will stick our opinion and not to change . On the other hand, if Majestica refuses to make concessions, what the action will we take as CPS? We won’t walk away emotionally because the Chinese market is opening to the whole world now; it is a good opportunity for CPS to get some more experiences with big company such as Majestica. To make up this business connection, it is not only benefiting for these years, but also help them to find out what kind of position they can be fitted in. In another way to talk about it, the hardest part of this situation is both of them have different operating philosophy. We can say there is not only one way to lead success, however doing the right thing, giving the customers what they expect will always be the same rules for no doubt. Actually, CPS should pay more efforts to understand why Majestica can get on the top place in this industry. And then, they would know why Majestica asks for so many requests. Only if CPS and Majestica get the complete information which both of them should know, they can start to discuss about making concessions. Otherwise, it could be a chemistry situation without any reaction as no one takes in other’s shoes. The brand-new market, the brand-maintaining firm with principles and strong philosophy of managing, the huge investor as the owner of the hotel with nationalist and hoping to do best in china market with low cost, each of them weave a complex and profound issue which deserves us to debate deeply. It is crucial to think about that how to gain into the new market as a later entrant; how to maintain the quality and philosophy against the investor with demands.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The Value Of Small Group Interaction In Teaching Education Essay
Collaborative acquisition, synergism acquisition, small-group acquisition, and concerted acquisition seem to be the new cants used by faculty members. This is due to the intensifying involvement over the past few old ages, with respect to the different attacks to learning and larning. Particularly the passage from individualistic to collaborative acquisition manners has been under huge examination as university module members and decision makers are rediscovering the construct of ‘two caputs being better than one ‘ . The involvement is been chiefly incited at a graduate student degree, where the key purposes are to develop the ability of pupils to believe critically, enhance mutuality and arrive at a socially constructed apprehension of the stuff provided. In add-on, alterations in organisational substructure have resulted in an increased accent on squad work within the work force. Consequently, the acquisition manner implemented at postgraduate degree is critical as it i s the stepping rock into the universe of work. This reappraisal aims to measure the value of little group interaction in the instruction and acquisition procedure. Specifically, this reappraisal will measure how this method impacts learning and larning at a postgraduate degree. More specifically, in this reappraisal little group interaction includes collaborative acquisition, concerted acquisition, every bit good as equal acquisition. The history of this method of acquisition will be looked at first to give a clearer image of how it has evolved since its origin. Cardinal footings will so be defined, as they are applicable in this reappraisal, to guarantee apprehension of the most of import constructs occurs from the start. This will be followed by the theories that have developed, the advantages, and so the restrictions on the subject, so that a clear statement can be developed. Therefore, it will be determined whether collaborative methods consequence in the enhanced value of learning and larning at postgraduate degree. This pro be is greatly needed at a higher instruction level- as it is a topographic point where the competition is rife, clip force per unit areas are high and there is a great trade of external force per unit area to develop the leaders of tomorrow.2. History of collaborative acquisitionAlthough the history of collaborative acquisition is really unelaborated, it is non a comparatively new method of larning. It appears likely that people have been larning informally in groups for 1000s of old ages ( McInnerney & A ; Roberts, 2004 ) . Kimber ( 1994 ) states that collaborative acquisition was foremost instituted in Greek and Roman schools and coincides with the doctrine of Socratic larning – when pupils ‘ inquiring and discourse were emphasized. Johnson, Johnson, and Holubec ( 1993 ) stated the Roman philosopher, Seneca showed support for concerted acquisition through statements such as: Qui Docet Discet ( when you teach, you learn twice ) . Kimber ( 1996 ) and Johnson et Al ( 1993 ) province that concerted acquisition came into prominence in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries in Europe and England. During this period Joseph Lancaster and Andrew Bell made extended usage of `monitorial ‘ systems which were devised to enable big Numberss of pupils gain simple instruction at post-industrial revolution schools which were missing in trained instructors. Student ‘monitors ‘ were used to learn other disadvantaged or younger students. Similarly, in the early 19th century concerted acquisition gained popularity among pedagogues across a spectrum of didactic Fieldss. In the late 1930 ‘s, nevertheless, interpersonal competition began to be emphasized in schools and in the late sixtiess, individualistic acquisition began to be used extensively. In the 1980s, schools one time once more began to utilize concerted acquisition. The work of Johnson, Johnson and Smith ( 1991 ) transferred the value of active acquisition to the university degree and argued that big schoolrooms could besides be transformed to go student-centered learning environments. In 1989, a workshop was held in Maratea, Italy. This workshop is considered by many to hold marked the birth of the field of computer-supported collaborative acquisition ( Bereiter, 2002 ; Stahl, Koschmann, & A ; Suthers, 2006 ; Lipponen, 2002 ) . Additionally in 1996, Koschmann ( 1996 ) suggested computer-supported collaborative acquisition ( CSCL ) as an emerging theoretical account of educational engineering and CSCL has been progressing of all time since.3. Definition of footingsCollaborative acquisition has been established in a assortment of ways over clip in a spectrum of academic Fieldss. In the broadest sense, collaborative acquisition is defined by Dillenbourg ( 1999, p.1 ) as â€Å" a state of affairs in which two or more people learn or attempt to larn something together. †The ‘two or more people ‘ referred to in the definition above, is applicable in equal acquisition as â€Å" person of the same societal standing †( Falchikov, 2001, p.1 ) , which in an educational context implies person â€Å" within the same category or cohort †( Falchikov, p.3 ) . For illustration, pupils presently finishing their Masters Degree in Human Resource Management who web and addition cognition from interaction with each other are prosecuting in equal acquisition. Common to the assorted definitions of collaborative acquisition is that accent is placed on the thought of joint building of cognition and common battle of participants ( Lipponen, 2002 ) . In this reappraisal the footings collaborative acquisition and concerted acquisition are used interchangeably. However, a differentiation between the two must be noted. The former involves the joint battle of pupils, at assorted public presentation degrees, in a co-ordinated attempt to work out the job together ( Panitz, 1996 ) . The latter is accomplished by agencies of the division of labour, pupils work together in little groups to carry through a common end, whereby each individual is responsible for a fraction of the job resolution ( Roschelle & A ; Teasly, in imperativeness ; Cooper, McKinney, and Robinson ( 1991 ) ; Gokhale 1995 ) . In add-on, Dillenbourg, Baker, Blaye and O'Malley ( 1996 ) indicate that basically the two differ by virtuousness of the manner the undertaking is divided: in concerted acquisition, the undertaking is split hierarchically into independent subtasks ; in collaborative acquisition, the cognitive patterned advance may be heterarchially divided into int ertwined beds. When utilizing the footings collaborative or cooperative larning interchangeably, the definition applicable, as stated by ( Yazici, 2005, p.217 ) is: â€Å" the instructional usage of little groups or squads where equal interaction plays a cardinal function in larning †. Additionally, Dillenbourgh ( 1999 ) contends that collaborative acquisition can be understood as a pedagogical method or a psychological procedure. Collaborative acquisition in a pedagogical sense is normative: one asks two or more people to join forces because it is expected they will in this mode learn expeditiously. In the psychological sense it is descriptive: one observes that two or more people have gained cognition and coaction is viewed as the mechanism which caused the acquisition. In this reappraisal, collaborative acquisition will be applied in the pedagogical sense with respect to postgraduate degree acquisition.4. Learning at graduate student degreeThere are considerable differences in the purposes and methods of instruction and acquisition at undergraduate and postgraduate degree of instruction ( Lave & A ; Wenger, 1991 ; Barnacle, 2005 ; Donnelly, 2008 ; Butler,1993 ) . The cardinal purpose at postgraduate degree is to come on the ability of pupils to believe criticall y ( Jones, Michael, Gear, & A ; Read, 2006 ) . The procedure referred to as ‘post-conventional believing ‘ by Ashley ( 1973 as cited in Jones et al 2006 ) is critical in carry throughing this purpose. He defines it as a procedure â€Å" during which the pupil is able to travel from a place of noncritical credence of the orthodox to one of originative dissent, a procedure that stretches the mind and encourages the outgrowth of new or revised ways of thought †( Ashley, as cited in Jones et Al, p.379 ) . Collaborative larning Fosters this procedure as it stretches the mind and encourages the outgrowth of advanced or revised ways of thought ( Ladyshewsky, 2006 ; Jones et Al, 2006 ) . Similarly, Machemer and Crawford ( 2007 ) argue that the traditional talk method of learning has two important failings at postgraduate degree. First, it promotes pupil passiveness which does non heighten or prolong the pupils ‘ acquisition. Second, the extremist alterations and elaborateness of the information makes it hard to draw-up talks that cover the necessary deepness, comprehensiveness and advanced cognition required. Conversely, a survey conducted in graduate student medical instruction resulted in both collaborative acquisition and the traditional talk method being every bit effectual in bettering the cognition degrees of pupils ( Smits, De Buisonje , Verbeek, Van Dijk, Metz, and Cate, 2003 ) . Therefore, when sing execution of collaborative acquisition methods, the context which it is to be applied every bit good as the construct of battle should be taken into history. The construct of battle is cardinal to successful acquisition at postgraduate degree ( Jungst, Licklider, and Wiersma, 2003 ) . Consequently as cited by Jungst et Al. it is in the active acquisition environment that a deeper degree of understanding and true acquisition occurs, larning that can be transferred to the universe outside of the schoolroom. In add-on, at postgraduate degree, pupils transform as societal agents and signifier individualities as scholars, professionals and, more widely, as members of society ( Havness, 2008 ) . However, antecedently O'Donell, Tobell, and Zammit ( 2007 ) argued that the nature of passage from undergraduate to postgraduate survey is less ambitious and there is small to get the better of because, in kernel, the environment remains the same. After farther survey, O'Donell et Al ( 2009 ) concluded that there should be greater independent survey by pupils at postgraduate degree and farther synergistic workshop-style instruction, taking to knowledge and understanding which is socially constructed instead than passively received.( Beginning: Stahl, 2000, p.71 )In add-on to knowledge being socially constructed, Stahl ( 2000 ) states that cognition should be personally constructed every bit good. Stahl farther explains that the diagram aims to associate the person and the societal facets in the knowledge-building procedure. This procedure begins with the rhythm of personal apprehension. The staying parts of the diagram exemplify how the person ‘s personal beliefs and civilization are influenced by other people ‘s values, beliefs and point of views ( societal procedure ) . A shared civilization is so formed, which impacts on the personal apprehension, as it takes form through act uponing the ways of thought, diverseness influences, every bit good as motivational concerns. The procedure is initiated once more when the new civilization adopted by the single influences others as he / she interacts with different groups of people. However, to guarantee that a knowledge-building procedure does in fact occur, the pros and cons of collaborative acquisition should be weighed up.5. Advantages of collaborative acquisitionFor the successful passage to take topographic point, a great trade of research sing the result of collaborative acquisition in contrast to traditional instructional patterns has been conducted ( Kimber, 1994 ) . Instructor-centered methods of learning can non adequately impact the complex results ( job work outing accomplishments ; higher order believing accomplishments ; the ability to hold a diverse positions view ; ethical logical thinking ; and life-long acquisition ) that a postgraduate pupil requires ( Jungst et al, 2003 ) . Numerous surveies look intoing higher instruction conclude that pupils who follow in-class collaborative acquisition processs and actively collaborate with each other are more satisfied with their acquisition experience and consequence in greater positive results when compared to pupils who are exposed to the traditional talk method ( Kimber, 1994 ; Alavi, 1994 ) . Consequently, this satisfaction consequences from interpersonal relationships which are developed and enhanced through group acquisition ( Johnson et al, 1991 ) . Another factor lending to the satisfaction of collaborative acquisition methods is that it is per se motivative, as each single member is critical to procuring a productive, concerted acquisition pattern ( Havness, 2008 ) . Andrews ‘ ( 1992 ) work with larning squads confirms the position that greater satisfaction is experienced as collaborative larning improves assurance and supports the acquisition procedure. Additionally, Johnson & A ; Johnson ( 1994 ) concluded that concerted larning systematically produced higher tonss of self-efficiency than did individualistic conditions. Besides greater satisfaction is achieved since equals are at an equal degree and therefore can be more unfastened and explore to the full the countries of cognitive struggle ( Ladyshewsky, 2006 ) . This satisfaction experienced consequences in avidity to larn ( Kimber, 1994 ) . In add-on, the degree of equality with equals encourages greater dynamic battle in the acquisition procedure and building of cognition with deeper apprehension ( Alavi, 1994 ) . Attainment of greater understanding consequences in longer keeping of information and turning away of abrasion ( Cooper, 1990 ) . As a consequence, job resolution accomplishments are enhanced and it consequences in higher order thought ( Jaarsma, De Graves, and Muijtjens, 2008 ) . Likewise, Mazen, Jones, and Sergenian ( 2000 ) further supports the importance of group acquisition by indicating out that by working hand in glove, pupils can heighten accomplishments and advanced ways of believing which will ensue in group procedure additions. When working hand in glove, the issue of diverseness must non be forgotten. Escalating Numberss of postgraduate pupils from diverse backgrounds with changing positions and readings are holding a profound consequence on concerted acquisition ( Booth, Bowie, Jordan, and Rippin, 2000 ) . Wyss-Flamm ( 2002 ) points out that the outgrowth of ‘difference ‘ is indispensable to larning. Exposure to the differences can elicit the demand to try to come in each other ‘s heads and therefore larning something for which the tool of conversation is priceless ( Argyris & A ; Schion, 1996 ) . Similarly, Stein and Hurd ( 2000 ) acknowledge that collaborative acquisition transforms the acquisition environment into a student-centered one, which capitalizes on the diverseness of the pupils, and lessens dependance on the professor as the individual conveyor of cognition. This can ensue in interpersonal every bit good as intrapersonal procedures interacting with each other, making chances for larning to happen within the established modus operandis ( single-loop acquisition ) or larning that requires advanced modus operandis be created ( double-loop acquisition ) ( Argyris, 1999 ) . In contrast, Foldy ( 2004 ) states that persons who are portion of diverse groups will be characterized by feelings of misgiving or non experiencing safe as they are non grouped with those similar to them. Consequently, there will be greater intra-group struggle originating. Therefore, Booth et Al. bespeak that diverseness can merely be valuable to the acquisition if the differences are recognized and appreciated. Similarly, Milliken & A ; Martins ( 1996, p. 403 ) province that diverseness in concerted larning groups can be seen as a â€Å" double-edged blade †, intending that it possesses the possible to be of great advantage, but this will merely happen if it is managed efficaciously. Extra benefits of collaborative acquisition, adapted from Nunamaker, Dennis, Valacich, Vogel, and George, ( 1991 ) , include: the group generates more information and options as compared to the mean single group member ; group larning motivates the person to execute better ; groups are more effectual and nonsubjective in rating, and in conclusion, interactions amongst group members lead to synergisms. Similarly, Boud, Cohen, and Sampson ( 2001, cited in Havnes, 2008 ) highlight five results that can peculiarly be advanced by equal acquisition schemes, these include: working with others ; critical question and contemplation ; communicating and articulation of cognition, understanding and accomplishments ; pull offing acquisition and how to larn ; self and peer appraisal. In add-on, collaborative acquisition has been found to back up greater productiveness, coevals of originative thoughts or advanced solutions, and heighten the pupils ‘ ability of societal position pickings ( Cus eo, 1992 ; Lord, 2001 ) . However it must be noted that these positive results do non predominate with all groups and in all contexts as the outlooks of group members may non conform to each other ( Felder & A ; Brent, 2001 ) or societal idleness of free equitation may happen within the group ( Mello, 1993 ) . These jobs, if experienced, can finally ensue in the devastation of the group. However, when the positive results of collaborative acquisition do transpire, it supports the constructive impact that this method of acquisition has on academic-related accomplishment ( Alavi, 1994 ) . This is farther supported by empirical grounds of improved accomplishment at postgraduate degree ( DaRos- Voseles, Onwuegbuzie, and Qun, 2008 ; Collins, Cao, and Robidoux, 2004 ) . The degrees of academic accomplishment attained are fostered by the collaborative acquisition environment as it gives pupils an chance to prosecute in treatment, take duty for their single acquisition every bit good as accomplishment of the group ‘s ends, and therefore go critical minds ( Totten, Sills, Digby, and Russ, 1991 ) . This was farther proven in a survey conducted by Gokhale ( 1995 ) .5.1 Study to find effectivity of collaborative acquisition: Gokhale 1995The intent of this survey was to find the effectivity of collaborative larning versus single acquisition as it relates to larning results achieved. The population for the survey comprised of pupils in industrial engineering, enrolled at Western Illinois University. The intervention comprised of two parts: talk and worksheet. First, a common talk was delivered to both intervention groups. Next, one subdivision was indiscriminately assigned to the â€Å" single acquisition group †while the other subdivision was assigned to the â€Å" collaborative acquisition group †. The same worksheet was given to both intervention groups. It was comprised of both drill-and-practice points ( factual cognition and comprehension ) and critical- thought points ( analysis, synthesis and rating of constructs ) . Subsequent to a statistical analysis of the trial tonss, the consequences depicted that pupils who participated in collaborative acquisition had performed significantly better on the critical-thinking trial than pupils who studied separately. It was besides found that both groups performed every bit good on the drill-and-practice trial. The collaborative acquisition medium provided pupils with chances to analyse, synthesise and measure thoughts hand in glove. Therefore, the positive results of this survey on collaborative acquisition can be applied at a graduate student degree where the cardinal purpose is for pupils to believe critically and heighten cognition and apprehension which is socially constructed ( Jones et al 2006 ) . The consequences of this survey conform to the developmental positions ( Slavin, 1995 ) of collaborative acquisition proposed by the advocates of collaborative acquisition such as Vygotsky and Piaget.5.2 Piaget ‘s Constructivist PerspectiveValidation o f concerted acquisition stems, in portion, from theories of societal mutuality ( Johnson, Johnson, and Smith, 1998 ) . Piaget ‘s socio-cognitive struggle theory provinces that kids ( or grownups ) on different degrees of cognitive development, or those persons on the same degree of cognitive development with differing positions, can prosecute in societal interaction that leads to a cognitive struggle. Through treatment with other equals, the ‘shock of our idea coming into contact with others ‘ ( Piaget, 1928 ) leads to a disequilibrium within participants. This consequences in the building of new conceptual constructions and understanding in order to reconstruct equilibrium. ( Ladyshewsky, 2006 ; Slavin, 1987 ; Lipponen, 2002 ) . The importance of collaborative acquisition can be farther understood by Vygotsky ‘s theoretical model.5.3 Vygotsky zone of proximal developmentParallel to Piaget ‘s constructivist position ( Piaget,1969 ) , Vygotsky ‘s t heoretical concept of the zone of proximal development provides strong support for the inclusion of concerted acquisition as a method of instructional scheme as it consequences in the sweetening of the acquisition that occurs. Vygotsky ( 1978 ) defines the zone of proximal development as â€Å" The distance between the existent developmental degree as determined by independent job resolution and the degree of possible development as determined through job work outing under grownup counsel or in coaction with more capable equals. †( See figure 2 )Figure 2: Zone of Proximal DevelopmentBeginning: Harnum ( 2009 )5.4 Theory of concerted acquisitionSupporting the theory of societal mutuality, Slavin ( 1995 ) proposed a two-element theory of concerted larning comprising of positive mutuality and single answerability. Likewise, Johnson et Al. ( 1991a, 1991b ) advocated a five-component theory of concerted acquisition. Harmonizing to the theoretical account, the following five elemen ts are indispensable for maximising the long-run success of the concerted learning venture:Figure 3: Pillars of concerted acquisitionPillars of Cooperative LearningFace-to-face interactionPositive mutualityGroupprocessingIndividual AccountabilitySocialaccomplishmentsAdapted: www.foundationcoalition.orgThe presence of the five basic constituents of concerted acquisition may all be accounted for within the theoretical model provided by Vygotsky ‘s zone of proximal development. Positive Mutuality: It is the connecting of pupils reciprocally so that the person can non win unless all group members win ( Johnson, Johnson, and Smith, 1998 ) . Vygotskys ‘s theory rests upon the rule that a kid ‘s development is dependent upon interactions with other kids and grownups. Therefore, kids and grownups are developmentally dependent, and hence interdependent ( Doolittle, 1995 ) . Face-to-face interaction: Within concerted acquisition, face-to-face interaction involves pupils need to make existent work jointly in which they promote each other ‘s success by sharing resources and helping, back uping, encouraging, and acknowledging each other ‘s attempts to accomplish the group ‘s ends ( Johnson et al 1998 ) . It is interpreted in the Vygotskian system as societal mediation and encultration. Encultration refers to what is learnt, while societal mediation refers to how it is learnt. Individual answerability: It is the belief held by each person that he/she will be held responsible for his/her ain public presentation and acquisition ( Johnson et al 1998 ) . For Vygotsky, single answerability would be reflected in each group member being responsible for developing within their ain alone zone of proximal development ( Doolittle, 1995 ) . Group Processing: Group treating exists when group members discuss how good they are accomplishing their ends and measuring ways to better the productivity of all group member in accomplishing the group ends ( Johnson et al 1998 ; Doolittle, 1995 ) . Within the model of Vygotsky ‘s theory, portion of direction entails the changeless monitoring of each pupil ‘s growing within their zone of proximal development ( Doolittle, 1995 ) . This survey was inconclusive in demoing that graduate squads perform better with collaborative acquisition manners. However, the consequences for graduate pupils indicate that collaborative acquisition manner is influential in public presentation, along with competitory and participant acquisition manners. Johnson and Johnson ( 1998 ) besides conclude that alumnus pupils portray the traits of independent scholars and are enthusiastic to obtain some enterprise and lament to accept duties for their ain acquisition. Therefore, professors should be more interested to ease independent larning. Furthermore, Johnson and Johnson province that the function of facilitator or delegator ensures working with pupils in a advisory manner and sweetening of the pupils ‘ capacity to larn independently, this is similar to what is required in organisational squads.6.2 Problems with collaborative acquisition mannerDespite the positive results that have been stated, there are many jobs that exist as good ( Machemer & A ; Crawford, 2007 ) . These jobs have resulted in some professors defying to prosecute in alternate theoretical accounts for learning and larning despite holding academic freedom in their instruction manners ( Moore, 2005 ) . The jobs experienced foremost include, a slow passage from traditional to collaborative signifiers of acquisition may happen particularly with pupils who can non accommodate easy or those who are extremely immune to alter ( Kimber, 1994 ) . Second, the degree of psychological safety in the colloquial infinite is a major determiner in results achieved ( Jones et al. , 2006 ) . Anxiety may originate as a consequence of the strangeness of the stuff being studied, or by the strain of lending to the conversation in a ambitious manner and could motivate a negative response and turning away of acquisition ( Vince & A ; Martin, 1993 ) . Third, unconstructive discourse may originate when consensus can non be reached with respects to the stuff, ends o r values ( Bruffee, 1984 ) . The increasing heterogeneousness ( Baer, 1996 ) and diverseness amongst graduate student pupils ( Booth et al. , 2000 ) escalates the happening of dysfunctional discourse in the acquisition procedure. Students may show farther hurdlings for collaborative acquisition which include: deficiency of engagement, backdown due to fear of negative rating, fright of some pupils ruling the session, troubles in maintaining the treatment focused, information overload for single members and measuring the degree of understanding ( Anderson, 1995 ; Nunamaker et al. , 1991 ) . The jobs experienced have caused certain lectors to give up on concerted larning techniques on the whole ( Cohen, 1994 ) . In the same manner, Machemer and Crawford ( 2007 ) point out that lectors give up on concerted larning methods as it has limited schoolroom ( talk ) application. In add-on, the design and testing of collaborative activities and lessons can be time-consuming on presently overloaded module agendas ( Cooper, 1995 ) . This consequences in concerns from a learning position, such as: the course of study non being completed as the activities take up a great trade of clip ; perceived loss of control in the schoolroom ; and trouble in measuring the pupils ‘ engagement and effectivity of the collaborative acquisition manners ( Gerlach, 1994 ) . Similarly, extra concerns include: the insufficiency of collaborative larning techniques in making high knowledge-attainment degrees with complex stuff, every bit good as pupils missing the critical features for working in effectual squads ( Cooper, 1995 ; Lord, 2001 ) . These critical features are what the ideal squad member should possess, which leads to the issue that the collaborative theoretical account assumes how professors are supposed to learn, how pupils are supposed to larn, and how cognition is created ( Moore, 2005 ) . However, Bruffee ( 1993 ) argues that cognition is non something transferred from one person ‘s caput to the following. â€Å" Collaborative acquisition assumes alternatively that cognition is a consensus among the members of a community of knowing peers-something people concept by speaking together and making understanding †( Bruffee, 1993, p. 3 ) . Furthermore, Nias ( 1987 ) argues, that it is evident that non all pupils take an active function in the analysis of instances through argument. As affirmed by Jones et al 2006, a figure of factors may lend to this, including: Lack of assurance: pupils may grok the instance but do non set across their sentiment. Lack of involvement: the capable country may non be of involvement to each pupil. Lack of engagement: there are identifiable barriers to involvement ; e.g. domination of some pupils or linguistic communication barriers. Lack of readying: a deficiency of clip, committedness or motive. These factors should be mitigated every bit far as possible so as to make positive groups which help people to do positive alterations ( Goleman, Boyatzis, and Mckee, 2002 ) . Positive groups emerge where there are high degrees of single answerability, group coherence, seasonably and effectual feedback and expressed wagess for high degrees of group public presentation ( Michaelson, Fink, and Knight, 1997 ) . In contrast, unsatisfactory groups appear where free equitation or societal idleness ( doing less attempt to accomplish a end ) occurs ( Brooks & A ; Ammons, 2003 ; Mello, 1993 ) . This may give rise to interpersonal struggles and finally group devastation ( Jehn & A ; Mannix 2001 ; Miller, 2003 ) . Conversely, a longitudinal survey conducted ; found that a peculiar form of struggle resulted in higher group public presentation. This form was created as â€Å" squads executing good were characterized by low but increasing degrees of procedure struggle ; low degrees of relationship struggle, with a rise near undertaking deadlines ; and moderate degrees of undertaking struggle at the center of group interaction †( Jehn & A ; Mannix, p.238 ) . The persons ‘ dissatisfaction will most likely influence squad public presentation, squad stableness, the size and construction of the group, and temporal range ( Alge, Wiethoff, and Klein, 2003 ; Johnson et al. , 1991 ; Jaques, 2000 ) . In add-on, diverseness ( Koppenhaver & A ; Shrader, 2003 ) and the squad members ‘ personal features, such as psychological profile, corporate orientation, and larning penchants are likely to act upon public presentation ( Kunkel & A ; Shafer, 1997 ; Lancaster & A ; Strand, 2001 ; Mennecke, Hoffer, and Wynne, 1992 ; Robbins, 1994 ) . These restrictions therefore pose a major menace to full development of the positive facets associated with collaborative acquisition and to the success of this method on the whole.7. DecisionFrom the reappraisal it is evident that there are assorted consequences sing the value of collaborative instruction and acquisition at postgraduate degree. It is evident that the benefits of this method outweigh the negative facets. However it must be noted, that the benefits do non use to all involved and if the restrictions are non adequately taken into history, the effects are bound to be black. In add-on, the diverseness amongst pupils particularly at postgraduate degree is intensifying. The heterogeneousness of pupils must be considered and hence, a ‘one method fits all ‘ attack should non be applied. Supervisors should change learning manners to suit for the diverseness of larning penchants amongst pupils. However, future research should be conducted to find the consequence of jointly using the different larning methods on pupils, their perceptual experiences or value placed on these techniques, and whether these methods will guarantee that optimum larning takes topographic point. Professors need to switch from the impression that â€Å" instruction is stating, acquisition is absorbing, and cognition is subject-matter content †( Spence, 2001, p.12 ) . This is important as employers in current organisations are demanding more than merely proficient cognition of university alumnuss ( Jungst, Licklider, and Wiersma, 2003 ) . They require alumnuss who can believe under force per unit area, guarantee effectivity in team-work, communicate efficaciously, and build new cognition and thoughts that will give their employers the border in the current fast-paced universe. ( Gardiner, 1994 ; Brown & A ; Lassoie, 1998 ) . Therefore, by altering the patterns of instruction and acquisition in the schoolroom, there is greater possible for the happening of transmutations -for the persons, organisations, and systems ( Moore, 2005 ) . The possibility to restructure and rethink instruction and acquisition at postgraduate degree is exciting, exciting, disputing, hazardous, and ripe with possibility.
Perfume Essay
This essay will compare and contrast the various methods used by the author and director of the novel Perfume. Perfume, written by Patrick Suskind and adapted by Tom Tykwer, is a dramatic, crime thriller about the life of a murderer. Born and raised in Paris, Jean-Baptiste survives the most gruelling childhood; his father unknown and mother executed for attempting to kill him, rejected by the wet nurses in the village and when finally taken in by Madame Gaillard at the orphanage, the children endeavour to kill him. They fear he is dangerous because of his lack of personal scent. However Grenouille survives through even their best efforts, survives the measles, dysentery, chicken pox and cholera. It is clear that this child is special not only because of his amazing ability to endure the most appalling conditions but also because of his exceptionally talented sense of smell. The title â€Å"Perfume†gives the reader/viewer a good idea of what to expect from the very beginning. Trying to translate Grenouille’s olfactory language into visual picture was from the beginning a mammoth task than is expertly accomplished by the director through the use of audio and several visual components. It is however much easier to do in a book because the reader can be manipulated through their personal experience with smell. Therefore from this point the book is mildly better even though it is at a disadvantage because the reader has no visual aid. The main themes of Perfume are black humour, emotionally/mentally challenged people, hatred of humanity and seeing importance in others life only when they affect your own. These themes are portrayed well throughout both the book and film. The most prominent is seeing importance in others life only when they affect your own. For example, Madame Gaillard dies in a tragic way shortly after she sells Grenouille. In the book she dies of cancer in a crowded bed, in the film she is slit at the throat as she returns home. Monsieur Grimal falls into the river on his way home from celebrating the sale of Grenouille. Giuseppe Baldini’s house falls into the river not long after Grenouille leaves for Grasse. All these deaths symbolise that Grenouille can only value human life if it has something to reward him with; when this is done they no longer exist in his mind. This also explains why Grenouille can kill the innocent girls, take what he wants and leave without feeling any remorse for his actions. One of the best adapted scenes is the opening chapter, Grenouille’s birth. Suskind does an extended description of the putrid place where Grenouille was born. â€Å"The streets stank of manure, the courtyards of urine, the stairwells stank of mouldering wood and rat droppings, the kitchens of spoiled cabbage and mutton fat†, this quote goes on for a considerable amount of time yet it is necessary because there is so many rotten smells included that everyone can relate to at least one. This provokes the reader to think of the most revolting smells they have ever experienced and then try to imagine them worse. In the film, Tykwer uses a fast moving, rolling shot to show the reader the various scents that inhabit the area. And he uses shots of typically revolting objects such as rats, fish guts, sick and rotting vegetables. These smells are relatable to humans and so the viewer can appreciate how bad it smells, however this may not be as powerful as the smell that the human imagination can fabricate from the book. Also he employs the sound of a heartbeat and rapid breathing of the new-born babe to humanise the situation and to portray the struggle the baby has to survive. The heartbeat makes us anxious and so we wonder whether the baby will survive. The baby breathing rapidly makes us question if it can continue. However regardless of this the baby lets out a scream. The audio effects stop and this could symbolise that as soon as the baby chose to live it ended the life of his mother and shows that the world is not the same. Obviously some scenes from the book have had to be cut to stay within a reasonable screen time, one of the scenes cut is the scientific study that is carried out on Grenouille nevertheless this is not missed and the film makes up for such scenes in other aspects. One of the biggest advantages the film has over the book is that it can use the best actors suited to the role. The actor that plays Grenouille, Ben Whishaw is perfectly suited to the character. He has a childlike voice that represents his innocence, not that his soul is innocent but because he has been void of all love for his whole life. His life was only valued by those wanted something from him. His character is also very good because his expression can be changed in an instant. In one scene he can appear helpless and angelic while in another he can be closer to the devil than a human. The way he sets himself into the role is nothing less than perfect; he scuttles as he should, hunches as he should and does everything as weirdly as is should be. Grenouille is a disturbing character and this is very well portrayed by the actor. In the book Grenouille doesn’t say much because the book is written in third person. This is used so that the reader can get close into the minds of all the characters instead of being limited to one. This also means that we can observe events happening in all the different places. In the film this is done through the use of a narrator. However the narrator does tend to disclose information that as viewers might have preferred to interpret ourselves. So even though the narrator is used in both the book and film the effects are far better in the book. To conclude, there are many similarities between the book and film adaption of Perfume that are equally as good as each other but some aspects such as the narrator are stronger in the book. Equally particular aspects of the film are better, for instance the ability to use actors. One of the primary differences is the character change of Grenouille from book to film. The book shows him as a conniving parasite that is very good at manipulating people. The film shows a man who is unaware of the effects of his actions and is somewhat innocent. The strongest parts of the book are the descriptions of the in-depth break down of the various scents and how deep into Grenouille’s mind the reader gets, since spoken language is not Grenouilles strength. The best bits of the film are casting decisions and the superb adaption that captures the soul of the book and enhances it through captivating music and images. It’s like smelling with your eyes.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Joyas Voladoras Essay
Brian Doyle Joyas Volardores Analysis Brian Doyle’s work, Joyas Voladoras, is about humming birds, a whale, worms, and a cat dragging itself into the forest to die. He uses a lot of metaphors and anthropomorphism in his style to grab your attention. By describing the life we live and how we love, Doyle compares and contrasts differences and similarities between the Hummingbird, Tortoise, Blue whale, small insects and humans. He talks about love and emotion, insecurities and loneliness, and childhood memories. Doyle emphasizes that life is precious and that there are different ways to live your life. In the beginning of the story Doyle reveals the meaning of â€Å"Joyas Voladoras†, meaning â€Å"Flying Jewels†. He brings to the reader, in vivid detail, the Hummingbird. With each following description, the reader is fed an informative education about this fascinating bird. Doyle describes the humming birds heart by saying that the humming bird has a, â€Å"thunderous wild heart the size of an infants fingernail†(147). Joyas Voladoras Meaning He gradually elongates his ideas, simply giving the reader a moment to reflect before elucidating the humming bird’s many talents. He says that humming birds can fly â€Å"backwards [or] fly more than five hundred miles without pausing to rest.†(147) â€Å"But when they rest they come close to death.†(147) Doyle is grabbing the reader and explaining how fragile life is. You could live every day not knowing that today could be your last. Just like the Hummingbird with, â€Å"their hearts slugging nearly to a halt, barely beating.†(147) Doyle cites the numerous variations of Hummingbirds to our own beating hearts. He says that when a humming bird dies â€Å"each mad heart silent, a brilliant music stilled.†(147) Just as that of our own heart. Joyas Voladoras may seem as if it has no real significance. Yet, given Doyle’s backstory, I came to understand that his son was born with only three out four chambers in his heart. Through this experience, Doyle is writing about how precious life really is. And, by conveying this experience he had with his son, through the hummingbird as a metaphor, it allows us to reflect on our own lives. Doyle suggests that hummingbirds live their lives quickly. He says we each have â€Å"approximately two billion heartbeats to spend in a lifetime†(148). You can live your life many ways. You can live you life like that of a tortoise, â€Å"slowly [and] live to be two hundred years old.†(148) Or, you can life your life like that of a hummingbird, in the fast lane and live for only two years. Same two billion heartbeats in a lifetime, yet two different pathways of life. â€Å"As big as a room. It is a room, with four chambers. A child could walk around in.†(148) Doyle introduces the blue whale, the biggest heart in the world. I believe that in this metaphor, Doyle wants you to visualize the vast difference in size between the humming birds heart, the size of a pencil eraser and the blue whale’s heart so large a child could walk around in it. A heart is a heart. No matter what animal, it is what keeps us all alive. However, it’s through our different life styles, that we chose the longevity of our own life. â€Å"There are perhaps ten thousand blue whales in the world, living in every ocean on earth, and of the largest mammal who ever lived we know nearly nothing. But we know the animals with the largest hearts in the world generally travel in pairs.†(148) They know how to live life and love. By living and loving together as a pair they take care of each other every day. Something we all want in life, to love and be loved. â€Å"So much held in a heart in a lifetime. So much held in a heart in a day, an hour, a moment.†(148) Here Doyle is saying how important life is. He compares that to a house in which we all live alone. â€Å"We are utterly open with no one.†(148) We choose who comes into our heart, but are always still living alone. We live like this because we are afraid to of a â€Å"constantly harrowed heart†. (148) As we age our hearts become â€Å" bruised and scarred, scorned and torn, repaired by time and will.†(148) As we live our lives we love. We get hurt through all of life’s heartbreaks, but with time we become whole and â€Å"repaired†but we continue to remain fragile. You can continue to let people in your heart, but each person you let in your heart can be loved or be hurt. You can make â€Å"your heart as stout and tight and hard and cold and impregnable as you possibly can and down it comes in an instant.†(148) He brings you in with tantric imagery we can all relate too, as that of â€Å"a child’s apple breath. The word’s I have something to tell you, a cat with a broken spine dragging himself into the woods to die†¦ [or] the memory of your father’s voice early in the morning making pancakes for his children.†(148-149) I personally have an emotional connection with this story. My sister was born with a severe heart condition. Just like Doyle’s son. But instead of three chambers, she has only two. Having seven open-heart surgeries since infancy and Twenty-Six years of worry and heartache, I can say it’s definitely been a long journey for my sister. To live everyday not knowing what to expect has really enlightened me, and my family. It’s taught me to live everyday graciously and cherish those around you, because you never know what the next minute will bring. Doyle’s work is a beautiful examination of the human heart. He uses an infinite array of metaphors of the heart, explaining the lost passages of life and love. Seeming so insignificant, these memories bring back emotions from past experiences. Through his work he encourages us to see that life is precious and that there are different ways to live your life In general, live every moment of your life. Joyas Voladoras.. â€Å"Flying jewel.†Works Cited DiYanni, Robert. One Hundred Great Essays. New York, Pearson Longman, 2008. Hochstetler, J. M. Native Son. Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan, 2005. â€Å"‘Joyas Voladoras’ by Brian Doyle.†â€Å"Joyas Voladoras†by Brian Doyle – HCC Learning Web,
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