Monday, September 23, 2019

Personal Statement and Additional Information Essay

Personal Statement and Additional Information - Essay Example My inquisitive mind, I believe, is the reason for my inclination towards sciences, especially engineering and research in particular, which has immensely shaped my career. I have been involved directly with chemical engineering over the last four years and have been greatly motivated to pursue a career in chemical engineering research. The chemical engineering coursework which I did for my undergraduate studies gave impetus to my strong desire in me towards research in engineering. The core courses in chemical engineering such as Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Chemical Reaction Engineering and transport phenomena along with the course on Unit Operations have given me a basic foundation of knowledge in chemical engineering. I have worked on various research projects and have come to conclude that the effort and resources spent in conducting research on product development is worthwhile only if there is benefit to the consumers. It is against this background that I seek to embark on studies to improve my research skills in a bid to contribute meaningfully to the society and economy. I therefore decided to integrate my research in chemical engineering with many business related courses as much as possible especially with a bias towards economics to develop a sound understanding of economic impacts on conducting research on product development. Thus, I was motivated to complete courses like Economics, Managerial Economics as well as Financing Economic Development. I have experience in conducting research and my first major project was at Unilever Research India Limited, one of India’s most respected companies in the FMCG sector. I was among one of the privileged top five students in the chemical engineering department selected to participate in the project. Their Department of Corporate Research focuses on developing existing commercial products currently on the market or developing new ones. My

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