Saturday, September 28, 2019

Undecided Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Undecided - Research Paper Example Kate Choplin and Henrick Ibsen tried to depict sensitive, smart women who are not satisfied with their second roles in the man`s world. Kate Choplin`s feminist novels were forgotten after her death as they could not find their reader in her time. But activation of feminist movement in the second half of the 20th century let the readers and the critics see her works in a new light. Chopin’s literature gift, her sophisticated manner of writing influenced by French novelists, and her dedication to social, racial and gender problems were highly evaluated buy new generation of readership. Moreover, her attention to details became a characteristic feature of Choplin`s prose. In â€Å"The story of an Hour† Kate Choplin`s explores marriage from an unexpected perspective. A young woman is told that her husband died in the railroad disaster. Relatives and friends try to present the news in the most delicate way, however the woman goes to her room to be left alone. Here she realizes that death of her husband brought her not only grief but unexpected freedom and relief. Now she can live for herself and be the only mistress of her body and soul. Choplin depicts the woman who perceived marriage devoid of pure love and intimacy as obligation. Such attitude to marriage was typical to the à ©poque but not much attention was drawn to the emotional and psychological state of women in such relationships. To emphasize the degree to which the heroine`s emotions were suppressed Choplin â€Å"kills† her, and explains her death by the sense of happiness. Thus, the author was among the first writers who encouraged women to understand their real emotions and value body and soul freedom above all. In her story â€Å"Desiree`s Baby† Choplin speaks of even more controversial topics- gender and racial discrimination. A beautiful girl abandoned by her parents is raised in the house of noble French Creoles is the principal character of the story. She falls

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