Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Impact National Culture on Leadership Traits and Behaviors Essay

Impact National Culture on Leadership Traits and Behaviors - Essay Example The following are the leadership traits and behaviors that may negatively impact organizational effectiveness in multinational companies: dictatorial, non-cooperative, non-explicit, irritable, egocentric, cruel/ruthless and loner. A dictatorial leader imposes strict commands and orders without leaving any space for dialogue or understanding (Hofstede, 2011). A non-cooperative leader is one who does not show elements of teamwork or support in the company activities. A non-explicit leader is not open but prefers carrying out his or her roles confidentially (Hofstede, 2011). He or she prefers when everything is kept back from the rest of the members, especially subordinates. Irritable leaders are short-tempered and are associated with recurrent instances of disputes and unreasonable ways of thinking. According to Hofstede (2011), egocentric leaders are careless of the feelings of others and are associated with self-centered and insensitive decisions, which leave other people socially hu rt and distressed. Cruel/ruthless leaders are unpleasant and unkind management groups who lead others mercilessly and at times brutally. A loner is a leader who prefers being secluded from the rest of the members. Additionally, loners mostly fail to associate with others (Hofstede, 2011). Yes, I believe that multinational managers must understand the subordinate expectations in order to lead effectively. Subordinate expectations are â€Å"expectations regarding what leaders â€Å"should† do and what they may or may not do† (Cullen & Parboteeah (2014, p. 663). Therefore, understanding subordinate expectations help in delivering exactly what is required in a multinational company. For a country with high power distance, I would recommend an autocratic leadership. High power distance countries are associated with dominant individualism and human rights.  Ã‚  

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